Blogs from Africa - page 2963


Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town November 27th 2006

Hi All, We are still having an awsome time- so much to see and do here! We have had a busy and fun filled week! Starting off with a tour down to Cape Point, the most South westerly point of this huge continent. We started off at Hout's Bay where we did a short boat trip to see lots and lots of seals. Not hugely interesting and the smell was awful! But a great experience! We next headed to Simon's Town! Simon's are very important in this area having starting wine making and many other things. We met some South African Penguins... Yes penguins! Not just any old penguins... Simon's Penguins! We got on our bikes and cycled through the National Park to lunch... After fuel intake we headed to the point (UPHILL THE WHOLE WAY- ... read more
My penguins
Sam's Dassie
Cape of Good Hope

Africa » South Africa » Gauteng » Johannesburg November 27th 2006

Hallo meine Lieben Meine letzten Stunden in Suedafrika sind angebrochen. Ich kann mir noch gar nicht vorstellen, dass ich in weniger als 24 Stunden wieder daheim bin. Puh. Und wenn ich die Mails von allen der Gruppe lese, die jetzt schon seit ein paar Tagen zurueck sind, es wird nicht einfach. Wobei, die letzte Woche ohne all die Leute von der Tour war halt nicht mehr ganz so toll wie der Rest, deshalb faellts mir wohl ein bisschen einfacher, dieses tolle Land zu verlassen. Also, auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10 finde ich es jetzt nur noch 10-schlimm, heim zu fliegen. Letzte Woche waere es noch 20 gewesen... Ausserdem, ich sitze hier im Gefaengnis. Das ist Johannesburg. Wir sind in einer schoenen Lodge etwas ausserhalb untergebracht, sehr sichere Gegend und so. Trotzdem sind meterhohe Zaeune, ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Cairo November 26th 2006

Hi everyone, I'm back! I'm writing to you from our hotel in Prague. We had a pretty quiet day and now some quiet time, so I need to catch up! We left Cairo yesterday morning, and it was quite the ride to the airport. The smog was thick and the traffic was heavy. We only had a day in Cairo and it was a very full day. We left the Masai Mara Game Reserve by way of some small chartered aircraft so that we didn't have to make the 7 hour return trip to Nairobi by van again. (One way was enough for all of us!). It was raining quite heavy the night before so we were a bit leery about the condition of the runway. Anyway, we left at 9 a.m. and all was well. ... read more
Leaving Nairobi
More fun!
King Solomon!

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP November 26th 2006

We had a bit of a lie-in this morning and rose to find that the staff had set-up breakfast on our veranda and there was a chef waiting to cook us breakfast. It was absolutely chucking it down again, so we were glad we didn’t go out. We got ready and went to reception for the 10.30am game drive, only to find that Patrick was saying that it was too wet to go out and that vehicles were getting stuck left, right and centre. We consoled ourselves with a farewell drink with Mark and Paula, only for them to be bustled onto a 4x4 half way through, because their plane was about to land. The afternoon game drive was a bit strange without them. In fact, there were only six of us left in total in ... read more
Mark and Paula's half drunk wine
Bull elephant on the Mara

Africa » Namibia » Windhoek November 26th 2006

"Gorie more" (good morning) All. I arrived after 39.5 hrs, but it took my bags an extra 20hrs. By than I had been already been " adopted" by Hester, an Afrikaan (western african) and her family and friends. I met her at the in Johnasburg airport, and next morning I'm being picked up for shopping city tour and lunch at her home. I am not joking: she does talk more than I do, and I feel right at home. People here are very friendly. Lunch started with a entire raw, skinned lamb presented for chopping by this electric machine. Namibians are huge meat eaters, to my surprise, and like to hunt too. I let than know, gently, that I hardly eat any type of meat/flash at all. "How come????" was the question, over and over again. ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Nyanza Province » Kisumu November 26th 2006

In the early morning of last Sunday I headed out through the flowering water hyacinth onto the waters of Lake Victoria. This lake, the largest in Africa is not really a tourist attraction and very few travelers get out on the waters. The problem is at minimum two-fold: Problem 1) the water hyacinth, said to have been imported for colonial gardens, has plagued the lake in general, and specifically Winam Gulf - where Kisumu is located - for many years. The plant filled the entire Gulf a few years back, literally crippled the Kisumu shipping economy. USAID paid about 20 million USD to eradicate it using some boat-thresher thing, to no avail - the company refused to bribe the government for a permit to bury the minced plant matter, so it was dumped back into the ... read more
Hyacinth...boat...I'm so artsy!
Is anything in Afrika NOT at your own risk?
This is as close as I dared to get

Africa » Angola November 26th 2006

Não quero assustar, nada disso, mas se calhar os pontinhos não passam disso mesmo, pontinhos! E o que eu preciso é de pontos, muitos pontos para ficar nesta terra em que só as formigas dão sinais de alguma organização (estou a ser muito injusto para com as formigas). Sinceramente, isto é tudo muito engraçado, o ir para Angola em busca de novas experiências e as dificuldades que podem ser um desafio, mas estar como eu estou, sem veículo e dependente do juízo de um engenheiro - "engineer" a partir de agora, e com a voz que se ouvia no Command & Conquer (Raquel, é um jogo tipo Simcity 1968, mas para homens) - mais parece um vá para fora cá dentro (de casa). Acreditem, tinha imensa curiosidade em trabalhar com engenheiros. Desde o 1º ano da ... read more
Fugiran! Os Tugas Fugiran!
Ah, pois, claro! Depende

Africa » Morocco » Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz » Essaouira November 26th 2006

Depuis longtemps, Essaouira ouvre ses portes et son cœur aux voyageurs et aux marins. Aux artistes surtout, accueillis comme des membres de la famille. Vous n'êtes pas artiste ? À Essaouira, on l'est toujours un peu… Il y a mille raisons de venir à Essaouira. Ses festivals de musiques andalouses et gnawa, l'empreinte portugaise de ses magnifiques remparts, l'animation unique de sa médina. Son climat tempéré, toujours agréable. Et bien sûr, ses plages ! On vient s'y relaxer, y pratiquer le surf ou le kitesurf. Ou simplement regarder le soleil se coucher sur les îles purpuraires, au large de ses côtes. Fière de son passé andalou, passionnée de mer et de musique, Essaouira est si riche qu'une visite ne suffit pas. On revient toujours à Essaouira. ... read more
la place
festival gnawa 2006

Africa » Burkina Faso » Centre » Ouagadougou November 26th 2006

Geschoren, maar kwam er achter dat mn long hair trimmer van me scheerapparaat het niet deed dus alles met mesjes moeten doen (scheerkapper wordt ivm aids afgeraden) dus dat was een crime. Bijna een uur bezig geweest met de nodige tussenstops (zie foto). Naast dat ik hier altijd moe ben, ben ik ook nog een beetje ziekjes (dunne). Voor verslag veldwerk lees Barts stukje, dierenleed nog een beetje aan wennen; begon met de eerste vermoordde gekko, later kwamen de kippen. Woensdag komt Erik Cammeraat, onze docent en Elke komt misschien ook nog enkele dagen langs. Dat zal het veldwerk wel ten goede komen. Heb veel meer zin in reizen dan veldwerk. Bart heeft mijn hulp niet al te hard nodig gezien de hulp van Issouf waardoor ik meer tijd in het veld voor me eigen onderzoek ... read more
Inmiddels koken we zelf en is het beter te eten
Siaka geniet van zijn soep geitenkop
Joost en Bart spelen een goede velddiscussie na

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town November 26th 2006

Ello peeps, Well as stated at the end of our last entry, seeing the Great Whites was the next thing we were about to do. Now this in itself was fair enough, however there were a few small details about this that caused us some problems: The sharks are in the sea. We needed a boat to get to sea. The boat was very small. The sea was very VERY rough. Combine those things with images of Titanic, Jaws and Moby Dick and you get an idea of how our day was. The morning was overcast as we started our 2 hour car journey down to Gansbaai at 5am - it didn't get any better. On arrival we were served some kind of green yogurt and rabbit food combination along with sweet bread and a boiled ... read more

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