Blogs from Hong Kong, Asia - page 21


Asia » Hong Kong » Kowloon December 6th 2014

Stepping off the train, Erin and I strained our necks as we looked up, up at the jungle that stretched its branches high into the hazy gray sky. We were immersed in smells and sounds, crowded by a beautiful yet dangerous world that could devour us in a heartbeat. The train rolled off behind us and we found ourselves isolated, but far from alone. Strange sounds encircled us and we looked in all directions, not sure which way to move; each way looked the same and extended as far as the eye could see... read more
Hong Kong:  Concrete Jungle
A sea of neon lights
Heyyyy good lookin'...

Asia » Hong Kong December 2nd 2014

30.10.2014 jutro grudzień, a dziś 26 stopni Celsjusza! Popłynęłam najwcześniejszym promem z Zhuhai do Hong Kongu. 70 minut i zupełnie inni ludzie- tam rewolucja parasolowa a tu pytam się taksówkarza dlaczego nie można już będzie jeździć w Zhuhai na skuterach. „Bo tak samorząd postanowił.” Mniejsza o to czy to dobra decyzja, mnie ciekawi czy w Hong Kongu na takie pytanie odpowiedzieliby „bo jest to niebezpieczne,” „bo samorząd uważa że jest to niebezpieczne” czy „bo tak samorząd postanowił.” Brak nawyku patrzenia krytycznego. Zabity przez marynowanie się w cenzurowanych mediach. Prom udekorowany girlandami sztucznych kwiatów. Mijamy wyspy i wysepki z wiaduktami wbijającymi się w kędziory zarośli, las czerwonych dźwigów i setki kontenerów MAERSK jak klocki lego. Cumuję na Kowloonie Morze po stronie Hong Kongu ma inny kolor. Lepszy. Wygląda na to że można tu pływać bez ryzyka... read more
hk kolory
gniazda z ptasiej śliny na zupę
jaffa lam

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island November 30th 2014

Hello People, So today we had planned to go to Macau, however with our budget it was too expensive, also we were told it was only worth seeing at night with all the casinos and night life so we decided to have a rest day....that was until the lads in our dorm suggested we go with them on the dragon back hike (voted Asia's number 1 hike). We looked it up and it was a 9km hike up 4 peaks, the highest being shy of 300 metres. We had to get the metro to Shau Kei Wan then change to bus 9 to Shek O, rd 1 stop. We thought it would be a nightmare but it was so easy to get there, the public transport here is second to none really!!! So first irritation was ... read more

Asia » Hong Kong » Lamma Island November 29th 2014

Hello everyone Yesterday we went to Lamma Island, which is the third largest island in HK, west of HK Island. The island is a traditional fishing village; it is a laid back and multicultural community that has no cars! It was great to escape HK’s hectic city for some green trails with little sandy beaches dotted along the way. It reminded us of the Caribbean. We left about 9ish, we headed to central metro from our hostel, where we caught a £2 ferry for 30 minutes to Yung Shue Wan, Lamma Island. The trek was about 90 minutes to Sok Kwu Wan ferry terminal. On the way we passed two sandy beaches, a few market stores, a lot of sea life being sold, many pavilions and lovely views out to sea. Definitely one of the must ... read more

Asia » Hong Kong November 28th 2014

13h d'avion et 5h de décalage pour marquer la fin de notre expérience néozélandaise enrichissante et nous offrir une pause de 2 jours à Hong Kong, un minimum pour découvrir cette jungle urbaine et trop peu pour la décrire sans risquer de tomber dans la caricature. Nous avons été chaleureusement accueillis et pris en charge par des membres de la famille de Linchy. Nous logions "Medecine street" au nord ouest de Hong Kong Island, où de multiples boutiques vendent toutes sortes de champignons et poissons séchés ou déshydratés. Odeur garantie ! Tout en traversant ce formidable "bazar organisé" qu'est le territoire d'Hong Kong, nous avons profité du temple Chi Lin et de son joli parc vert, bien entretenu, paisible et intégré dans un paysage de gratte-ciels ; contraste garanti ! Les bâtiments construis "ni clou ni ... read more
Même les mouettes ne veulent pas nous laisser partir
Départ de Christchurch

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island November 28th 2014

Hello followers, So today we are on Hong Kong Island!!! It's a small NYC really. Our plans for today are to visit all of Hong Kong islands main attractions. We started by heading to Victoria park, right next to our hostel. The park is situated in between all the sky scrapers and city buildings, the park includes a running/jogging track around the edge, 6 football pitches, about 20 tennis courts (including the Asia games main staduim and finally tai chi area which was packed. We then headed to the Hong Kong convention and exhibition centre, it was packed with a jewellery show and a HSBC award so unfortunately we couldn't see the main hall :( (one in rush hour 2), Still it was good to see and we also saw the Golden Bauhinia Square (which was ... read more

Asia » Hong Kong November 27th 2014

Hi Loyal Followers, So today was our last day in China!!! :( It has been amazing, we have only been to two other countries so far but its stood out as the best by far!!! We have enjoyed all the history (there is so much), all the new modernisation of the country (too fast really as the gap between the poor and the rich is huge), and the food of course (not noodles though well pre-packed pot noodles!!). We were still in Zhongshan, but had not booked any way of getting to Hong Kong (forward thinking people). We checked out of our hotel and managed to sort out the bill, and get them to write down the bus station name for a taxi, after a massive £1.75 taxi we got to the bus station and managed ... read more

Asia » Hong Kong » Lantau Island November 21st 2014

Coming Home: Hong Kong Yea! We are here in Hong Kong for another 2 days. We’re very excited to be “home” ;-) We like Hong Kong a lot and are very comfortable here now. The environment is safe and we know our way around the city pretty well. Today we’re grabbing up our Octopus metro card and heading across the water for Macau on mainland China. We’ve been told that Macau is the Las Vegas of China and that its revenue just surpassed Las Vegas. Thought we’d take a look especially since we are pretty familiar with Vegas... Macau is an hour jet boat ride away from downtown Hong Kong. Unfortunately we are way out at the big new Kai Tak cruise ship terminal so it will take us about an hour just to get to ... read more
Off to Disney
Cope Disneyland
Entrance to Disneyland

Asia » Hong Kong » Kowloon November 13th 2014

Just arrived at the airport to fly to Australia and taking advantage of free, working wifi. It had better be sunny; the sun didn't put in a single appearance in Hong Kong! It's hard to describe what I thought of HK - I can't decide if I like it or not. First impressions as I caught the train from the airport were that it was very grey with poor visibility, but that the scenery also changed quickly from roads and concrete to greenery and mountains to container ships and the sea. They say it has very efficient public transport, and they are right. Not dissimilar to Singapore with the MRT. I mostly went everywhere on foot, although took the tram up to the peak to see the (still grey) views and caught the Star ferry from ... read more

Asia » Hong Kong October 31st 2014

Aventuriers dans l'âme (enfin on l'espère), équipés comme des randonneurs avertis pour le style, nous voilà enfin partis après plusieurs mois de préparation et d'impatience. Nous nous lançons le défi de tester tous les moyens de transport : train de Reims à CDG, avion jusqu'à HongKong puis jusqu'à Auckland ; à venir dans les prochains postes : van, bateau, reste à trouver un vélo, d'autres idées ? Comment se sont passées les 24h d'avion ? Bouffe, Pionçage et films. On a terminé dans un état végétatif. Un premier petit coup de gueule pour celui qui nous a fait profiter de sa fabrication personnelle de méthane après un breakfeast aux oeufs brouillés, vive la classe éco ! Une journée d'escale à Hong Kong, aéroport et alentours, pour rencontrer Nicole et Léon respectivement la tante et l'oncle de ... read more
TGV de bon matin
Heureux pas encore bien réveillé
Catay Pacific from CDG tout Hong Kong

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