Blogs from Munich, Bavaria, Germany, Europe - page 106


Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich July 10th 2006

A quick forewarning about this post: the keyboard I am using has the z and y switched, so from now on those two letters will be transposed because I am trzing to tzpe this as fast as I can. sorrz! We left Venice this morning at 5:15AM and arrived in Munich at 9AM. We dropped our bags at the Creatif Elephant Hotel (interesting name for an interesting place...) and then headed right to Neuschwanstein Castle. We were expecting there to be a lot of crowds, but there actuallz ended up being hardlz anzone there. I posted a picture of the bridge overlooking the castle just to prove the lack of people for anzone who cares... Anzwazs, we didn´t tour Neuschwanstein, but we did tour Hohenschwangau, which is the original castle of the familz (Ludwig´s parents). It ... read more
Long live my camera!

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich July 10th 2006

When we got to munich the hostel was right across from the train station, and we arrived just in time to watch the end of the world cup game. The bar in the hostel was hopping, and beer was cheap and flowing. I took some pics too of peoples reactions. The party in the streets was intense too, with people going crazy and waving flags, honking, no flashing though. Renata wanted boobies. We met a young couple from Minnesota in our room, and also some people from South Korea. In the lobby we found a brochure for the New Munich walking tours. Free Tour? I'm in! We decided to go on the tour the next day, since it was stopping by right in the lobby. Next morning we took the tour, which was actually really awesome. ... read more
Munich Lions
Beer Hall

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich July 10th 2006

Well maybe not as happening as Berlin but a good town. The Beer halls are clutch (Haufbrahaus) and yes Gowie and REadman Radler s are soooooo good. Radler is a beer with a cup of lemonade on top. Dont beleive me try it. Well first night in Munich was chill cuy we were so hung. But the second night we went out with these awesome irish guys Jullian and Aimon and these Cali girls Mae and Susan. This tom guy took us to this German Hip hop Venue. Wow i Couldnt understand a word but the music was so cool. Been making lots of friends with my guitar and its been good times. But Enjoy the pics. Sean... read more
The town of Lions
Old town Hall
Official Canadian Drinking Team

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich July 8th 2006

So... I have been a lot of places since I updated. It's kinda crazy! We took a ferry to Athens and got stuck in a Port city because our train was late! But once we got to Athens it was a really cool place and everything was a lot cheaper than anywhere we had been. We ended up spending 50 hours on ferries to spend 24 hours in Athens!! Kinda wild. After that we went to Interlaken Switzerland, where a lot of Americans go to do extreme sports. Everything got really really expensive again, but it was a smashing good time :). I went hang gliding and canyoning. Hang gliding was something that I wanted to for my whole life, so it was fun to finally do it. I'm thinking about learning how to do it ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich July 3rd 2006

Is has been pointed out to us that in the time leading up to our last update it did not seem that we had been in any trouble. We shall try and rectify this in the near future. From Vouziers we headed to the next town that would let us come in and watch the Football (France vs Spain.) We found a little country pub with a few young guys in it and a 9% beer on special for €2 a bottle. Score. This pub included a free round after France won and all. Onto Cologne. Old Church. Pizza next to the Mighty Rhine. And on to Hamburg. Quarter final match was well... a quarter final match in the world cup finals. Nuff said. Would have been better if Australia had been there. The next morning ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich July 3rd 2006

Germany: The World Cup (June 12-27) Munich/ Nuremberg/ Frankfurt/ Kaiserslautern/ Koln and more 7 matches, 8 cities, 14 days, a few 30 + year old men and an RV. What a great time! I had hoped the title of this blog would be ‘USA stuns the world in football’ but our hopes were crushed a few days ago in Nuremberg when the Black Stars of Ghana sent our boys packing. Even though I was thoroughly worn out, hoarse in the voice, catching a fever and lived out of the RV for the last few days, it was fantastic. I started the journey to Germany from Ljubljana, Slovenia for a few days to prepare for the debauchery of the World Cup. Ljubljana is a small, quaint city located in the mountains just south of Austria with a ... read more
Chris and I at Brz/ Aus game
Germany celebrates
US takes on Ghana

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich July 2nd 2006

Ok quick update. I was putting some pictures on here and I realized that I totaly skipped over Vienna on here! I was in Vienna before I went to Munich. Vienna was a pretty chilled out place. Basically spent 3 nights there and I have some pretty sketchy notes about it. One highlite of the whole trip in general was a bike riding tour that we did of the Wackau region of Vienna. Sounded like a good idea, get a bunch of people drunk on wine and let them bike around. What could go wrong there? Noting!! We headed out there early one morning and it was insanely enjoyable. Learned all about the history of wine, how it was made in the past, the history of the simpsons episode with the anti-freeze in the wine, how ... read more
Eating out?
Good people
Fosters my ass!!

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich July 2nd 2006

完全意料不到會失眠。那似乎來自澳洲的'100dB',鼻鼾簡直來得聲嘶力竭,下格床的'40dB'(今早才知是日本人,這個月碰到日本人的頻頻跟澳洲人的一樣出奇地高)亦不示弱。在Split 1700上發明的「催眠大法」──Die Fanta 4的「佛偈歌」循環反複播放,仍未見效。這趟可慘了,可能睡了不足4小時。 那位日本人,之前覺得他很粗魯罔撞,但早上打開話匣子後,卻變得很隨和,始終日本人有他們自己的一個框框。 因為商店在星期日全部關門,所以即興參加了一個Free Tour。在Free Tour中認識了一位中大翻譯人,tour完結後想跟他道別,但他竟然自顧自拍照先行溜了,完全不遵守獨行俠不成文的外交禮儀,唯有繼續找地方消磨時間。 在Hbf月台掀報紙,到Deutsches Museum又錯過了截人時間,最後想起Englisch Garten。竟然在路上重遇那翻譯人,更意想不到的,他身旁二人其中一位是year 3 "German Society"的同學(Michael?)!!!原來他已成為另外二人的tutor,真有趣。 昨天回hostel時已選定路上見到的Edison & Co. 作為今晚的目標。今次點了薯茸湯、炸豬扒薯條,及一杯Weiβbier,我覺得比平時喝的沒有那麼苦澀。 Waitress(老闆娘)每次收碟都問我「好吃嗎?」一時想不起有甚麼適合的外交辭令。唯有答"Schön!" 初進來時好像播放著一首在這一個月來經常聽到的歌,頗動聽的,可惜不知歌者及歌名。 找數,€14.8。身上只剩下約€32。 S-Bahn駛出市郊,路過一個地盤,起重天秤頂上插著一面異常巨大的德國國旗;再細心一看,原來它的鉤吊著一面細小得多的意大利國旗,我忍不住笑出聲!可惜趕不及拍下。 昨晚那間食店太可惡了,結果要在吃止瀉藥的情況下,乘坐夜機離開慕尼黑。... read more
all are looking at the clock
Hunde Parkplatz (dog-park)

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich July 1st 2006

1010 IC 2046 車內頗熱   一直睡至8時鬧鐘響起,「充電感」比得上前晚的酒店(……),因為完全不知道(其實很大程度是不想知道)火車時間,所以只是提醒自己別錯過早餐時間,吃個夠,把背囊好好的收拾,才check-out。 1027   在Magdeburg開車時,月台有一對公公婆婆跟坐在我身後的乘客揮手道別,我不客氣據為己有。那時心想:他日年老後會有這一天嗎?在hostel的樓梯迷路走到了地庫,看見掛在牆上的一幅單車路線圖,我想,將來應再來Magdeburg一趟,但別太匆忙。 在ICE上站了兩小時,到了Fulda,有很多人下車,我才找到位子。這班車是繞了彎的,要先到法蘭克福才進入慕尼黑。原來在Fulda可以轉乘一班較直接的ICE,早一小時到達慕尼黑,我猜到會有此一著,但無意證實,因為這是我最後一天使用Eurail Pass,這是我最後一天乘坐ICE。 1450 ICE 597   若非「遊車河」,我未必有機會獨自一人橫躺在車廂內,看"The Lord of the Rings",這是出發前的目標。 回想起來,除了過於笨重外,把"The Lord of the Rings"帶過來是絕對正確的決定,因為書中漫遊、歷險的意味很重(尤其是在意大利,幾乎每晚讀到一節險情,第二天我便要「歷險」一次,不得不說是一種預示,亦是一種安慰),非常配合旅行的本質。 2300   真差勁,不吃Döner的結果是肚瀉,打爛齋砵。本來擁有著「每逢旅行皆不會肚痛」的光榮紀錄啊!   甫走進那間黑店,葡萄牙10號球員(是誰呢?)便射失十二碼,結果最後是看著英格蘭出局。德國打入四強,與及沒有英格蘭「打擾」,兩大目標已經達到。當下我仍相信德國擁有爭標的勇氣與運氣,可惜一切只能留在香港揭曉。 現在當然知道是甚麼一回事了。... read more
here you can do your revision
enjoy myself
enjoy themselves

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich June 30th 2006

For some reason couchsurfing's website was down and the couchsurfer I planned to stay with in Munich, according to the friend who picked up his phone, was still out of town. Therefore I had to resort to, a network somewhat like couchsurfing but not as vibrant and community-based, to find a place to say. However today I received a devastating surprise when visiting to see if anyone had left me any messages. Upon entering the website I was presented with this heartbreaking message: Dear CouchSurfers, Two days ago CouchSurfing experienced what could be described as the perfect storm. The database administrators we hired made two critical mistakes. First, we had a major, avoidable hard drive crash. Secondly, the incremental back-ups weren't executed in the correct manner, and twelve of our most important data files ... read more

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