Blogs from Africa - page 2758


Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town May 29th 2007

Business: First, I noticed that the dates of the pictues do no match the dates on the journal entry. This is because my camera is on US Eastern time and I am in South Africa. So my camera is 6 hours behind the events (strange but hilarious). Second, I have been spending too much rand on the internet cafe typing these blogs and fighting to convert and load 8 megapixel images on computers from 2 years ago. So I have loaded the majority of my phots on facebook. If you don't have a facebook account I'm sorry and you will have to wait until I develop them or until I get back to the states. Okay, Robben Island, my diamon in the rough, the place I have been waiting for. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned on this ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Mediterranean » Alexandria May 29th 2007

breezing through alexandria Africa » Egypt » Alexandria By freshfromegyptMay 29th 2007jasoni left cairo and im now in alexandria north of cairo, the mediteranean ocean is a 30 sec walk from my hotel, hence the breeze is well appreciated after the heat and intoxication of cairo, dont have muce time the comp is slow, heading to the desert oases of siwa west of hear tomorow, check pics, not sure which view i like more from my hotel window, the cairo 1 or the one im at now, what do u think? concrete or sea?... read more
view from reception area
inside library

Despite having a good map it wasn’t until my third day in Marrakesh that I managed to navigate my way purposefully and accurately through the maze of alleys in the souks to reach everyone’s primary and ultimate destination the Jemaa el Fna square. But of course that’s the point of the souks - to lose your sense of order as well as direction, to give yourself up to the claustrophobic sensuality and vibrancy of the markets. If you really want to know where you are, the map does give you some idea of the layout, but the minute you open it to re-establish your position, a young boy will be insisting he leads you to “la place”, as the Jemaa is simply known. Better just to drift and head for any glimpse of daylight from ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Cairo May 29th 2007

Today we set out to find the central market in Cairo. All of these Asian cities have one==usually a many block square area with all kinds of shops, some retail, some wholesale, and usually divided up into sections depending upon what is being sold. All of the textiles, for instance are in one section. Then all of the produce, the leather goods, electrical equipment and so on. Getting to the market involves a taxi ride, and Cairo's taxi fleet is probably the worst looking, most beat up, run down bunch of taxis I have ever seen. A ride across town costs about $2.00. Of course there are no seat belts. The driver, smoking a cigeratte, cleaning his sunglasses, drinking a soda and talking on the cel phone is driving in a lane he just created ... read more
Inside the Central Market
Coffee and Tea
central market

Africa » Sudan » North » Khartoum May 29th 2007

May 29, 2007 - Khartoum Well things here are interesting still... I have started my weeke of Military Observer refresher training. I am the only Canadian in the class, with the majority of UNMO's being German. A few UNMO's from Peru, Paraguay, Nigeria and Zambia round out the class. We have covered a lot of information that was passed along last week which reaffirms that everyone is only concerned with their own specific issues and no inter-department communication really occurs. Instruction has come from Croatian, Ukranian, Pakistani, Polish, and jordanian staff. I think that working with the Germans will be a good experience as they seem well-trained, professional, but maybe a touch on the arrogant side.... but really, who can blame them? Their forefathers tried to take over Europe... twice. Kidding... but seriously, they seem ... read more
Tuktuk - taxi
Stacked truck

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park May 29th 2007

Day One: Start of the Safari Another early start (eeek!) but cold showers sorted us out. Jumped into a Land Cruiser with Liz, Tina, Ryan and Nat for the start of our safari. There was a bit of a farcical delay trying to sort payments out, which the local boys saw as an opportunity to hound us with their traditional African wares. Who's lunch? Stopped at the Ngorongoro Crater rim for lunch and it was bloody freezing! Got attacked by vicious ants that even run up Rach's leg and tried to bite her on the bum. Cheeky gits! Spent most the lunch break hopping around on one foot trying to beat the biting ants off. As we approached the Serengeti we saw baboons, Thomson gazelles and giraffes. In the Serengeti (which means endless) we saw ... read more
Lion Cub
Lions on the rocks

Africa » Cape Verde » Santiago May 28th 2007

Idiosyncrasies of unknown origin conjure against the possible football-culture binomial. It seems that in the modern western traveler cosmogony the world is divided in two groups separated by waterproof doors. On one side of this imaginary partition find place those brainless football lovers who eat meat, drink beer and listen to cheesy songs. Incapable of thinking to anything deeper than a corner kick, they sits just opposite from the liberal traveler who wear the kefiah, listens solely to ethnic music, eats tofu and has never served mess. And definitely doesn’t take any interest in football, bourgeois fetish for excellence. I usually fit better in the second group, but when big football events approach, I transform myself in one of those many slaves of the television whose only worry is about the possible lack of TV ... read more
Dog vs Cow
Man vs Piglet
Tarrafal Bay at Sunset

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi May 28th 2007

Sorry this entry was lost in the Travel Blog Crash.. But at least we can still enjoy the pictures ~Julie ... read more
The church building at Moshi
The Church  Parking Lot
The Road to Shanty Town....

Africa » Namibia May 28th 2007

Hi everybody We are in Katima Molilo, at the most eastern point of Namibia. We are doing fine and had no problems at all. The weather has improved to a mild very pleasant temperature. Today we stock up and off we go to Zambia. Thanks for all the comments and good wishes. ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra May 28th 2007

The food is killing me. Jen calls “interesting,” which is a nice way of saying not-so-good, because she’ll eat anything. Me, on the other hand… I’m paralyzed by the spice and the strange meat and the fact that if you want a piece of fish, you’re either eating a head or a tail. I always try to find a middle piece, but they’re few and far between. And then I have to peel back the skin and scrounge for the few bites I can get between the bones and dark spots. The meatballs could easily be goat, so I won’t touch them. Chicken is promising but way too spicy so I cut off each side and get a few bites from the middle. Everything else in the meat family is hard to discern. Then the starch—the ... read more

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