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May 29th 2007
Published: May 29th 2007
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May 29, 2007 - Khartoum

Well things here are interesting still...

I have started my weeke of Military Observer refresher training. I am the only Canadian in the class,
with the majority of UNMO's being German. A few UNMO's from Peru, Paraguay, Nigeria and Zambia round
out the class. We have covered a lot of information that was passed along last week which reaffirms that
everyone is only concerned with their own specific issues and no inter-department communication really occurs.
Instruction has come from Croatian, Ukranian, Pakistani, Polish, and jordanian staff.

I think that working with the Germans will be a good experience as they seem well-trained, professional, but maybe
a touch on the arrogant side.... but really, who can blame them? Their forefathers tried to take over Europe... twice.

Kidding... but seriously, they seem like a great bunch and even invited me to have lunch with them at the compound where
they are staying. the compound belongs to an Austrian helicopter firm that is flying for the UN. For $80/day they have a room,
3 prepared meals, internet, TV, a POOL!!! It's a lot more expensive than staying at the Canadian UNMO house, but a
Tuktuk - taxiTuktuk - taxiTuktuk - taxi

These little 2-stoke taxis are everywhere... wait till I get a picture of a pimped-out one.
pool could well
be worth the extra cost at this point. the lunch was great, and for $5 I can eat, meat, rice, and fresh vegetables. It's great.

The Germans were also required to attend a UNMO training course before deploying to Sudan, simliar to the course that I took
in Kingston. They also find this week of exercises really boring... zzzzzz......

I have always thought it was a touch ironic that the course in Kingston that enabled me to be close to Laura in Toronto,
has caused me to move to the other side of the world as soon as she moved in. It seems that fate has a twisted sense of
humour, non?

I have met a few new friends here in Sudan. Jade and Colin, from Quebec and Halifax, are a couple and she works for the UN
in legal affairs I believe, while he is trying to secure a position in Policy, drafting documents. Katja Peschke is a German
lawyer working for the Rule of Law department. She arrived on the same flight with me 10 days ago, and we had stood chatting
nervously while we watied for our passports to come back
Stacked truckStacked truckStacked truck

I think that the Ministry of transport is not like the one at home.
from the Visa office. She is going to Juba tomorrow, and has been told she
will be living in a tent, in the rainy season, with a roomate. And she hates camping... too funny.

I went over to dinner with the three of them plus two other guests, Shara, an Indian born Aussie, that is completeing his PhD
in International Development from Oxford; and a French educated, Sudanese woman whose name I cannot remember.
That coupled with a policy drafter, and two lawyers, officially made me the dumbest kid in the room... it was a lot of fun really.
Colin is an amazing cook, and whipped up some great Thai citrus-coconut soup, and some phad thai (SP?) It was a great night, and
I took a taxi home and crawled into bed, full of great food, and exhausted from the heat.

After reviewing my leave plans for the deployment, I am hoping to be home for the annual August Camping trip with my high school
friends, and of course some obligatory mountain biking, but it all depends on what happens with the manning situation at the Team site.
We have to maintain 75% manning at tall times.
omorrow I should find out what Sector and Team Site I will be deployed to, but rumour has it that I will be going to Sector 1,
the largest and furthest South, bordering on Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Congo, and the Central African Republic.
In spetember I am hoping Laura and I can make it to Kenya, and Zanzibar for a couple of weeks of well deserved... umm... vacation. ha.

Anyway, I'm outtie. Have fun.



1st June 2007

As soon as your done sunning yourself in the Sudan, bring me back a goat ;)
1st June 2007

i love the pics and it sounds interesting...I wish we were exploring together. ;) miss you
8th June 2007

As always, great to hear from you Don, sure miss you out here! I'm really appreciative of this entry, the spelling mistakes are perfect! Thanks man!

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