Blogs from Oslo, Eastern Norway, Norway, Europe - page 37


Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo February 6th 2007

Christmas here started a bit early, at our Christmas party on the 9th of December. After quite a few drinks, Lars felt that the party ended long before our guests left, which is why he ended up passing out on our bed. Some of our mates decided to draw a moustache on Lars’s face with mascara for his punishment. Check out the photo. Christmas in Norway was pretty over the top. I did not realise that there was so much to it. They have special things that only come out during Christmas time. They have Christmas chocolate, Christmas soft drink, Christmas acquavit (liquor), Christmas beer Christmas meals, Christmas cakes, Christmas Cookies, Christmas Movies, Christmas Cheese, Christmas Mayo, Christmas games, etc etc. The list is endless. Nothing like our simple barbeque and cricket back home. It seems ... read more
Becoming more and more girly everyday!
BBQ in the snow
Australia Day fulfilled with these...

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo January 27th 2007

Om ganske nøyaktig fem døgn legger vi ut på vårt livs største eventyr. På tre og en halv måned skal vi reise gjennom tre kontinenter, bo oppå hverandre (og flere andre!) 24/7, oppleve det ville karnevalet i Brasil og Afrikas facinerende natur, vi skal utforske flere av verdens største byer, debutere som surfere i Australia, nyte late dager under en palme på en hvit strand på Fiji og, ikke minst, treffe masse spennende mennesker. Det var under russetiden, våren 2006, at denne ideen ble født. Og selv om vi muligens var ørlite granne påvirket av alkoholholdige drikkevarer der og da, lovet vi hverandre på tro og ære at dette SKULLE vi gjennomføre. Som sagt så gjort. Fredag 1.september dro vi til Kilroys lokaler i Oslo og da vi et par timer senere gikk ut derfra var ... read more

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo January 9th 2007

På tampen av alle forbredelser og mitt største eventyr, skjedde det noe forferdelig. Kjære gode livsglade Linda ble søndag natt drept av et ras i Oslo. Jeg er så lei meg, og sinna. Noe så unyttig og bortkasta! Hvorfor akkurat Linda? Hvorfor har ikke den jævla gårdseieren gjort noe med den bygningen for lenge siden? Det skulle vært ham som ble tatt av raset. For de som ikke vet, var det blant annet Linda som fikk fart på Lindy Hop miljøet i Trondheim på 1990-tallet. Lindy Linda var hun, og fortsatt er, kjent blant venner. Hun vil bli kjært savnet. Ikke minst av meg, som tok noen av mine første danse steg med henne som lead. Takk for alt Lindy Linda. ... read more

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo January 8th 2007

Nå sitter jeg liksom og skriver en oppgave som skal leveres før jeg reiser til Guatemala. Men, det er jo håpløst å konsentrere seg. Jeg tenker bare på alt jeg må gjøre før jeg skal reise. Nå er det bare noen få dager igjen og jeg har bare fått skrevet 1 side. Oppgaven skal være 20 datasider lang. Ja, ja... For de som lurer så er reiseruta slik: 1. Fly fra Oslo til New York kl 11.10 torsdag 11 januar. Vil være framme ca kl 1400 amerikansk tid. Turen tar 8 timer og 50 min. 2. Fly fra New York til Houston kl 15.10 amerikansk tid. Turen tar ca 4 timer og 10 min. 3. Fly fra Houston til Guatemala City kl 1900 amerikansk tid. Jeg vil være framme ca kl 2200 Guatemala tid. Husk at ... read more

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo December 29th 2006

We spent 4 days over Christmas at Hemsedal in Norway with Dad and a group of 10 others including our flatmates. Tried snowboarding and ended up so bruised I jumped back on skis for the last day! Enjoyed being in the snow again (we were in Norway for Christmas last year - near Lilleheimer) and it is such a beautiful country. Could definitely live there!... read more

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo December 23rd 2006

Well, I guess we're as prepared as we could be. Which means we're not very prepared, but travels shouldn't be all planned out anyway, that sort of kills their buzz. I'm not really expecting anything from this trip, except warm weather and cheap food. Maybe we'll catch some fucked up disease and die somewhere in South-America, which I guess wouldn't be too bad, but I'd rather survive. Hopefully we'll learn some Spanish. Boca vs River Plate on February 1st, which is total sweetness! Anyway, if someone by chance should read this, and know of a cheap place to stay in Buenos Aires, give us a holler. January 10th!... read more

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo November 22nd 2006

Saturday upon arrival we saw Alt for Rognan, a musical made popular by a "the making of" TV series of a bunch of lads from Nina's "Salt valley" from where we just came south from!!! Afterwards we met with other northerners (& Jarle) at the Scotsman; a typical stop for Tronder and Nordlendinger visiting Oslo. Sunday we first took a 3 hour walk around Oslo to work off the previous evening and reminis. We had traditional Xmas pinnekjoett a little early just for us at Napat & Tommy's that evening. It is a delicious smoked and salted lamb that is steamed over birch "sticks" and served with turnip and potatos. Pinnekjott . Monday we stayed in because of not so great weather and booked a little side trip to Spain to go sk... read more

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo November 12th 2006

Lars and I headed to Italy, had a quick stopover in Rome and then went to the southern part of Italy in Calabria to visit my family. Highlights included: My family Homemade food (pasta) and wine - lots of it of course! Beach We had a great time, apart from losing my luggage and not being able to buy any clothes from the village we stayed in (It only sold wedding dresses and jewellry). We knew we had a great holiday as we brought back a few extra kilos of body fat and a great tan. After our return we had more family fun by going to Lars’s cousin’s confirmation. Highlights included: Lars’s family More food BUT: no alcohol (not allowed at this type of family function), but we manage to drink a bottle with Lars’s ... read more
My Grandmother in Italy
At the beach

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo November 12th 2006

Last month comes with many changes. The weather and even my employment. Finally got to see real snow for the first time. Very exciting! I’ve bought a bargain military jacket to keep me warm, it weighs a ton but will keep me ready for the season. We are seeing less of the light and more of the darkness. Sun goes up at 8ish and down at 4ish and as we are not early risers during the weekends, we don’t get to see much of the sun. I got a job packing and manging the online orders for ugly snowflake Norwagian jumpers. Lars’s kindergarden friend is modelling this type of sweater at a court appearance for his involvement in one of the biggest robberies in Norway. See Photo. I work for a married couple, which can be ... read more
Convicted Robber
Our dinner party
Stephanie's 30th b'day

Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo November 6th 2006

Ok, also zuerst hatte ich Montags Norwegisch Unterricht. Die letzte Stunde vor der Klausur am 22.11. Dadrauf hatte ich mich die Tage davor noch ein bißchen vorbereiten müssen. Im Unterricht habe ich dann festgestellt, das ich die einzige dumme bin, die auch noch die 2ten Hausaufgaben macht, die wir am Anfang mal auf einem Blatt ausgehändigt bekommen haben und Übungsaufgaben in unseren Büchern beinalten. Nach dem Unterricht konnte ich mich nicht so recht aufrufen, was für die Klausur Donnerstags zu machen, was dazu geführt hat, das ich hauptsächlich Di. und Mi. auf die Klausurvorbereitung verwendet habe. Mittwochs Nachmittags kam dann vom Patrick der überaus geniale Vorschlag raus in den Schnee zu fahren und den Kopf ein bißche frei zu kriegen. Und weil das Wetter so toll war haben wir das auch prompt gemacht. So geil!!!! Man ... read more
Spaß im Schnee

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