Blogs from Sardinia, Italy, Europe - page 3


Europe » Italy » Sardinia November 2nd 2015

Dag 2! Meteen een tripke! We gingen naar La Maddelena (een 50 km² "groot" eiland, dat vroeger -toen er nog meer rotsen boven de zee uit stoken ... staken ... steekten ... ... ... toornden- de verbinding met Corsica startte), te beginnen met den overzet. Ter plekke aangekomen zagen we een morene zitten die met haar gezaag ... euh ... gezang, de overzetboot naar veilige vertrekplaats lokte ... euh ... loodste. Wel tof, per auto den overzet pakken en ondertussen genieten van de zeewind & -golven op de Tyreense zee. Veel volk was er ni, t toeristenseizoen is immers vandaag officieel afgelopen en ge voelt het aan de sfeer. Die is wat gemoedelijker, ze kijken al wat geamuseerder en raarder "wa komen die hier nog doen" en wij kijken dan alletwee nog raarder en geamuseerder terug ... read more

Europe » Italy » Sardinia October 31st 2015

holiday in Sardinia ... s morgens vroeg uit onzen tram om (hopelijk -want t laatste jaar zijn er al een teite-a-teite-vakantiekes aantal dans l eau gevallen-) een tripke te doen naar de plaats waar ze "dicht in een dooske" zitten. Toch effe spannend; gaat er niks met den auto verkeerd lopen? Staat de vlucht niet geannuleerd? Wordt de gateway wel vermeld? Gaat ie wel vertrekken? Heeft ie genoeg kerosine bij (jaja, we hebben gevoel voor drama)? En off we go; richting Italië. We vliegen over (Oostenrijkse of Franse?) Alpen (goh, vliegen is toch een wonder zene) om in een schoon temperatuurke te landen in Olbia Verplaatste vlieghaven want het oorspronkelijk geplande Algero werd -voor we vertrokken- al omgeleid. Ze zouden aan de landingsbaan gewerkt hebben -zo luidde het- maar een plaatselijke autoverhuurderwerknemermettweemasterdiplomas lichtte ons in dat ... read more

Europe » Italy » Sardinia June 13th 2015

Friday 5th June Porto Torres to Alghero 112 miles We arrived at Sardinia at 10.00am as scheduled! First impressions were of an industrial port – not a great start!! We turned left and followed the road to Castelsardo – that was more impressive!! A huge castle & fort amid a hilltop overlooking the sea that beckoned to be explored! Wandered upwards to the castle at the top with views over the town and then back down to the tower and the cathedral! The tower had been built by the Doria family in 1600 as a lighthouse whilst the cathedral was being built! Loads of old narrow streets with old ladies sat doing their basketwork producing loads of plates and baskets that no-one uses these days! Onwards to Isola Rossa which is not actually an island but ... read more
Grottos di Neptuno
Grotto di Neptuno
Boat trip to Grotto di Neptuno

Europe » Italy » Sardinia » Santa Maria Navarrese March 29th 2015

Here in Santa Maria Navaresse on the east coast of Sardinia, surrounded by the watercolor-blue waves of the Mediterranean, there is a feast going on. All the time. Since we arrived at Anna's home, she has been showering us with an embarrassing abundance of food and kindness. Sardinians seem to make, cure, grow or harvest all there own food (right down to the sea salt) and Anna's family is no exception. Prosciutto, oranges, eggs, cookies, flatbread and wine was waiting for our arrival. Anna even makes the baskets to hold the beautiful abundance. "Limoni, zucchero, aquavit, latte di capra...", Anna carefully listed each ingredient used to make the delicious liqueur we were sipping. She lit a fire in the corner of the hearth and was plying us with pizzeles -Italian waffle cookies. Her spirit, warmth and ... read more
SARDINIAN FEAST Potato Gnocchi in Anna's Kitchen
SARDINIAN FEAST Potato Gnocchi in Anna's Kitchen
SARDINIAN FEAST Potato Gnocchi in Anna's Kitchen

Europe » Italy » Sardinia » Alghero November 18th 2014

Rano pobalenie, check out bez problemov, odovzdanie kluciku, zaplatenie hotela + utraty v restike a smer hlavna cesta. V hoteli maju prehistoricky vytah, gombiky ala roky sedemdesiate. Z hotela sme vypadli uz o 8/00, bus siel 8/31. Pri mori na lavicke sme si dali mini ranajky, posledny krat sme sa pozreli uz na kludne more, s belasou oblohou bez vetra a sup ho zastavit bus ALFA. Na zastavke pri pizzerii/restauracii quarte sail na via g.garibaldi mavame na bus, ten zastavuje na ceste, nejde na vybezok co je pre nho urceny,sak naco auta obidu, pockaju. Cvakam listky, bus je dost plny, vsetci nastupovali na konecnej. Cestou na letisko za mesteckom Fertilia po pravej strane vidime sardinske gheto. Rozbombardovane domy, bordel. Proste cigani. Na letisku sa nic neda robit, predrazena restika, dopijame vodu,securit kontrola. Mali na haku, ziadne ... read more

Europe » Italy » Sardinia » Alghero November 17th 2014

Rano to moc ruzovo nevyzeralo, stale dazd a silny vietor. Vylet do Porto Conterusime, nahradny plan je nakupovanie a tulanie sa po algheru (stare mesto pozname uz naspamat). Dazd trochu ustal tak podme ho na talianske ranajky do baru. Po par metroch sa opat pusta dazd, nasi nasadzuju biele prsiplaste. Vypadaju jak dve spermie. Miname par kaviarniciek/barov plnych ranajkujucich talianov. Zacina mensi nakupny osial, zastavujeme sa v cinskom obchode. Obkukanie kabeliek, nakup magnetiek. Dalsi cinsky obchod a zas to iste. Na ulici nas oslovuju cernosi nech si kupime umbrelu (daznik). Nie su doterny, raz sa spytaju a idu dalej. Zakotvujeme na piazza sulis v kaviarnicke kde to bolo vcere preplnene talianmi. Teraz uz sme tu len my a este jeden par. Objednavame capucina a k tomu croasant, buchticku a sisku. Miriam je konecne spokojna ma prave ... read more

Europe » Italy » Sardinia » Alghero November 16th 2014

V noci zistene, ze moja postel je trocha mala, ked som sa natiahol tak mi trochu trcali nohy. Rano odovzdanie klucika na recepciii a smer mestecko Fertilia. Vcera sme hladali supermakret jak blazni a pritom jeden sme mali hned za rohom hotela. Nabiehame do Sigmy (roh via g.spano a via asfodelo), kupujeme ranajky a nieco na cestu. Bereme 6ks 0,5l vod (nestle). Sok, su lacnejsie nez u nas, neaky syr, salam,kinder pinguin (taktiez lacnejsi) a este pecivo. Salam nam pekne nakrajali a krasne ulozili. Rozlozili ho na cely papier, dve vrstvy., ktore oddelili dalsim papierom. U nas sa s tym neseru, nakrajaju nakopu a zmotaju. Skoda,ze obsluha nevedela anglicky, sme chceli neaky super salam ale nakoniec i tento bol fajnovy. Miriam plati visa kartou. Debil som nezobral batoh, tak kupujeme igelitku za 0,50 €. Teraz ju ... read more

Europe » Italy » Sardinia » Alghero November 15th 2014

Rano prebehlo rychle balenie do mojho vodneho mini vaku z laosu. Obsah rifle, ponozky,trenky, tricko, kniha. Mamina so sestrou sa prekvapivo zbalili len do jedneho kufra, ktory splna limity ryanairu, takze sa moze zobrat hore na palubu. Nasadame do auta, feri velky vodic, hadam nas neodveze miesto do ba na letisko sliac. Cesta prebehla bez problemov. Zastavujeme pred priletovou halou, mami si dava cigaretku, vyprevadzame feriho a mozme ist smer odbavovacia hala. Pred priletovou halou sa da gratis stat 15.min, ostatne parkoviska dovoluju len 5.min. Pred prichodom na parkovisko sa stlaci gombik, vylezie papierik s ciarovym kodom, otvori sa zavora, zaparkuje sa, vylozia sa cestujuci. Pri odchode sa zasunie papierik, zdvihne sa zavora a fiju smer mesto. Na letisku sme sa hned prepravili do duty free zony (ceny vysoke). Bratislavske letisko je zname svojim excelentnym securit ... read more

Europe » Italy » Sardinia October 16th 2014

We loved our time in Sardinia. The has an interesting mix of both Italian and Catalan influenced food. And of course tons of seafood. Italy has been having lovely weather in October, so despite our concerns that Anna & Tom’s stay might be a cooler & rainy. (Basically what they had left behind in England…) luckily the weather gods were on our side and temperatures still between 24-31 degrees, with hardly any overcast days. The sea temperature is holding nicely too at a steady 26 degrees. So we have been swimming all through October. We realised early on, that Italy is just not good for the waistband. Cakes, ice-cream, bread, cheese, pizza, pasta. You just can’t fight it! Normally most people go on holiday for a week or two and then eat salads when they get ... read more
First site of Sardinia - LAND HO!
First night out in Alghero - Gin O'clock
The boys trying to catch the mooring buoy in Asinara Island

Europe » Italy » Sardinia August 7th 2014

Travel Blog Saturday 12thJuly 2014 to Friday 1st August 2014 – Sardinia/Corsica. Saturday 12th July 2014. Up and leave the campsite and head off to Sardinia. It’s not a long drive to the ferry port at Bonifacio and road not too narrow BUT very winding and up and down in the mountains and some drivers are mad. After about 5km we come to a little bridge with right angle corners in and out of it, and there is a car. It looks like it came in way too fast and hit the wall and was on its side. Hazards still going and one car stopped so we kept going as nothing we could do to help. Then further along, we are in a traffic queue. Thinking it was an accident or roadwork’s. No, it’s an old ... read more
12.7 to 16.7 and 30.7.14 Sardinia. La Liccia campsite (9)
12.7 to 16.7 and 30.7.14 Sardinia. La Liccia campsite (10)
16.7.14 Sardenia, Alghero, Neptunes Caves (4)

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