Blogs from Pahang, Malaysia, Asia - page 12


Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Tanah Rata November 27th 2012

Jasne,ze rano som mal vsetky veci vlhke.Nastastie svietilo slnko.Na ranajky som sa zastavil tak ako vcera v stanku pri hlavnej ceste.Len cul som si dal rzu a vajicko natvrdo.Zaujimave,ze po zjedeny uz predavali aj klasicke.Este mi doniesli aj kavu ale tu som si neobjedla tak som ju tam nechal a zaplatil len za jedlo. Asi boli popleteny,bo hned za mnu si objednaval jedlo jeden zapadniar.Pri plateny mi chceli nauctovat jeho jedlo,tak som ukazal na toho bieleho,potom sa mi velice ospravedlnovali. Isiel som podla mapy na trek c.7.Dojdem k nemocnici, pytam sa, ze ci idem dobre. Vraj nie, tak som to zvrtol opat k vodoapdu a siel trek c.8 Cakalo ma blato,vlhko a stupanie.Cesta bola niekedy uplne zarastena asi moc ludi tadto nechodi.Dosol som na rozbocku.Cul kam? chvalabohu tam bol motuz a oznam,zla cesta.Inde nebola znacka ziadna,tak ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Tanah Rata November 26th 2012

O 8/00 som sa vybral na svoj prvy trek. Kupil cokoladu,keksi a vodu. Do vaku som si nacapoval vodu z vodomatu.Tato nebola taka chlorova,tak si ju budem capovat i nadalej. Na ranajky som si dal vajco,ryzu s orieskami. Pobral som sa smer nemocnica,k robinsovnomu vodopadu,odital uz siel trek c.9. Najskor to bola v pohode vydlazdena cesta ,za vodopadom uz klasicka prirodna cesta. Vodopad bol fajn. Cestou som videl odbocku na trek c.8, to pojdem zajtra. Cesta v pohode, predomnou som uvidel dvoch anglanov,tak som ich trhol. Zrazu som dosiel k rebriku. Spomenul som si na markoffov blog,siel som teda hore po nom. Najskor to vyzeralo hrozostrasne,sama zelina,blato ale potom sa to zlepsilo.Asi po 200m som sa dostal k domom.Tu ma uistili,ze idem dobre,len mali nebezpecnych psov.Keby tam neboli domaci urcite by isli po mne,bo furt po ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Tanah Rata November 25th 2012

Nechcelo sa mi vstavat o 6/00 a tak som potiahol do 8/00,co bola chyba. Na ranajky som si dal 2 placky a siel na bus c.101.Ten dosol za minutu.Nastupil som zadnymi dverami,vodic nechcel peniaze.Som sa tesil,ze usetrim.Hned na dalsej zastavke bus zastal,pauza 17 minut.Ostatny ludia isli na 102,ale ten nesiel k jetty.Tak som pockal.Nastupil klasicky predkom a zaplatil 4r.Bus bol plny. Vystupil som asi po hodine na konecnej jetty,teda pristav. Nadchodom som sa pobral na lod.Bola gratis.Na bus stanicu co je hned vedla pristavu na druhej strane som dosol o 10/00. Bus do kuala perly isiel az o 14/00. Jeden isiol do blizkeho mesta ale nechcel som riskovat ,ze sa odtial nedostanem a nestihnem lod,preto ostrov langkawi vypustam zo svojich planov. Zobral som bus do Ipohu.Fakt paradne sedadla ,vedla mna si sadla indka s detskom, hlavne, ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Cameron Highlands October 25th 2012

Fuelled from last nights genuine South Indian curry meal (needless to say nothing like our local curry house curry!) we set off bright and breezy this morning to trek to Gunung Berembun, at 1812m one of the highest points accessible from Tanah Rata. After a couple of minutes along side of a river with pretty neat waterfalls (easy) we started to climb and the path got narrower as the forest vegetation got denser and the path got steeper. It didn't take long for the pores to open and sweat to gush. It's not easy navigating round tree roots and a totally uneven ground surface with your eyes totally awash. Just like yesterday we were heading up into cloud forest, with its mossy covering. We tried to remember what our guide from yesterday had pointed out in ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Cameron Highlands October 24th 2012

On our penultimate evening in the Taman Negara we decided to lash out and buy in to a safari, well at least it was called a night safari. What it turned out to be was a drive around one of the local palm oil plantations in the dark, sat on the roof of a land rover with the guide casting the beam from a high powered torch into the trees. Such a venture couldn't take place in the national park since there is no vehicular access, so a plantation was the next best thing, at least it had loads of trees. It started promisingly, we almost immediately saw an owl in the beam of the spotlight, but after that it petered out. We saw a few cows, a cat - sadly not a puma type cat, ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Kuala Tahan October 22nd 2012

We left the Perhentian Islands on Saturday morning. By that point there had been considerable rainfall over the previous day and a half but for tha ferry crossing back to the mainland we were bathed in sunshine again. The journey to Taman Negara took about 6 hours. The tourist transfer system is well worked out using minibuses which meet up and swap passengers at key points, which coincide with food breaks. Six of us set out but after our lunch stop only Carol and I continued on to Taman Negara, the others heading off tho the Cameron Highlands. Most of the roads were in good condition, occasionally the driver slowed or ended up on the wrong side to avoid pot holes- not unlike England. Along the way we could see lots of new road building underway, ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Taman Negara National Park September 28th 2012

If ever two nights and three days were to stand out in our travelling experiences, these are the ones. I (M) booked this adventure knowing that we would be stepping outside our comfort zones, and we were willing to stretch ourselves a bit. We thought to leave our two duffel bags at the Maytower hotel, in free storage, and just take our smaller backpacks with us, a decision that made our trip simpler and much more enjoyable. After taxiing to our meeting point in Chinatown, we registered along with about 20 others, all of course at least 20+ years our junior. We boarded a reasonably modern bus and headed 3 hours into the centre of the peninsula to Jerantut, where we were given lunch before we boarded another bus for the jetty on the Tembeling River. ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Cherating September 24th 2012

On Monday 24th I headed to Cherating, to get there I took the bus from Titiswanga in KL, it took 4 hours, the bus had good sized seats and airconditioning. To stay entertained I did combinations of the following 1. Sleep 2. Look out the window 3. Listen to music 4. Try to read The bus from Titeswanga took me to Kuantan, then from Kuantan I needed to take a local bus to Cherating. I felt confident in this plan until I arrived at Kuantan and there were around 20 taxi drivers all insisting to me that I had missed the last bus to Cherating, however I felt relatively confident that I hadn't as part of their argument for saying that the last bus had gone was that the bus to Cherating only runs till 5:30, ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Cherating September 3rd 2012

Im Hotel ist deutlich weniger los, 80% der Gäste sind wegen dem Ferienende abgereist, wir sind fast allein. Gebliebenen sind nur eine etwas übergewichtige indische Familie, ein streng moslemisches Pärchen und ein Chinese aus dem Süden Malaysia mit starkem Hang zum Konsum übermäßiger Mengen Hummers. Annett bleibt mit Aaron im Hotel und sie besuchen ausgiebig den Pool, den Aaron ab jetzt mehr oder weniger für sich allein hat. Der Strand ist menschenleer, wirklich schade dass man wegen der Quallen nicht schwimmen gehen kann. Vielleicht sind sie ja inzwischen verschwunden, aber man möchte halt nicht der Testkandidat sein. Zu einem großen Strandspaziergang ist es ideal und man kann immer noch eine Menge entdecken. Angespülte Tintenfische und Quallen, Palmenstämme etc. Ich mache mit dem Auto einen Erkundungsausflug zu den etwa 70km entfernt liegenden Charas Höhlen. Nach einer knappen ... read more
Im Boot
Sentimentaler Affe

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Cherating September 2nd 2012

Annett geht es immer noch nicht besser, durch das Fieber fühlt sie sich ziemlich schwach. Nach dem Frühstück fahren wir nach Cukai, der nächsten grösseren Stadt, um einen Arzt zu konsultieren. Wir versuchen es zunächst im öffentlichen Krankenhaus, da warten aber viele Leute und wir entscheiden uns zu einem der privaten Ärzte zu gehen. Ich hatte am Vorabend einige Optionen recherchiert und so finden wir recht schnell die Praxis von Dr. Hajjif. Seine Diagnose ist eine starke Halsentzündung. Er verschreibt Annett Antibiotika und fiebersenkende Mittel. Denguefieber schliesst er aus, das ist schon mal gut. Wir verbringen den Rest des Tages am Swimmingpool im Hotel. Annett fühlt sich inzwischen besser und wir buchen für den Abend einen kleinen Bootsausflug in den Mangrovenwald. Zum Abendessen fahren wir nach Cherating, es gibt frischen Fisch für Thomas, Variante „sehr scharf“ ... read more
Der Welt schärfstes Fischrezept

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