Blogs from Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India, Asia - page 15


Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur January 27th 2010

Jodhpur is the second largest city in the state of Rajastan and is domninated by the Mehrangarh Fort which was described by Rudyard Kipling as "The creation of angels, fairies and giants." Construction started in the 15th century and was added to between the 17th and 19th centuries. Towering over the city, it has magnificent views over the city and the houses below, all higgledy piggledy and painted blue: a) to repel the terrible summer heat which goes up to 50 degrees and b) to repel the mosquitoes. Our guide took through the crazy streets of the Sardar Bazaar: women with great loads on their heads, rickshaws, cars, cows etc etc, the dentist sitting on the ground pulling teeth and the barbers sitting on the ground shaving their clients. We entered a five storey building - ... read more
Blue is the colour
Colourful saris
Close Shave in the Sardar Bazaar

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur January 26th 2010

A long day with our driver travelling across the countryside of Rajasthan to our hotel in Rohet, just outside Jodhpur. What a journey. In the morning stopped to visit the Kumbhalgarth Fort which is a massive 15th century structure set high on remote hills and has been the most impregnable fort in the area. In the afternoon we stopped a the Adinath Temple at Ranak;pur. The 15th century temple complext is one of the 5 great holy places of the Jain faith. Eventually arrived at our hotel at about 7.00 pm to a very warm welcome and great excitement as they were waiting to tell us that we had been allocated the smartest suite in the hotel. It is a great space of a suite with a 10' wide bed, a mezzanine floor with a sitting ... read more
In the fast lane
Another mode of animal transport
Animals at work

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur January 23rd 2010

Jan 23rd - Now in Jaislmer, India. In the Great Thar Desert. Since Pete is annoying the crap out of me now, all I have to do is sling-shot him into Pakistan. Won’t that be fun. Train ride was pleasant. I sat next to a lovely Indian family with two little girls and a little boy around Callanish’s age. We played tic-tac-toe, cards, and schoolyard hand games. Pete sat and read his book, completely ignoring his “wife.” What a terrible fake husband! 15 minutes until we have hot water for nice hot, long showers to get rid of the desert dirt and grim of the train ride. We took the train from Jodhpur. The city that easily makes people fall in love with India. From the warm, spiced air, to the AMAZING haveli we stayed in ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur January 18th 2010

Namaste everyone, This is the little bit of Hindi that we have picked up- luckily it can be used to say hello and goodbye making life a lot easier. Our last blog was from Pushkar, which seems like a long time ago now (just over a week). Since then we have been to Udaipur and are now in Jodhpur - going to get our overnight train in about an hour to Jaisalmer. Well we arrived in Udaipur just as the sun was rising on the 10th January (my birthday). The journey from Pushkar was the best so far, the train was only 40 minutes late and we had comfy seats and slept for most of the journey- someone was smiling on us! We found a lovely hostel with amazing views from the rooftop over the lake ... read more
The Lake View Palace
Lake Pichoa
Jag Mandir Island

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur January 14th 2010

After our stint of Government buses and shifty camel rides we were back on the main indian train lines on our way to Jodphur. It is known as the blue city due to the indigo tinge of the whitewashed houses around the Mehrangarh fort. The main reason we came here was to see the Mehrangarh fort which is on top of a 125m hill. Its the first thing we noticed when we got to the city, its huge and stands out above the city, it seems to just grow out of the mountain. It is one of the largest forts in India and houses a collection of relics from the Maharaja times including some rather ornate palanquins, miniature paintings, a well stocked armoury and much more. What is a palanquin I hear you say? Its one ... read more
The clock tower
Markets around the clock tower
The fort at Jodhpur

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur January 10th 2010

den zuegen haben wir nicht vertraut, also haben wir gegen mittag einen bus richtung jodhpur genommen. nach ca sechs stunden fahrt sind wir in der "blauen stadt" angekommen und sind erst mal durch die gegend gestrahlt um ein hotel zu finden. liebenswerter weise hat uns unser riksha fahrer natuerlich erst mal nicht da hingefahren wo wir hinwollten, sondern zu seinem hotel. aber durch die hilfe eines dutch man haben wir dann doch noch ein richt schickes und preiswertes hotel gefunden. das highlight war unserer meinung nach das bad: wir hatten nur eine rote gluehbirne...was uns ein sehr entspanntes duschfeeling vermittelt hat. da wir beide nicht so ganz auf dem hoehepunkt unserer gesundheit waren haben wir uns auf dem dachrestaurant verkoestigt und sind danach ins bett verschwunden...das wir bis mittag des naechsten tages nicht wieder verlassen haben. ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur January 1st 2010

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur December 30th 2009

We liked Jodhpur from the moment we arrived; the streets were bustling (even more than normal due to a festival), the blue houses looked really awesome and there were cows everywhere. After checking into our (very well located) hotel and we ordered lunch on their rooftop which overlooks many of the major sites including the clock tower, Mehrangarh Fort and Umaid Bhawan Palace (the current Maharajahs house) as well as lots of blue buildings. After a huge lunch we set off to explore the streets on foot. It seemed as if a lot of people from non-touristy areas had come to town to enjoy the festival as people were calling out hello and shaking our hands constantly. Eventually we made it to the clock tower, grabbed some lassi’s and set about the tough task of people ... read more
View of Jodhpur City from our hotel rooftop
Hotels new swimming pool
Fruit stall

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur December 13th 2009

Jodhpur and Jaipur 12th to 15th December Jodphur is a big and busy city, after difficulty finding accommodation within budget we settled for an adequate hotel just out of town. We explored the town and drank the most amazing lassi from a famous cafe and ate thali from a recommended fast food cafe. The thali cost 79 Rs each which is approx £1, it was the best food we’d had in India and there was a lot of it. We bought spices to make chai tea but we don’t know yet if immigration in Australia will allow us to bring them in; we hope so as chai tea is one of the simplest delights we have discovered in India. We fancied a beer so hunted for a bar, we finally found a dingy hotel bar which ... read more
Jodhpur Thali
Jodhpur Markets

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur December 6th 2009

The journey continues…the terrain and roadside villages are much the same almost until we reach Jodhpur, although it becomes increasingly stony and undulating with low ridges of sandstone. The soil is still the sandy loam, marginal desert scattered with small shrubs and plants and the ever ubiquitous Khergli tree (prospero acacia) that the camels and goats love (but apparently not the chingkera antelopes. We have seen quite a few of these, particularly between Jodphur and Rohetgarh. The entrance to Jodhpur heralds an oasis city - or at least the presence of more water - more dense shrubbery, green trees and gardens. The old city is surrounded by a 9.5 km wall. The skyline is dominated by escarpments on 3 sides with the town below. On the escarpments sit some very impressive buildings, - the Meterangarh (majestic) ... read more
Meterangarh Fort/castle
Meterangarh Fort/castle
Meterangarh Fort/castle

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