Jodhpur - The Blue City

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January 23rd 2010
Published: February 4th 2010
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Jan 23rd - Now in Jaislmer, India. In the Great Thar Desert. Since Pete is annoying the crap out of me now, all I have to do is sling-shot him into Pakistan. Won’t that be fun. Train ride was pleasant. I sat next to a lovely Indian family with two little girls and a little boy around Callanish’s age. We played tic-tac-toe, cards, and schoolyard hand games. Pete sat and read his book, completely ignoring his “wife.” What a terrible fake husband! 15 minutes until we have hot water for nice hot, long showers to get rid of the desert dirt and grim of the train ride.

We took the train from Jodhpur. The city that easily makes people fall in love with India. From the warm, spiced air, to the AMAZING haveli we stayed in for only 10 english pounds a night. Lovely food, lovely brothers that owned the old family home (for over 400 years), coffee and pancakes for breakfast, lovely rooftop - side note - if you don’t see Pete again - well that is because I left him in the desert! Sorry to his friends and family. ☺

Jodhpur is called the Blue City. Many of the buildings are painted a beautiful blue! See pictures. Jodhpur’s Fort rises above the city which was viewed from two roof top restaurants. Thank you again Lonely Planet for two of the best meals we have had here! Well every meal we have had has been amazing!!! Damn Indian food! Fantastic!

Tomorrow we are taking a camel trek for three days into the desert! Awesome! Bring your own TP. Fun. Then off to Udiapur on a nice little 3pm - 5am bus ride. Can’t wait. We are off to tour around Jasilmer and get me some food since all we have had today is sugar, salt, and fried dough in the forms of cookies, Pepsi, and samosas.

Pete’s Opportunity to Sledge his Opponent - Firstly, may I just say that I think Em is pissed with me for ignoring her on the train ride, stating that it wasn’t very ‘husbandly’! Surely though, being able to Ignore everything your ‘wife’ says and does for 6 hours a day is the most stable bedrock for any marriage??? No??? I’m pretty suer she was joking above, if however she wasn’t, Marty I love you, see you on the other side!!! (Emily Is forgetting I think that I am currently in possession of the money, bank cards, passports and train tickets!)

Seriously though, Johdpur was easily our favorite city thus far, the food, the people, the views and the much more laid back atmosphere all contributed to this, it gave Em and I a lot more time to talk ….. turns out she’s not as dull as I thought she would be??

Okay, will update you all soon with a proper update, if I make it out of the desert that is!

Speak soon my lovers x x


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