Blogs from Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India, Asia - page 13


Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur December 17th 2010

December 17, 2010: Mt Abu – Jodhpur Sam Wrote: I wanted an early start and get down the mountain before the traffic became insane but the driver talked me into a 9am departure. The ride down the mountain was not too scary. It was kind of neat actually with the monkeys sitting on the guard rails almost like they were wishing us bon voyage. In reality, the monkeys were hoping we would throw them some food. If the road down the mountain was not frightening, the balance of the way to Jodhpur (225 km) was truly terrifying. It is a single carriageway and a distance that we could typically cover in little over two hours took us 5 hours. The road was packed with overloaded trucks and all sorts of other users that are typical in ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur November 21st 2010

Wieder ein liebes Hallo an die Lieben zu Hause! Jodhpur: Sind im Hotel Ajit Mansion angekommen und haben die Schnauze vom Sightseeing gestrichen voll. Permanente Abzocke geht uns auch schon auf den Keks. Rajasthan is wirklich ein hartes Pflaster und die Inder sehen in uns ein lebendiges Sparschweinchen. Wartezeit beim Dinner 1.5 Stunden. Dafuer gabs Entertainment auf der Strasse - sprich indische Hochzeiten werden richtig gefeiert... ...kriechen auf allen 4 in unser Zimmer. Sind nicht allein... Eine Ameisenkolonie der Extraklasse besiedelt und besudelt unseren Boden. Affen stehlen uns, die fuer uns noch immer undefinierbaren Fruechte, vom Balkon. Kathis 2. Besuch beim Doktor wegen ihrer allergischen Reaktion auf die Cholera-Impfung endet wie folgt: Der Dr. empfiehlt uns einen Ashram, weil er spuert, dass wir auf der Suche nach FRIEDEN und RUHE sind?! Haben die Staet... read more
Good to know...
Ashram Room

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur November 11th 2010

Antes de buscar alojamiento fuimos a conocer el Umaid Bhawan Palace y tuvimos la puntería de ver salir al Maharaja de Jaisalmer. A la tarde visitamos el fuerte y desde allí pudimos ver lo que quedaba de la ciudad celeste. Y de pura casualidad nos encontramos con los hermanos Arcieri, Palumbo y cia, ya que caímos a comer al hotel en donde ellos dormían! Después de ponernos al día vimos un show de danzas. En esos días es hace el festival conocido como Durga Puja que dura 10 días, durante esos días se ven fuegos artificiales y todos los pueblos están de fiesta, en décimo día hacen la quema del momo, pero no llegamos a verla porque pinchamos una rueda en el camino. Al otro día fuimos a un templo, al memorial, almorzamos con los chicos ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur September 21st 2010

Camel trek. Done. Sleeping in the sand dunes. Done. Mat waking me up (whilst in the desert) at 4am, screaming. Done. Quick side notes and then I will explain all! After we last blogged in Jodhpur (where we are back again tonight) we went out for a beautiful meal at a restaurant called Indique, we were five storeys high and surrounding us was the fort, the clock tower and a lake. During our meal, the streets below broke out in song and dance (we had wondered why there were so many women and children out and about.) It was to celebrate the God Ganesha and it was a truly mesmorising scene. We didn't have the camera with us so we can't share it with you all when we upload our pictures but this makes that moment ... read more
Waiting for the sunset...
Camel trek

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur September 18th 2010

Namaste! So, we last blogged in rain-soaked Jaipur, up until this point India had been pretty tough for us both. The "Golden Triangle", we felt, wasn't so golden after all. However, on our second day in Jaipur, we visited a town on the outskirts, called Amber (bloody typical that this is the first place that we really felt comfortable in!). A beautiful 16th Century Amber coloured fort had us both in awe. At that point, away from the hussle, the bussle and the tourist hassle, we felt like we were discovering the real India. From here, we ventured back in to Jaipur (otherwise known as the Pink City... It's never bloody seen pink, it was orange! This had us confused for quite a while..) to do the typical touristy things; City Palace, Jantar Mantah and Albert ... read more
The Holy Lake, Pushkar
How many passengers?
School Class

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur August 24th 2010

From Dharamsala I got the night bus back to Delhi. Urgghh. 12 hours twisting and turning down from the mountains, thrown from my seat every time the bus swung round a corner. Didn't sleep much. During the obligatory midnight chai break I made friends with a nice Canadian girl and an Indian hippy from Goa. This was lucky. When we got to Delhi, Indian Hippy kindly allowed me and Canadian girl use of his hostel room to shower, nap and dump our bags, since we were both only in Delhi for a 12 hour stopover before moving on in the evening. I wasn't looking forward to a sweaty, sleep deprived day lugging all my bags around Delhi. Indian Hippy was really nice but had an annoying habit of trying to ascertain things about my personality based ... read more
Nice mustache...
View from fort

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur August 9th 2010

Geo: 26.2816, 73.0232We felt filthy and exhausted after the sleeper bus from Jaipur. Hair and bodily cleanliness was beyond repair. I was even considering changing into a sari, at least that would cover everything up! The Durag Niwas Guesthouse were very welcoming and kindly let us rest on their sofas when we appeared half alive at their doorstep at 5 in the morning. The rooms were beautiful. The hotel was full of French volunteering in the attached NGO teaching English! They lived up to their reputation as the friendliest of travellers!! The best thing about the Durag Niwas Guest House was the presence of women! I hadn't seen one doing any kind of work for a very long time and it was great to stay at a place where women are considered able beings. The Merherengah ... read more
Sweeping up Bill
It's clear who rules the roads!
Jodhpur streets

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur July 31st 2010

This is my last day at Sambhali, and it feels like time to recollect all I’ve gained and contributed during my two months here. There have been many challenging and heartbreaking moments, and I will never forget these lessons. The harsher memories are softened by neighboring images of determination, of sacrifice, of respect, and of love from the strong community of Sambhali Trust. Once immersed in the swift flow of the NGO, I marveled at the smoothness and speed in which things were accomplished. Walls and completely new rooms were built in mere days at the office; the Sambhali store was opened with only a few delays (shocking for Jodhpur); meetings were conducted bimonthly without fail, successfully bring the entire team together to share our work and thoughts. I learned a lot about what a ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur July 17th 2010

Hello Dearies! Hope all is well wherever you are. I'm grateful that you have the desire, and time, to read my various entries :) I myself am finding it difficult to relax. Each morning I spent at least thirty minutes drinking chai and waiting for breakfast. I almost always read the paper, or a book. Sometimes, if I’m too tired or I’ve read everything in my possession, I sit in the morning sun and only sip, and feel unproductive. My host mom, Chancha, never reads. When she has chai and cookies in the morning or afternoon, she only sits. She listens to the birds nesting in the backyard, or watches people pass by on the street. She can read and write, but instead she chooses to just…be. It’s a state I’ve lost touch with, or never ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur July 13th 2010

A warning to my dear friends, If you see a boy run into the street at night amidst an Indian wedding party, place something on the concrete, light it, and run, then it will probably explode in your face. In a terrifying moment, I was momentarily deafened and blinded. Amidst the singing and music accompanying the mounted bridegroom, a flash of light filled my vision, quickly replaced with pitch blackness; my hearing was assaulted by a roar, and then an eerie silence of aftershock. This slowly faded into a harsh ringing as my eyes slowly regained their sight, but my heart continued pounding. It only lasted a few seconds, and my fear was so great that I couldn’t process what I was afraid of (blindness? Death?) until I’d already begun to recover. The following explosions were ... read more

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