Blogs from Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India, Asia - page 14


Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur July 7th 2010

Here is a piece I wrote for Sambhali Trust's website: Change comes from within. Within each person, certainly, but also within a community, from the web of minds that shape a household, a village, a culture. Change often sprouts up, struggling, between cracks in the pavement, fueled by internal unrest. Sambhali Trust has planted this change in a fertile bed, where a garden of women to unfold their brilliant, resilient petals. The potential of Sambhali Trust runs deep within the experiences and beliefs of its beneficiaries. Each smiling woman and girl has a story, hardships and roadblocks they’ve faced and continue to tackle. When I arrived at Sambhali Trust, I was welcomed by a graceful group of women, adorned in vibrant clothes, jewelry and a thirst for knowledge. I swelled with admiration, and anticipation of working ... read more
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Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur June 28th 2010

Namaste, Today I had an exciting meeting with Govind and the interns at Sambhali Trust. Megan has just arrived, and the four of us discussed our projects and were assigned some further work by Govind. I will be writing a report/proposal for the Sheerni Micro Credit Project with our three Self Help Groups in Setrawa. Of course I have not forgotten that this is where the Emory graduate (tear) Surbhi worked last summer. I’m currently working on getting translations for past reports and financial books, and looking over Sambhali’s past work and relations concerning the project. I’ll be evaluating how the SHGs have progressed in the past 6 months since they were formed and what needs and potential there is for the future groups. Sambhali Trust also has 10 SHGs that the government has assembled and ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur June 11th 2010

Namaste! Ap kesay hum? It’s hard to keep my journals updated with all I’ve been doing, and post them on the internet regularly. Here are a few compiled entries about my Non-Government Organization, Sambhali Trust: My first meeting with Govind, the center’s director, was with two other interns and all of the teachers at Sambhali Trust. The meeting was thoughtfully planned so that it began about 10 minutes after I walked into Sambhali Trust for the first time. The benches were lined with women in the colorful Rajasthani dress, each with a golden nose piercing and decorative jewelry. Most of them wear a sticker dot on their forehead between the eyes, with a painted scarlet streak in their hair part to signify marriage. The attire was a korti or camese, a sleeved shirt, which reaches to ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur June 5th 2010

Namaste Dear family and friends! I just opened my computer, which I had stuck in my bag, to find that it is infested with ants. And I don’t mean an ant here or there - 50 ants poured out from under the keys, swarming over letters and onto the screen. How did this happen overnight? I think this must be a very bad sign for my bag…I’m scared to look. OK I looked - it’s not that bad, ants prefer the internals workings of a laptop to nesting in clothing. Or maybe they are just exited by something new. Even as I type, they still haven’t left the keys: reduced in number, they frantically dart in and out of letters, searching for their fellow ant comrades. Or maybe they are trying to spell something…shift…z…3…x…sunshine symbol…tab. Yeah, ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur June 1st 2010

May 30th (I wrote this a few days ago, but this is the first day I've gotten internet! I hope to write a new entry soon as so much has happened since sunday :) Namaste! I know I arrived here yesterday, but it already feels like so long! I’ve met my fellow interns and they are all awesome. Everyone has some story or crazy experience, and is really friendly and ready to learn about Jodhpur. Our orientation has consisted of shopping, eating, learning Hindi, drinking, dancing, swimming (in the only pool in Jodhpur, the existence of which Gabriel considers a crime in the desert) and discussing about our expectations about the program. Last night at a club/bar (one of two in all of Jodhpur) I met my director and host at Sambhali Trust. Apparently, the NGO ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur May 24th 2010

Hello and welcome to the beginning of my journey to India! As you know, I was lucky enough to receive the Emory UPGRADE scholarship with helps fund an internship with the international organization 'Foundation for Sustainable Development.' They have partnered me with a Local Non-Government Organization to work on Women's Empowerment. I am full of exciting preparations for my departure. Luckily, I have all the necessary vaccines from my trip to Tanzania, save one. I also have a lot of travel supplies left over from the past summer, so my expenses, though substantial, are not over burdensome. My plans to travel with my dear friend Noor Najafi have been foiled by the strict VISA people in India. Because of his name they have not granted him a VISA which totally sucks because Noor is really someone ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur March 22nd 2010

Upon leaving Jaipur I met a woman from Montreal, and all she could talk about was going North - well, I think she has convinced me! But for the moment, I'm still doing my whirlwind through Rajasthan. It was not suppose to happen like that - well, nothing was really planned and I just went by feeling, but feelings seem to turn sour quickly here, and so in the matter of 5 days or so, I have made my way to Jodhpur only to leave to Jaisalmere a few days later, and now I am ready to pack up my bag. The only thing stopping me now though is my stomach. In the mid-afternoon, I was picked up by Jonti, my faithful rickshaw driver, and take to the train station. SOmething weird was happening in my ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur March 20th 2010

Well it was still in the middle of a massive heat wave and things were only doable early morning or late afternoon.....but the pool here was awesome....... read more
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Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur March 16th 2010

Hi... Was on a small business trip to this 'Blue City' in the deserts of India. The sand glows as the sun rises and speaks of fascinating historical/royal/palatial/cultural stories of the royal 'marwars' of rajasthan. Jodhpur history revolves around the Rathore kin. Rao Jodha, the chief of the Rathore family, is certified with the origin of Jodhpur in India. He founded Jodhpur in 1459. The city is named after him only. It was formerly known as Marwar. Initially, Mandore served as their capital, but, by 1459, Rathores felt a need for a secure capital. This lead to the formation of Jodhpur, the Sun City, by Rao Jodha. Jodhpur the second largest city of Rajasthan has been drawing the notice of tourists from all over the world. Standing as the guard of the country's western border, ... read more
Jaswant Thada and the royal tombs
Jaswant Thada front
Jaswant Thada and the royal tombs

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur February 12th 2010

Day 5 - Train & Jodhpur I woke up suddenly at 02:00 to the sound of running, screaming and panic. I sat up quickly to see 3 men running down the carriage screaming. I was in that state of mind where you’ve been wrenched out of sleep due to the evolutionary instinct of the possibility of danger, after the 3 men had run through to the next carriage I concentrated hard on my hearing to see if there was anything that I should be hearing, my immediate thoughts were ‘bomb, fire, murder’ as the men were running at a speed I wouldn’t be able to match through a crowded and dark train at 2 o’clock in the morning. I heard nothing, no one else was panicking and no other noises were being made so I relaxed ... read more
Looming Mountains
I like this one
Big rocks.

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