Blogs from Central America Caribbean - page 1883


Greetings from the land of the Quetzal after being incommunicado for so long! But my hiatus is well justified, having been absorbing the sun (sol) and soul of this natural paradise for the last couple weeks. Semuc Champey is a natural park 2 1/2 hours from Coban in central Guatemala by a mostly gravel and dirt road through one of the most gorgeous areas i have ever seen (i know I say that every blog, but i really mean it this time!). And I have had some of the most memorable experiences of my life there. After Antigua i had been contemplating my next move. I almost didn´t come here...I was debating either the pacific coast down at monterrico or the forest in the highlands. Green Turtles or Green Trees? I know, tough life decisions. If ... read more
Pozas From Above
Semuc Gang

Hola Amigo's, commo estan??? I'm all good, well have had a hangover that lasted almost 40 hours but now that's passed am back on top form again! Well you'll be glad to know that i don't intend to write as much as i did last time, but then again, i never did last time so we'll see! We stayed in Granada for just 2 nights in the end and felt pretty much the same about it as we did Leon. That is, not that impressed. It was a really pretty town with loads of multicoloured houses and churches, but apart from walking down and around the streets we couldn't seem to find much else to do there. We visited it's tourismo area and that was absolutely deserted. It was on the lake of Lago de Nicaragua ... read more
Arriving at Isle de Omotepe
Bored on Isle de Omotepe!!
Stunning Scenery though!!

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Central » Comayagua November 17th 2006

Mes étudiants ayant bûché, sué sang et eau durant leurs partiels ( Por Fa' , laissez moi cette illusion !!) , le programme de la semaine suivante a été plus qu'allégé . Non pas que cela ait été dans mes intentions ; je leur avais concocté un petit programme studieux, mais j'ai été forcée de reconsidérer mes priorités ! J'oublie souvent que celles-ci sont souvent très éloignées des priorités honduriennes ! Et la priorité de la semaine, pardon LES priorités de la semaine , ça n'était pas la correction des exams ( comme je l'avais plannifiée ) mais le "Talent Show" du vendredi , et le "VI Festival Folklorico" d'EBH du dimanche. En d'autres termes , cela signifiait que le plus clair de notre temps serait consacré aux répétitions pour les deux évènements !! Répétition générale ... read more
En attendant l'ouverture du "EBH Talent Show 2006"
En attendant l'ouverture du "EBH Talent Show 2006"
En attendant l'ouverture du "EBH Talent Show 2006"

Central America Caribbean » Belize November 17th 2006

Belize City - Thu 16/11 to Fri 17/11Belize was a bit of an afterthought, it is a beautiful country however, it was never on our agenda. We decided to make a brief stopover because we had to go through Belize to get to Guatemala and we knew we wouldn't make it to Guatemala before dark. One of our rules from the start was never to arrive in a new town/city after dark, so we made the stopover in Belize city. We got on the bus in Mexico and headed for Belize City, we met an English couple on the bus who were also going to Belize city - Steve and Michelle. We had to get off the bus at the Mexican border to leave Mexico - it was quite exciting for us - our first overland ... read more

For border crossings this was the easiest and quickest we have ever been through, no messing about. I think it has something to do with the Belizean easygoing attitude and way of life. It’s like no problem come in! Belize used to be a part of the famous British Empire and explains why it’s the only speaking country in Central America. I love the story of how it came into our hands! Guatemala and Britain signed a treaty giving Britain the rights to the land provided that we built them a road direct from Guatemala City to Belize City. Just like us conning Brits we took the land but did not build the road and haven’t since! Dell boy would be proud!! Belize came independent from Britain in 1981 and since then Guatemala have demanded the ... read more

ENGLISH ...The jam packed bus took 5 hours... 5 hours and we finally hit La Fortuna in the pouring rain (Oh Joy!)... The Cerro Chato Eco Lodge was not that Eco. It's only claim was to only use locally produced stuff i.e. soap! The volcano in the morning was...well... how can I say... indescribable. In fact it was invisible due to the cloud cover. Also it rained all morning. A bit like the UK really. Thankfully in the afternoon, sunshine and blue skies meant the volcano could be seen in its full glory and we decided to walk the 1 hour or so to the waterfalls and then the 3 hours up Cerro Chato. This mission was aborted when it started pissing down...again! We thought it better not to get washed off the dormant volcano by ... read more
Water falling
Mirador Paraiso
Almost there

Central America Caribbean » Belize November 17th 2006

A short flight from Dallas and we arrived in Belize City. American Airlines not quite as comfortable, nor as generous with food as Qantas, but it did provide us with entertainment in the form of an inflight shopping magazine where you could purchase, and no joke, a 2-story home for your cat, including an upstairs patio to enjoy the view, or a slide for your dog, so that he can slide into your backyard swimming pool with fun....brilliant stuff! Staying long enough in the city just to get our anti-malaria pills (at 20% of the price at home), we hit Caye Caulker, an island off the east coast. Go Slow was the order of the trip, with no traffic on the island - golf buggies being the only form of transportation - and nothing much to ... read more
Red Snapper Dinner
Snorkelling with Stingrays
Caye Caulker

Claire: Caye Caulker: We left Playa del Carmen and traveled 8 hours south and across the border into Belize. From Belize City we took a quick and bumpy water taxi out to the tiny Caribbean island of Caye caulker, a few miles of the Belizean coast. We arrived quite late and so did nothing but have a little dinner that night and book our snorkeling trip for the next day. We woke up the next morning and wandered barefoot from our little beachfront room (fantastic view!) along to the little dock where our sailboat waited to take the whole tour group sailing. There were a few other people that came along on the trip and maybe about 20 in total. We got all geared up and headed out to the high seas! Ross got a bit ... read more
belize city docks
water taxi to caye caulker
lobster dinner

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » La Habana November 17th 2006

alright people here are some photos of cuba, my home away from home !!! and thats not all, i just have to go to chichin itza now for a sound and light show buenos noches... read more
motorcycle diaries
la habana en la noches

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica November 17th 2006

Alright so headign to a farm today about 2.5 hours from San Jose. Thinking I'm gonna stay there for about 3 weeks or so. I'd love to rip up Costa Rica and see all the sights but I am seriously broke. I've given up on loading pictures. All the computers seem to crash and burn. So I"ll make up for it when I get home. After that gonna jump on a 48 hour bus to Honduras *again would love to check out Nicaragua but no $$4). Gotta save my little bit of $$$ for a serious scuba diving binge in Utila. Gonna look into a water taxi from the honduran islands straight up to Belize so then I'll hit up Guatamala after the new year. Can't wait. So everyone take care. Those of u in school ... read more

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