Blogs from Central America Caribbean - page 1886


Central America Caribbean » Cuba November 14th 2006

08.11.06 Um 05.30 Uhr stand ich auf und bereits eine Stunde spaeter ging ich aus dem Haus. Ich musste auch nur vier Cuadras laufen um auf den Bus zu warten. Der erste war leider schon voll. Der zweite zwar auch, aber ich schaffte es noch knapp. Wir wurden bis zu den Amarillos gefahren. Ich musste jedoch ueber 45 Minuten warten und verpasste auch noch den Direktbus von Astro. Gegen 08.00 Uhr gings los in einem Camion. Es war recht unangenehm und die Fahrt bis Las Tunas dauerte eine Ewigkeit. Dort musste ich mir eine Nummer holen und bei einem anderen Bus anstehen. Bereits nach 15 Minuten ging die Fahrt weiter, erneut in einem Camion. Ich war sehr froh, als wir endlich in Bayamo ankamen. Eine Frau fuehrte mich bis ins Zentrum. Dort musste ich zuerst meinen ... read more

Our Panamanian journey started in Portobello, so named by Chris Columbus as he thought it was a beautiful port - it was. We only spent a night there after our boat trip and got swept up by the umpteen marching bands that were celebrating Independence Day from Columbia, some were better than others but none really had a good rythum. After visiting many fortresses - once you have seen one fortress you have seen them all - we headed into Panama City. The highlight of Panama City is the Canal, to you readers that sounds very geekish but it was sooooo interesting. It was built yonks ago and was an engineering feat in its day and still is today - it was very cool to just stand and watch these huge boats squeeze through - there ... read more
Spainish Fort, Portobello
Drummer Boy

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica November 14th 2006

It´s lindsay´s birthday today. She is very proud to be born today. Tonight we are going to class and then out with a german, our teachers, our hostel cleaner, some tico friends, and a british couple, very random. Class has been going good, we are far from fluent, but we are much more comfortable with speaking and listening as long as the people speak slow. Last sunday we went to a nature reserve just south of orosi. It is one of the rainest places in costa rica and it poured the whole time. It was fun, but at the end our camera stopped working. Luckily the next morning it dried out and worked. Last night Lucas went with adrian to cartago to find a cake for lindsay´s birthday. It was nice there and there were many ... read more
Another furry friend

Sur plusieurs plans.Tout d'abord, une vague de chaleur nous a envahi a peine entree au pays. La temperature atteignait facilement 35 degre, c'etait insoutenable. C'est aussi un pays de latino au sang chaud, nous n'avons jamais fait tourner autant de tete. Finalement, c'est sans hesiter le pays le plus dangereux visite jusqu'a present. La pauvrete, la delinquence et la violence y est tres presente. San Salvador est de loin la pire ville visitee. J'ai eu la mauvaise idee de sortir a 6h le soir pour trouver un restaurant Subway que les gens disaient proche. apres une serie d'indications differentes, Pascale a decide de rebrousser chemin, ce qui etait une merveilleuse idee, surtout que nous nous enfoncions vers l'inconnu dans un quartier peu recommandable. Le journal annoncait 15 assasinats dans les 30 dernieres heures dans la ville, ... read more

So my last entry happened last tuesday and I apologize if I left a cliff hanger in your emails without my stories. I got some emails from people who were worried that I had joined a circus or gone off to work in Amsterdam. Lets thank Davicin for the long list of people I just added to my travel blog. Thanks to you I´m that much closer to a hundred people who read my lame as fucken stories. So last tuesday I was worried that I wasnt gonna be able to leave mexico cuz my dumb ass left my ticket back in L.A. So after I finished my stories I called fedex and was told I had to make it to Guadalajara before 6pm or I wouldnt have my plane ticket for the next day. This ... read more

Ok, my stop in El Salvador was in fact only 49 minutes while waiting for my connecting flight to San Francisco. However i did play a song on ye olde guitar to a rather bemused collection of American business travellers and some El Salvadorian airport workers. Hence i feel i'm allowed to blog the place. Also i managed to nearly get arrested in the airport despite my breif stay for.. carrying toothpaste. Yep, apparently although taking umpteen TACA airline flights before, because this one was bound for the states, all of a sudden we were not permitted to "..gather in groups of more than 3 people in any area..." ooo! Also my innocent Colgate toothpaste was suddenly deemed a security risk. However after negociations as to the actual risk toothpaste poses, and demonstrating that it was ... read more
Playing to bemused business men
Beofre leaving San Jose
After checking in the heavens opened

Antigua a ete une ville difficile a quitter. Non pas parce que nous nous etions attachees a cette ville coloniale, mais a cause dúne serie de petits desagrements. La maladie m´a fait garder le lit pour une journee, ce qui nous a retarde. Au terminal d'autobus de Guatemala City, j'ai remarque qu'il me manquait mon appareil photo numerique. Notre bus partait bientot et je croyais l'avoir oublie a l'hotel. Nous sommes donc retournees a Antigua, en croissant sur la route un homme ensanglante fraichement mort. L'hotel n'avait pas mon appareil, je me le suis probablement fait voler dans l'autobus, je me rappelle quelques 3 secondes d'innatention qui m'ont surement coutees un Sony Carl Zeiss presque neuf. J'ai decide de me debarasser de mon materiel couteux et j'ai laisser mon ipod a une voyageuse quebecoise qui retournait ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Heredia November 13th 2006

We started our Sunday by going up to the Poas Volcano and hiking around, since we couldn’t see the crater due to dense fog that had rolled in we hiked their trails. The hike was amazing; the paths take you through these amazing habitats where you feel like you are walking through fairy tale woods. After we left Poas, we went to meet one of our contractors who wanted to take us on a tour of a local coffee plantation. We have other plantation tours near our house, but they give you a somewhat glorified view of what coffee plantations can be- they are coffees that don’t get exported and are not the best quality place. This place on the other hand is a REAL coffee plantation, owned by a 3rd generation coffee farmer. It was ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba November 13th 2006

A few things to understand about Cuba before reading our blog, it´s a communist society (albeit not 100%, in fact there are many instances of commercialism & westernisation , just none of it is American driven), they have a fantastic education system & health system, one of their claims to fame is that the life expectancy of a Cuban is greater than that in the US. The average monthly wage is the region of US$15 but they do get rations, cheap transport & free health, education etc. etc. Castro´s plan is to grow tourism revenue to deliver 50% of the country´s total income by 2015. We reckon, his plan doesn´t cater for tourists coming to Cuba and doing it on the cheap like Siobhan and I, the main man wouol prefer them to come & go ... read more
"Imagine" Maurice, Siobhan & John
Che Mural, Havana
Look at those cars

After an evening of fun and dancing Costa Rican style up in San Jose, we had an early wake up call (very early by my Argentinian sensored brain) to get a bus up to the cloud forest area of La Fortuna. As usual slight hicups were plentilful when trying to figure out transportation in Latin America, but by 8.40am (sat 11th) we were on the Tica Bus, taking the 4 hour journey north from San Jose. The journey itself was pretty spectacular, and as Costa Rica is in transit from the rainy season to the slightly less rainy season at the moment we were givem spectacular views of clouds, sun, rain. mist, more cloud, all against the backdrop of stunning cloud forest. palm trees and quaint little Costa Rican villages. The first thing i've noticed about ... read more
What it looks like when erupting
A Volcano with a marc
A spot of climbing

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