Blogs from Victoria, Australia, Oceania - page 592


Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » St Kilda April 15th 2006

alright guys as the title suggests i'm thinking of heading back home, although i'm only thinking about it. i'm heading to perth next sunday and i've started to look into hostels and i don't know if it because i've had a place of my own for the past 4 months or because i'm a jaded cynical bastard and i simply can't be arsed anymore. i seem to be hanging here for the simple reason i want to be away a year just to say i've been away for a year and thats not really a good enough reason so yeah i'm going to have a little think over the next week and decide from there on in, i have to change my flight home in a couple of weeks so i best get thinking, there's also ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne April 15th 2006

Looking out of the plane window I realised that people werent kidding about Melbourne weather. Long trousers, fleeces and even the odd wolly hat were evident in the Airport groundcrew - so on leaving the plan I braced myself for the worst. But the worst didnt come. It really wasnt that cold. When I reached the city itself... the same again. I'm sure even in London in winter people don't wrap up like this - down jackets, scarves, huge overcoats. What's going on? Im walking amongst these people in shorts and a shirt. I mean, yeah, it's cooler that Sydney. But its still not really cold. I was lucky to arrive in Melbourne during the International Comedy Festival. The first show that I went to watch was a sketch show call "You say Potato; I say ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » St Kilda April 14th 2006

Toast and tea for a very early breakfast was fine for me, but the rain wasn't :o( We set off for Wilsons Promortory at 7.30 and in this massive national park we went to a large open land with loads of emus and kangeroos. It was wonderful to see them all together and so peaceful in the wild. A 6m walk first thing in the morning didn't interest me much I went anyway. The rain had gone, the sun was out and it was a very pleasant walk. It was to Pillar Point - the most southerly point of mainland Australia. We were a bit baffled to see the trail end here which mean me had to go back on ourselves a bit. The end of the walk was a pretty bridge over brown water. It ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Grampians April 13th 2006

G'Day Mates ( It's Good Friday and we are heading nothwards towards the Grampians. And as we travel the sky gets darker and darker, before we see Mt Sturgeon and Mt Stokes, at the stat of the Grampians we been through pouring rain. However when we arrive at Dunkeld, they have not had the rain, but desparately need it!! It's Easter weekend and we are told at the I-site that all the camps are fully booked, but the ranger finds us room at Halls Gap at the Grampians Gardens. So off we head, and as we travel we pass forest that was severly burnt in January. It is all showing great signs of recovery though, amazing how regrowth can occur on such badly burnt trees. But it is all part of the ecology of Australian Bush, ... read more
Burnt Forest 2
Halls Gap Wallaby
Halls Gap From Above

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Foster April 13th 2006

I had American style panackes for breakfast and they were really tasty! Cheryl (the bus driver) said good morning, grrrrr... The only thing that stopped me from being ready to leave (after goin back for my tooth brush) was Diesel. I was sitting in the bus with him on my lap, and he wouldn't move. I had to take him off the bus because we had to leave but he wanted to get back on. I then had to carry him quite far away from the bus as everyone was waiting to go, he face as i put him down :o( his eyes said 'where are you going?' Poor thing!! I wanted to take him with me. Not too far down the road we went to the campsite for the Buchan caves to see kangeroos. We ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » St Kilda April 13th 2006

Hoi allemaal... hier ff een kort berichtje om te vertellen dat Balou de ongelijke strijd met zijn ziekte heeft verloren. Hij is sinds afgelopen zondag enorm achteruit gegaan, wankelde als hij liep, plaste naast zijn kattenbak, en was heel zwak. Sinds gisteren had hij niets meer gegeten, en dat is altijd de grens geweest die wij ons hebben voorgehouden. Vandaar ook dat we vanochtend hebben besloten om hem te laten inslapen... de dierenarts is gelukkig langsgekomen, en ze heeft Balou een injectie gegeven terwijl Jackie hem op haar schoot had. Erg emotioneel dus, maar wel heel persoonlijk en op een heel vreemde manier ook heel prettig. We voelen ons enorm verdrietig, maar ook op een vreemde manie ropgelucht dat hij nie verder heeft hoeven lijden. Nou, dat is het ff voor nu, geen zin in een ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Torquay April 11th 2006

Nous voila donc pretes a quitter Melbourne. Nous nous sommes levees tot pour empaqueter nos affaires dans la voiture et payer le parking (qui n'est gratuit que jusque 7h30). Apres avoir tout descendu et tappe plus de 3 dollars dans cette foutue machine (j'ai failli ecrire "dans ce foutu orodateur", mais je ne suis sure ni du mot, ni de l'orthagraphe... si quelqu'un se sent l'ame a eclairer ma lanterne sur le sujet... avis aux amateurs!), on a le plaisir de decouvrir un charmant (tres ironique cette fois) PV sur notre pare-brise! Et oui... premier jour avec notre voiture, premier PV. C'est tout de meme ralant! On l'a eue tres mauvaise pendant les quelques premiers secondes, mais au final, on l'a pris comme il se doit : NO WORRIES ... il doit encore se trouver quelque ... read more
Kelly Slater concentrating before competing!!
Kelly Slater in Action!
Bells Beach at 7.00 am !!

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » St Kilda April 11th 2006

I arrived in Melbourne with hardly any money and knew that the champagane backpacker lifestyle or 'flashpacking' had come to an end. It was supposed to be the time to get work and earn enough money to contiune on with the travelling. A month-and-a-half later and i'm still in a similar position to when i arrived. The job situation is better (marginally) but unfortunately the promise of full time work for a backpacker is hard to come across. In such situations sacrifices have to be made - for one (as the pictures showed previously) my accomodation is pretty basic but cheap, drinking has to be limited and purchases of other items has to be logical. Food is one of these and since arriving back in Australia I have been on the pasta diet. I was speaking ... read more
Me @ GP
Unharmed Pinata

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » Docklands April 11th 2006

Right I've been a bit slack and not updated for a while, so apologies first as I know how you are all enthralled by my exploits and wait with baited breath for my next installment, well wait no-more. So I'm in Oz, Melbourne to be specific, got here today and what have I been upto, well not too much if I'm honest and that's why I've not updated. I did plan to chill for a bit when I got to Oz and that what I've done. After my lovely journey from the Islands of Thailand to Oz I was glad to get here without too much trauma and get a bed and catch-up on some sleep. I was booked into a hostel in Kings Cross, a lovely area of Sydney if anyone hasn't been. Basically it's ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » St Kilda April 10th 2006

Starting to get bored. Yes, I know it's a sinful thing to say when you're on the otherside of the world, enjoying the good life, but I think I'm starting to loose direction. It doesn't help that I havn't got a job and the weather is overcast and cold. Think I need to figure out what I'm doing here: The original plan was to work for 3 months then do Taz, then travel up the East coast to Cairns, catch a lift to Cape Tribulation, fly to Darwin, jump on a tour to Uluru and finally fly back to Sydney by the 1st Aug to catch my connection to Bali. Simple really. Just writing it down has improved my mood - at least there's a vague plan! The problem is I'd planned to do that over ... read more

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