Blogs from Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia, Oceania - page 20


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas July 22nd 2009

So here we are - back in Australia. It was an early start to get to Auckland airport for 7am, but we made it ok. Then a 5 hour flight to Cairns. We arrived and admitted to the immigration that we'd stayed on a farm, and after a few questions they took our shoes away and cleaned them for us! We also had to wait a while for the hire car to arrive, but it was upgraded to a van. At least the luggage was easy to fit in! Our last two cars it was a bit of a jigsaw to get all the cases into the boot. Anyway, we set off for Port Douglas and our first two nights at the Barrier Reef. We got there at about 4pm, and went for a swim. The ... read more
Our car - upgraded!
Harvesting sugar cane we think
In the pool

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas June 23rd 2009

Vi har taget forskud på Skt. Hans ;0) Vi er nu så langt mod nord i Queensland man overhovedet kan komme med en almindelig bil (læs: Asfaltvejen stopper her…) - nemlig i Cape Tripulation knap 200 km. nord for Cairns. Vi bor på en campingplads absolut lige ned til stranden, så vi har nydt morgenmaden i strandkanten næsten med fødderne i vand. SKØNT! Her er også en fælles bålplads, som vi benytter flittigt - bl.a. til en for-Skt. Hans, som vi fejrede med snobrød og afsyngning af Midsommervisen.. børnene synes vi var dybt pinlige, og de andre gæster (australiere, englændere, tyskere og en enkelt franskmand) undrede sig over, hvad det var vi lavede - specielt det med at bage brød på en pind over bål, fik vi mange spørgsmål om - fnis! Campingpladsen er yderst basal ... read more
Magnetic Island - endnu en vild koala
Magnetic Island - far og sønner på jetski
På vej til snorkling

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas June 13th 2009

Auf dem Weg nach Port Douglas haben wir einige der zahlreichen Northern Beaches besucht, die sich über 26km entlang der Nordküste von Cairns erstrecken. Port Douglas an sich ist eine sehr kleine und sehr touristische Stadt mit rund 1.000 Einwohnern und liegt etwa 60 km nördlich von Cairns. Port Douglas erfreut sich auch großer Beliebtheit bei den Stars. So war beispielsweise der ehemalige US-Präsident Bill Clinton vor einigen Jahren hier auf Urlaub. Tragisches Detail am Rande: Am 4. September 2006 starb der australische "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin bei Dreharbeiten an der Küste von Port Douglas durch den Stich eines Stachelrochens.... read more
Northern Beaches
Northern Beaches
Northern Beaches

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas April 2nd 2009

We landed in Cairns and drove to Port Douglas. We are staying in a 2 Bedroom Condo at Sea Temple Resort with a Jacuzzi on the roof. The first evening a Surprise Guest comes to the Reception. We then take a Boat Ride to the Great Barrier Reef. Dr Johnson scuba dives while rest snorkle. We also take a submarine ride to see teh corals and fish. We are surrounde by Frogs in Austarlia!... read more
Great Barrier Reef

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas April 2nd 2009

April 1 Port Douglas. Rolled in at 7:30 and set up camp for the night. April 2 Up early to catch the bus to the Wavelength Reef Boat. The bus driver/marine biologist/photographer/host named Fluffy kept us entertained on the ride. When we got to the dock, we all got lycra dive suits to protect us from jellyfish stings and sun (you don't have to put on too much sunscreen that harms the coral). Adam was eager to put on his suit and put it on immediately. He wore it for the entire 1 hour 45 minute ride to the first spot. We had to stay in groups of at least 2 during the snorkeling. We all swam together at the first site. Before getting in the water, there was a huge wrasse fish behind the boat. ... read more
Chillin' on the bow
vdv's with the Wrasse
Adam with the Giant Clam

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas March 29th 2009

Great flight up from Hamilton Island to Cairns. Routed over the sea and able to see the Great Barrier Reef areas very clearly. Minibus to take us the c1hr drive up to Port Douglas and to Cayman Villas. Very smart and up-market little town in a great position with a 4-mile beach on one side of the promontory. Appartment is great with pool and spa, barbecue area etc. M sure she saw Rod Stewart sitting outside one of the cafes, didn't go back to check! 30Mar - trip to the tropical rianforest village of Kuranda. Coach to Caravonica Lakes - Skyrail (cablecar) to red Peak (forest walk), Barron Falls (view of dam and waterfalls) and then Kuranda. Used to be full of hippies - not so many around these days, but interesting wander thru the original ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas February 24th 2009

Geo: -16.4958, 145.46720-22/02/09 At sea Temps Air 29°C Sea 27°C 20/02/09 We've just been informed by the captain that we're about to pass the German cruise liner the Europa which is on a 165 day world cruise, it's has the highest rating within it's companies fleet and is rated at 5 Star + a standard cabin for this current cruise was priced at £110,000, recession what recession? We took on a sea pilot at Darwin I didn't know there was such a thing, I thought pilots were pilots once you've had one so to speak they're all the same, apparently not, they're different to the normal pilots you sea in coastal waters, the ones you normally associates with ships entering ports and the like. Certain areas of the seas require the services of these guys who ... read more
Amphibious DUCK Vehicle
Baron Falls
Kuranda Railway

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas February 19th 2009

Port Douglas - Bats, Sand Crabs, and Fish - lots of fishes After a long travel day, we arrived in Port Douglas, north of Cairns in Queensland. We flew from Hobart, with a changeover from Tiger Air to Virgin Blue in Melbourne. Victoria was in its third week of the bushfires, with the death toll now reaching 189. Without TV in Hobart, we had just learned during our travels that they arrested someone suspected of arson causing at least 75 deaths in one area. They withheld the suspect’s name and transported him to Melbourne for holding for his own safety. We later found out that his name was leaked, and several Facebook groups were set up immediately calling for an eye for an eye justice. As we entered the airspace around Melbourne you could see ... read more
Sand Crabs
The Work of the Sand Crabs
The Reef

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas January 26th 2009

Ahhh, Australia and the plethora of random public holidays......aside from the fact that they all seem to fall within the first half of the year, they're great. We have days off for reasons such as ANZAC Day (think Rememberance Day for the UK), Labour Day (whatever that is) and the best idea, being English, is we get a public holiday for the Queen's Birthday! Brilliant! Anyway, the holiday in January is on 26 January - or the working day following - for Australia Day. Essentially, this is the day which commemorates (celebrates?) the landing in Australia of Cook in 1788. This year however, with the naming of the Australian of the Year, there has been some debate surrounding whether this is the correct date to celebrate the birth of Australia as we now know it. Mick ... read more
Four Mile Beach
Small bird
Central Hotel

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas January 22nd 2009

It's my last full day in Cairns so what better way to spend it than a spin up to Port Douglas. It's a gorgeous place, four mile beach just goes on forever with its endless sand (well it would wouldn’t it), the scenery is very pleasant and the locals as ever are very friendly. For lunch, I frequented a waterside restaurant where I sampled the delights of fresher than fresh fish and chips which tasted superb...and a nice cold pint of Carlton Draught!! Unfortunately, I had a mini misfortune in that my pocket camera battery died before I even had time to rattle off the usual 40 or 50 pictures which just sucked but I guess it could have been worse. Disappointed, I made my way back to base where I was greeted with a barbeque ... read more

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