Blogs from Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia, Oceania - page 21


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas January 22nd 2009

From Cape Tribulation we drove back down the coast to Port Douglas to get our dive on...The day we got there we headed to the beach to do some tanning...Upon becoming extremely hot because of course it's Queensland...we headed into the water to refresh...Big surprise when we jumped in...The water is about as hot as the air and provided little to no relief from the heat...After braving the heat for a few hours we retired to our nicely airconditioned hostel for dinner...The next day I got up nice and early to catch the bus to my dive boat...It was called the Poseidon and they took us out for a day of diving on the Great Barrier Reef...All three dives were amazing and we saw turtles, sharks and a chambered nautilus among other beautiful bright fish and ... read more
Magnetic Island
On the Dive Boat
P. Doug

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas January 20th 2009

Cairns to Cape Tribulation Tuesday 20th January 2009 Northern Queensland is in the grip of monsoon rains. It is hot, it is silly heat, and the rain is torrential! Whilst in Cairns we were in the “dry eye” of this huge cyclone of weather that is circling around the north east. Townsville to the south was flooded at the end of last week and now, Port Douglas, where we are at the moment, is getting its share of the rain. To add to our little problems, thousands of Chinese tourists are arriving for the Chinese New Year, which is going to be a big event next Monday, especially as it coincides with Australia Day, which is a Bank Holiday, and accommodation is getting scarce. We have a brilliant room above a pub at the moment, but ... read more
The Barron Falls
Basket fern
Palm Cove Beach

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas January 19th 2009

We caught a late night flight from Melbourne to Cairns, arriving super late. Luckily we had prearranged a hostel that promised free airport pick up so we hopped right on a transfer into town. The driver was probably one of the coolest people ever. It was 1am, but he was still giving us a tourist commentary the whole 20 minute drive from the airport to the hostel. When we arrived at the hostel he told us where we could get food and how exactly to get through the closed gates of the hostel. The reception of was closed, but they had left us a key to our room and a map. We pretty much just stayed in Cairns for a good night's sleep before continuing on for Pt. Douglas the next morning. At 10am our free ... read more
Sailing to the Great Barrier Reef
The views of the reef
With the reef

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas January 17th 2009

After the rain, came the sun - no sooner had it finished lashing down the place was baking hot and with a humidity that makes it hard to breathe. Booked a trip up to Daintree rainforest and Cape Tribulation. Drove up Captain Cook highway and stopped off for a quick sail down Daintree river to see some Crocs in their natural habitat - seen a Croc called Scarface, basically he ruled the land in a three mile radius and he looked mean. No feeding them here as it’s a bit too dangerous, he had a nice female croc just round the corner a little baby hanging off a branch. Was funny to see a 4 metre croc and then a little 2 foot one - you can just make out the little fella on one of ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas January 6th 2009

We knew that our visit to Port Douglas would be right in the middle of rainy season -and it’s safe to say that the weather predictions were very accurate (one night it rained 400mm.) The town lies next to four mile beach, which is pretty much as it says on the tin. Given the season, we had free reign of about 1 ½ miles on our first day, but failed to take any pictures - and the monsoon rains meant we only saw it the once. Luckily the one day that we went on a boat to the Great Barrier Reef was really sunny, and we had a brilliant time. The diving was good (we saw a group of white tipped reef sharks and a sting ray) but it was disappointing to see other divers touching ... read more
Hungry Bart
Mind those fingers

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas December 9th 2008

Just a really quick hello to let everyone know we arrived in Australia safely eventually after spending time in Kuala Lumpar and Singapore, which was great. We're now in Port Douglas which is North East Australia and a baking 35 degrees during the day and about 30 at night. We picked up our camper after having a bit of a nightmare yesterday, a whole other story other. We're heading up to Cape Tribulation for the day and then snorkelling on the Barrier Reef tomorrow. Very exciting. Anyway just to let you know we're okay. Will do another blog asap. Lots of love Katie and Jez xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas November 30th 2008

I was ripped out of a dream by the alarm at 7am. As usual I got up, made breakfast and pulled our things together while Matt carried on snoozing up until the last second. Not that I’m bitter! The coach picked us up on time and after a few more stops, took us to the marina to catch the Calypso boat to the barrier reef. We’d heard that Port Douglas was the best place to do a trip due to it’s close proximity to the reef (meaning you get more time at the reef rather than travelling to it) and the quality of the coral there. The boat could hold 120 people but we were lucky as there were only 25 of us. The three decks on the boat felt empty. The journey out to the ... read more
Karen and Matt enjoying the boat trip
Going out for a snorkel
Matt looking very attractive in his lycra stinger suit

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas November 29th 2008

The weather was humid and it looked like there was potential for more rain. The internet was back up and running (it was down the previous night) so after a massive fry up we used the opportunity to catch up on a few bits of admin online. Unfortunately we could only get a signal from the outdoor (but undercover) tv room which was infested with mosquitoes. Despite squashing plenty, we came off worst with a good 10 big red bites each on our legs. Somebody had obviously forgotten to tell them that they don’t like Deet. Around lunchtime, when we finally felt we’d caught up with things, we drove into the pretty seaside town of Port Douglas and parked up. The golden beach was near empty, and we were just thinking about diving into the netted ... read more
Karen on the beach
Matt on the beach

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas November 28th 2008

In the early hours of the morning the rain started heavily and woke me up. It was joined by great flashes of lightening and thunder a few seconds later. Within half an hour the storm was above us and the sound of the rain hitting our roof seemed to echo around our van. I was convinced something in the park was going to get stuck. The rain poured down all night keeping us awake and it was still there when we got up in the morning. We were pleased to have decided against a visit to Magnetic Island (when we realised we only had three full days left it didn‘t leave enough time), and when we saw Tom and Laura at breakfast they’d had a rethink and were going to avoid it too. The idea of ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Port Douglas November 19th 2008

Day 4 Drove the main tourist trail of the Great Ocean Road taking in various landmarks- basically variations on the 12 Apostles with different names (London Bridge, looks like a bridge etc). All quite interesting but a bit relentless especially with the convoys of cauliflower heads being ferried from sight to sight in big coaches, stepping off the bus for 30 seconds, taking a snap then getting back on again, like some disturbing ritual of the living dead, consuming the sights with their cameras. Spent the night in a tiny village called Port Fairy where the only internet access was in a pizza takeaway which you used while waiting for your order! Day 5 The Great Ocean Road ends before Port Fairy so we headed inland into the Grampians, a set of small mountains inside a ... read more
The Golliwog shop
The waterfall

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