Blogs from Europe - page 13868


Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence October 10th 2005

One tip for traveling in Florence. No eye contact. No hesitating. Everyone and their mom is trying to selling you everything and thier mom, so any display of weakness and your life is over. Last night, on the stumble home from the 5 hour happy hour (which resulted in a 9PM bedtime), one of the group, who shall remain nameless, made eye contact. The man then proceeded to follow us back to our hostel, telling the 6 ft girl that she has "best height" and "number one height"! All the while I was chastising her for making eye contact. I said "you knew the rule! NO EYE CONTACT!" but she couldnt resist his flattery. Dammit. Today we are going shopping before we head off to Siena. I think i better sit the girls down and pound ... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris October 10th 2005

Tuesday we were “stuck” in their house because the train and busses were on strike so we took the day to catch up on reading and went for a walk down to the beach and wandered about the area. Actually it was really nice to just take a forced breather. The transportation issue was counterbalanced on Wednesday when we were really spoiled rotten because Cindy said she was willing to drive us some place we couldn’t get by train so we went to St. Paul de Vence to see the Foundation Maeght which is a museum that has a very small permanent collection of works but when we were there the focus was on prints, it was really interesting and some of the works were fantastic. We then walked around the perched city, which is really ... read more
 Streets of St. Paul de Vence
 Streets of St. Paul de Vence
St. Tropez

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris October 10th 2005

I have so much to update you on that I am going to divide it into three blogs so that way if you have time to read one you know where to go back to when you have time again. Please forgive me if they are a bit long or disjoint, or even full of errors, fatigue has settled in but I want to share my adventures with you all! Enjoy! A week ago on Wednesday a friend of Winnie’s invited her to come see her band play here in Pairs and set aside two tickets so off we went to explore that scene. It is really amazing to get to say: “there are two tickets under this name, I’m a friend of the drummer,” so cool. The venue was really fun and the concert was ... read more
Race in front of Theole
Boat in the race
View from the terrace

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Warwickshire » Stratford-upon-Avon October 10th 2005

sorry this is so poorly written. I'm too lazy to write well. Soo I went to Stratford-Upon-Avon with the lovely Janet this weekend. As much as I love Shakespeare, I think alot of the things there were stupid. The plays we saw were awesome....veryyy much worth the money we payed. However, things like Shakespeare's uncle's brother's house or Shakespeare's wife's family's house were just not cool. I enjoyed historicla and factual information, but most of it was not factual. I suspect that the town passes off alot of info concerning Shakespeare that is just myth or just "possible" not even probable. Soooo that kind of felt like getting sucked into a tourist trap. shaekespeare would think all that mess is idiotic anyway. Warwick is a castle right next to Stratford. That was really neat. There was ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh October 10th 2005

Part of the thing about writing a travelblog is that you have to actually have something to write about in order to make it interesting -- for the past week, the only interesting thing to write about is what particular symptom of the good old fashioned Scottish flu I had aquired on that particular day. I was essentially been out of commission for most of last week -- I even missed classes! I was hit pretty hard with a pretty bad case of something or other, and spent most of this weekend in my apartment reading and trying to make up all the work that I had missed over the course of the week. So right now, reading and working is about all that I have to report. I promise there will be something slightly more ... read more

Europe » Russia » Urals » Chelyabinsk October 10th 2005

Also gut, kurzer Ueberblick ueber das Wochenende. Samstag hatte ich ein kurzes Treffen mit dem Direktor von dem Sprachzentrum in Tscheljabinsk. Da diese Stadt so lange verschlossen war, auch fuer Russen, sind die Leute hier nicht unbedingt daran gewoehnt Kontakt zu Auslaendern zu haben. Somit kam es auch schon zu verschiedenen Vorfaellen (postitiv und negative) im Bezug auf meine Herkunft. Sobald jemand bemerkt das man fremd ist, fangen sie an zu fragen (auch auf Russisch) und versuchen mit dem Fremden zu kommunizieren. Also, sobald ich mich mit jemand auf Englisch unterhalte, bildet sich in nullkommanichts eine Traube um mich wie wenn ich irgendein Heilsverkuender bin. Das passiert meist an Bushaltestellen bis dann irgendwann mein Bus kommt bin ich dann in ein Gespraech verwickelt, welches bilingual gefuehrt wird. Sie reden alle durcheinander auf russisch und ich rede ... read more

Europe » Poland » Lesser Poland » Kraków October 10th 2005

Hey folks! First of all sorry for the lack of blog-age the last couple of days. Drama struck just like in an episode of diagnosis murder- except there was no dancing from Dick van Dyke. Since i (sam) came to Warsaw id had a bit of tummy ache- thought is was probably a dodgy kebab which dan is so fond of. However a day or so later i got really bad back pain. Anyways to cut a long story short i went to the doctors who transferred me to hospital (in a lil ambulance). I had xrays ultra sounds, some doc hitting my back, blood tests etc in the end i had a bad virus in my kidneys- heaps of pills to make me better tho, so the trip can continue! yey! SO after staying another ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile-La Mancha » Toledo October 10th 2005

So this Friday I had my first class at the Prado museum. The Prado is the most famous museum in Madrid with paintings by El Greco, Goya, Velazques, etc. We have class in there every Friday for the next 6 weeks. The museum is pretty cool, but I honestly like the Reina Sofia museum better because the artwork is more modern. The paintings in El Prado are from the 19th century or earlier while the Reina Sofia has work by Picasso and Salvador Dali, 20th century artists. Still, I think it´s pretty neat to be able to say that I am taking classes in such a famous museum! After the Prado class, we took a tour of the Spanish Senate. We got to sit in the seats where they vote, so that was fun too. It ... read more

hi, this weekend went to a town called Kutna Hora, in a region called Ledec. It's about an hour outside of Prague by train. Why'd we go there you ask? As you can probably see from the pics, theres an ossuary inside of a church there. apparently several centuries ago the town was almost entirely wiped out by a plague. so a nearly blind monk decided that it'd be fun to assemble the bones of the 40,000 plague victims into a nice cozy chapel. he died before finishing it, so an artist took over it's construction. it's by far the most amazing, crazy, extraordinary thing i've seen. i'll let the pictures speak for themselves. on sunday we walked around prague a bit, saw the communist museum, interesting but nothing to write home about. all for now, ... read more
what a lovely chandelier
what a lovely chandelier
this is a church?

Europe » Netherlands » North Holland » Amsterdam October 10th 2005

Geo: 52.3738, 4.89095Hi all,Well we arrived in record time.. 6.5 hours in the air! The only bad thing about arriving so early was sitting on the jet way for 20 minutes. Still better than being in the air. Oh how we have missed this city. And in true form we made a couple circles before actually finding the hotel. We enjoyed every step. The Crowne here has treated us well. After ditching the luggage we set out for our favorite places. First stop de Dampkring. In a word... fabulous! From there we headed for the one and only Gollem. Westveletern 12, need I say more? Yes, ok, St. Bernardus 12, Rochefort 10, all the Leffes, etc. For those that don't know, there are the best beers in the world. While there we met a couple of ... read more
Junk pulled out of the canals!

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