Blogs from Europe - page 11902


Europe » Switzerland » South-East » Lugano May 19th 2007

Homes Around the WorldAlexandra RoosenburgWelcome! With my travel adventures continuing, and my monthly mass-email growing more and more massive each year, and thereby more and more impersonal, I have decided to takes steps to ensure that everybody stays included and updated on my life's adventures. Here I am in my last month living in Switzerland. It has been a wonderful two year journey, full of ups and downs, many travels, new friends, and professional growth. I will be the most sad about having to leave my 6th graders behind, as they embark on their new journey in middle school. Now, I know that they are moving up and across the street, and it won't necessarily be a huge deal that I'm not teaching in the elementary school anymore, but judging from the start of this year ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid May 19th 2007

I can't believe I've been in Madrid for 4 days! Four days, 2 meals, 5 real Spanish words... wow. But honestly, I am loving this place. I'm not sure if the rest of Europe is like this, but it's really, really beautiful. I know, I know, I've said that about 800 times... but really! I'm diggin' Madrid. So yes, you heard right. No more Spanish, no more food. My friend is taking me out again tonight... I'm pretty sure it's a pity thing. I'm also pretty sure I don't care. I've found that alcohol brings out some Spanish, and if I could just get over my fear, I would be good to go (yes, I just did the taco bell thing). Last night they had a band here at the hostel. There were so many ... read more
Palacio Real
Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Almudena
Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Almudena

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava May 19th 2007

Today was all about Slalom Canoeing. The Slovak Open is part of the World Series of Canoeing. Sydney was the 1st race, Bratislava the 2nd and the 3rd is the Dutch. Canoeing is huge in Brastislava with current Olympic and World Champions residing here. Tim & Tom went into todays race a little under done with Tim still recovering from a virus, so expectations were not huge although hopeful. Their 1st run was very solid with no touches and had them in 16th place (top 20 through to final) Although they had a few problems at gate 20, they were not alone. 2nd run was much faster than the first although the "Crash Dummies" decided that they would hit 7 gates on the way down, this resulted in their run tim being much the same ... read more

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Saint Petersburg May 19th 2007

Had breakfast as a group then John was advised his taxi was here, the rest of us then said goodbye and went off to pack. I packed then checked the bags into the day storage room and went into town and bought a few souviners and on the way back to the hotel someone tried to pickpocket me but to no avail as the wallet was chained onto the belt hook. Dropped the goods with the bags then came to the internet place. Me and stavrios are meeting at 8pm and going to the bus area for the bus to Helskini. You do not book in advance, there are about 40 buses going around 9-10 pm.... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome May 19th 2007

Italy sucks.... We've experienced a lot of trouble in Italy so far. It all started with that bus ride in Venice where we missed the stop. Florence was my least favourite place to visit so far. It's mostly because we were staying in a part of town that wasn't the greatest. Our hostels have been more like trashy trailor parks in the last while. We stayed at a place down a dark sketchy looking street, but it wasn't too bad. We had a room for the 6 of us it was clean. We didn't do anything in Florence really...we couldn't find much to eat. I went to the same place to eat the same greek salad the whole time. I was glad we left....but then we got to Rome. So now we've basically been homeless the ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich May 19th 2007

Wow so much has happened since I have had internet, so here's a summary... Day 7: We started out that morning going to Notre Dame. It was a long wait to get it to climb the 422 stairs to the top, but it was totally worth the wait! We got to walk right up next to the Gargoyles and see a perfect view of the island the church is on below. From there we went to the Pantheon and took a look around, but decided not to pay to go inside. Instead we decided to go check out the movie theater on the Champs Elysee. The thing playing at the time was Spiderman 3. We thought it'd be interesting even if it was in French, but it turned out to be completely in English. So that ... read more

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Nice May 19th 2007

Pictures Europe » France » Provence Alpes Cote d Azur » Nice By StaceySchieldMay 19th 2007From Barcelona, Nice and Eze... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris May 19th 2007

Dado que nos deitámos um bocado tarde, não conseguimos levantar-nos antes das 10 e tal. Ainda bem que em Paris eles têm o costume de se levantar tarde e por isso o pequeno almoço é servido até ao meio-dia. Depois de nos arranjarmos e de enfardarmos uma meia dúzia de uns croissants mornos e estaladiços acabados de fazer, pusemo-nos ao caminho. Hoje não chovia, por isso podíamos usar o dia para conhecer a cidade (andando de autocarro e a pé). Comprámos então um bilhete diário, que nos permitia andar em todo o tipo de transportes públicos dentro de Paris, e apenas por 5,50€. A primeira paragem eram os Campos Elísios e o famoso Arco do Triunfo. Saímos a meio dos Campos Elísios e fomos passeando, respirando aquele ar parisiense, cheio dos mesmos gases que temos ... read more
Ponte Neuf
Campa do Jim Morrison
Palácio do Luxemburgo

Soooo, here is my travel blog. I decided to write this because I am quite lazy and can't be bothered sending loads of people individual emails. Thus, this blog was born. Right now I am sitting in the front room of my uncle's house in Manchester, it is 9:35pm but still light outside. It also gets light at around 5am every morning. Bloody weird. I guess I should start right at the beginning, 6 days ago. Originally my flight was to leave at 4:20 that afternoon, but there was some sort of problem with the plane and we didn't find out 'til we got to the airport that my flight was delayed for 5 hours. And yes I got a nice bollocking from my mum who said THAT is why I should always call to confirm ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London May 19th 2007

My five week European holiday is almost over and its now time to put my travel blog to sleep. The holiday has flown by at such a pace that I am still coming to terms with the fact that it is almost over. As with all holidays I walk away with many great memories. Last night (Friday 18th May) I met up with my friend Mai for dinner. Mai has been in London for a few months now and she suggested we pop into Soho for a bite to eat. We ate at a café/bar called Amato. It’s the kind of place workers flock to for a sandwich, coffee or cake during the day or to enjoy an excellent selection of pasta before heading off to a movie or a show at night. It has ... read more
Reflections of a Great Holiday
St Pauls Cathedral
In the evening glow

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