Blogs from South-West, Switzerland, Europe - page 6


Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Montreux September 16th 2018

Despite the church bells ringing every 15 minutes outside our window, we managed to have a good nights sleep. We were both up early to catch the sunrise over the mountain range, and to see Mont Blanc, which had been shrouded by clouds. It was very beautiful, and well worth the loss of a little sleep. Breakfast was interesting. There was a machine that prepared hard boiled eggs. Ray seemed to be the only one that could get it right. John had 1/2 an egg by the time he finished peeling it, Diane could drink hers, and mine was just passable. We did however manage to fill our tummies with all the remaining great offerings. After gassing up in the next town, at about $7.00 per gallon, we headed off towards Chamonix, France. The roadway Is ... read more
Sunrise in Chambloux, France
Road to Matigny

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Thun August 4th 2018

Die 8. Arbeitswoche und damit auch der zweite volle Monat in Bern sind am Freitag erfolgreich zu Ende gegangen. Während die Medien in Deutschland anscheinend meinen, sich im Herumheulen über den Sommer überbieten zu müssen, ist das hier kein Problem. Ok, es sind vielleicht über 30 Grad, aber wen stört das schon? Bei den Wegen zur und von der Arbeit ist das kein Problem und tagsüber im Büro auch nicht. Obwohl wir keine Klimaanlage haben. Vielleicht sollte der eine oder andere sich mal den Sommer in Kairo oder Südchina ansehen oder wie ich im Rekordsommer von 1994 bei der Bundeswehr die Grundausbildung machen. Dann weiß er, was wirklich heiß ist. Für heute habe ich mir eine Fahrt mit einem Ausflugsschiff von Thun nach Interlaken im Berner Oberland vorgenommen. Den Thuner See hat mir auch ein Motorradfahrer ... read more
Schloss Thun.
Blick von Schloss Thun.
Schloss Spiez.

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Kandersteg July 11th 2018

After turning my back on the Thunersee (Friday 6thJuly) for what I assumed would be the last time, I took a train south to Kandersteg and immediately checked into the Hotel des Alpes near the centre of town. My reasons for choosing the Hotel des Alpes over the International Scout Centre (where I had stayed when I passed through Kandersteg twoyears ago) were three-fold: 1) I wouldn't have to walk for twenty minutes out of town to reach my accommodation, 2) I wouldn't have to share the breakfast buffet with a couple of hundred obnoxious teenagers each morning, and 3) I would have a guaranteed venue in which to watch all four World Cup quarter-finals, without even having to go outside... which, with the rain still bucketing down upon my arrival in Kandersteg, would have probably ... read more
Three Peaks
Starting Out
A Long Way To Go...

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Murren July 6th 2018

Two years ago, on my last trip to Europe, I had attempted to hike from Engelberg all the way to Leukerbad (about 130km in all) through the heart of the Swiss Alps, along a section of the multi-national Via Alpina trail network. Unfortunately though, having successfully crossed three reasonably high mountain passes (the Jochpass, Grosse Scheidegg and Kleine Scheidegg) on my way from Engelberg to Lauterbrunnen, I was then forced to abandon my attempt to cross by far the two highest passes on my route – the Sefinenfurgge at 2612m and the Hohtürli at 2778m – due to bad weather. While I was then able to complete the final leg of my through-hike from Kandersteg over the Gemmipass and down into Leukerbad, this left a gap of about 25km, stretching between the town of Mürren (above ... read more
V-Shaped Valley
Dramatic Backdrop
Tourist Town

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Aubonne June 23rd 2018

Yes time for us to change countries - Switzerland here we come. The only stop today is in Geneva where we planned to picnic on the waters edge. Geneva is a welcome relief with a lot less smoking and a clean atmosphere, we found a park on the waterfront and parked in the underground car park. After lunch we decided to have a walk, Clarke went shopping, and Rose and I walked along the waterfront, looked at all the fancy cars coming and going at the Four Seasons, stopped and had an ice cream at Movenpicks, as big a rip off as Australia. After Geneva we headed to Etoy our home for the next 2 nights. A nice little town with friendly locals at the local pub and a nice apartment. Dinner tonight is the real ... read more

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Geneva June 9th 2018

Nachdem die Woche ganz ordentlich gelaufen ist und ich den Weg zum Kunden mittlerweile so gut wie auswendig kenne, habe ich mir für heute eine Besichtigung des Teilchenbeschleunigers CERN bei Genf vorgenommen. Im Jahr 2003 bin ich ja schon mal an der Anlage vorbei gefahren, glaube ich, und heute habe ich einen Platz in einer Tour bekommen. Man muss sich dazu im Internet anmelden, wobei für normale Leute immer nur die nächsten 15 Tage verfügbar sind. Und ich habe eben nur ein Slot auf französisch heute um 11:00 ergattert. Dabei habe ich jeden Tag nochmals nachgesehen, ob ich vielleicht eine englischsprachige Führung oder eine später am Samstag bekomme. Leider vergeblich. Ich bin also früh aufgestanden und nach kleinem Frühstück zu meinem Auto. Da ich in der Altstadt von Bern wohne, gibt es hier keinen Stellplatz, sondern ... read more
Im CERN bei Genf.
Im CERN bei Genf.
Abends in Bern habe ich dann noch 5 oder 6 Teller Raclette verspeist.

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Vevey June 3rd 2018

Ein neuer und hoffentlich langer und schöner Lebensabschnitt hat begonnen. Am Freitag habe ich mich von München nach Bern in der Schweiz begeben, wo ich morgen mein nächstes Projekt beginnen werde. Da habe ich auch gleich mein kleines aber schönes Apartment in der Altstadt bezogen. Dazu habe ich einen Stellplatz etwa 500m davon entfernt gemietet, da im Zentrum die Parkplätze rar sind. Ich glaube aber, dass ich mein Auto nur einmal pro Woche brauche. Gestern bin ich zum Bahnhof und habe für die täglichen Fahrten zum Kunden einen Swiss Pass beantragt und dafür meine erste Monatskarte gekauft. In einem Starbucks in der Passage habe ich auch nochmals einen Kaffee getrunken. Ich bin danach auch zu meinem Kunden gefahren, um den Standort schon mal kennen zu lernen. Danach bin ich wieder zurück und habe einen zweiten Supermarkt ... read more
Uferpromenade von Vevey.
Charly Chaplin war auch hier.
Eis am Marktplatz von Vevey.

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Interlaken » Matten bei Interlaken September 17th 2017

The next morning, I got up early before the other girls and headed for the train station towards Switzerland. France is another country where you have to make ticket reservations before you board trains, so the day before I had gone to the ticket office to book my trains, and they told me that the trains I wanted were fully booked. They did, helpfully, find me another route with more changes I could get instead though, and I booked myself onto those. My first train was from Nice to Avignon, and then from Avignon to Lyon, then Lyon to Geneva, Switzerland. I had only really booked Geneva as a place to stay for the night between travelling, but had been told it was a nice place to see on the banks of Lac Leman. As soon ... read more

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Interlaken September 7th 2017

Today we've got our eagerly awaited trip up to the Jungfraujoch. It's overcast but not cold. Our tour bus picks us up near the station outside the ubiquitous McDonald's, which somehow seems a bit incongruous in clean, green, culturally sophisticated Switzerland. Our guide introduces himself as Kid, and he's from Burma, so maybe it's going to be an incongruous day. His accent makes him a bit hard to understand, but he seems to be very well organised, and Issy says that he's got rave reviews on TripAdvisor. We head towards the town of Interlaken. There doesn't seem to be any shortage of tunnels along the route, including one five kilometre long monster. It seems, perhaps unsurprisingly, that Switzerland's very big on tunnels. We're told that the Gotthard Base Tunnel, which was opened in 2016, is the ... read more
Casino at Interlaken

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Geneva September 4th 2017

9 weeks of summer holidays, we spent a lot of the time trying to cool off in the lake or at a pool nearby. Highlights are swimming, paddleboarding and kayaking at the lake. Swimming in various pools, splashing in fountains, some rock climbing and tennis. Our week in Croatia, our week on the canal boat in France and our long weekend in the South of France. The weather has been fantastic. We live in a beautiful part of the world, with amazing weather this summer. We had a few visitors, Anke, Uncle Geoff and Aunty Dee, and G & J Murray's cousins. We enjoyed showing them our part of the world. School has started for the girls, I've picked up some tutoring hours during the day at another school, aswell as my netball hours. Murray has ... read more
Floating down the river Rhone
Sunflowers near our house
At the flower clock in Geneva with Uncle Geoff and Aunty Dee

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