Blogs from Piedmont, Italy, Europe - page 22


Europe » Italy » Piedmont » Orta San Giulio September 19th 2010

This weekend we (Emily, Monica, Rickardo, Mauro (Em's boyfriend who speaks excellent english and is great company) and I went to Monica's holiday home at Lake Orta. At first I did'nt think it was going to be very good because we went on the autostrada through alot of industrial areas, but after alot of traffic and an hour and a half of ugly country we arrived in a beautiful area with a small but attractive apartment in a building built in 1715. Monica's apartment used to be a stable but is now renovated into a home on the shores of Lago Orta. Bellisima, the sun came out today after a rainy day yesterday and the whole lake was stunning. Really too hard to describe. Tomorrow morning I will get Emily to help me put some photos ... read more

Europe » Italy » Piedmont » Cuneo September 9th 2010

Possibly the most pleasant 200km cycle you could ever wish for, excluding the semi-arctic conditions at the French/Italian border. The day didn't exactly start well, with my petit dejeuner consisting of half a breadstick and a glass of jus d'orange, however from that point on (particularly after my croque monsieur at 25 miles) things couldn't have been much better. More long gradual descents on perfectly smooth roads and beatiful climbs alongside lakes and rivers, all watched over by a not too overpowering sun. Having lunch in Barcelonette, only 21 miles (granted 11 of them uphill) separated me from Italy. The sun was out and things were looking rosy, my recent run of bad luck with Italian weather looked to be at an end. Over the next 90 minutes however, a familiar story began to form overhead. ... read more
not a cloud in the sky
oh wait - there's Italy

Europe » Italy » Piedmont » Verbania September 6th 2010

Geo: 45.9215, 8.55156Well, we made it to Italy. The right front wheel didn't fall off. We found the Renault dealer about 5 km from Sion. He didn't speak any English, but somehow I convayed to him that I thought the right front suspension was loose. I went over and shook the wheel, which I did before, and it didn't budge. He looked at it and said it was fine, at least I think that is what he said. So we left and went over the Simplon Pass. It is al long and twisty road up and then down into Italy. The car felt fine, except for a clunking in the front. Oh well, as the French say, c'est la vie! We found a hotel all by ourselves and went in search of the only laundrymat in ... read more
Stacy at bar
town below
The Matterhorn

Europe » Italy » Piedmont » Alba July 16th 2010

Niente Borgo Dora. Dzis w goracu nieziemskim wynioskam ostatnie zawiniatka i wypucowalam lazienke, choc w pokoju nadal pajeczyny zwieszaly sie z sufitu, ale wydaje mi sie, ze one nie mogly tak urosnac od lutego, kiedy ja sie wprowadzilam - musialy byc tam wczesniej. W ostatnich dniach, kiedy nad Wlochy naplynela fala goraca, zwana tu ‘afa’, norka stala sie nie do wytrzymania. Nabyla przy tym zaszczytny tytul ‘kondonorium’ = kondominium + nora. Termometr o 8 rano pokazywal 31 stopni wewnatrz, ale poniewaz poznil sie pol godziny, to zakladam, ze mogl i zanizac temperature o jakies 5 stopni. Przy okazji dowiedzialam sie o szczegolach smutnego incydentu, ktory mial miejsce na Borgo Dora jakis miesiac temu. Mieszkali wtedy w kondonorium J+M, a kiedy wrocili do Warszawy mowili, ze po domu krecilo sie mnostwo policji i smialismy sie, ze to ... read more
przyjemna okolica
Muzeum Korkociagow

Europe » Italy » Piedmont » Turin July 12th 2010

Superga goruje nad Turynem i widac ja z najbardziej nieoczekiwanych punktow miasta. Nawet, gdy wyszlo sie z mojego mieszkanka na Piazza Repubblica, mozna ja bylo czasami dostrzec. Usytuowana po drugiej stronie Padu, na wzgorzu, jest na tyle daleko, ze nie da sie tam dojsc piechota i na tyle blisko, ze wybralismy sie tam na szybka dwugodzinna wycieczke pewnego poniedzialkowego ranka. I choc sama konstrukcja rzuca sie w oczy i fakt, ze zostala wybudowana na poczatku XVIII wieku przez Wiktora Amadeusza II w podziece Maryi Dziewicy za pomoc w pokonaniu Francuzow, ktorzy w 1706 oblegali miasto, a zaprojektowana przez jego ulubionego architekta Filippo Juvarra, a potem chowani tam byli kolejni Sabaudowie, sam w sobie stanowilby godny pretekst do pielgrzymek, to Superga byla w roku 1949 sprawczynia i swiadkiem tragedii, ktora spowodowala iz przyjechalo tam nastepnie pol Wloch. ... read more

Europe » Italy » Piedmont » Novara July 12th 2010

Gdy z M. wracalysmy z Malpensy do Turynu, jaskrawo i intensywnie zaczela sie nam w samochodzie swiecic kontrolka "brak paliwa". Niby nic wielkiego, ale troche klopot, bo za oknem niemal 40 stopni, klima wlaczona, samochod zre benzyne i cos trzeba z tym zrobic. Wyszukalysmy najblizszego shella na nawigacji i M. zartowala tylko, ze kiepsko, jak bedzie "chiuso per ferie", ale zapewnialam ja, ze to niemozliwe, bo WSZYSCY Wlosi maja wakacje w sierpniu, a nie w lipcu! Ten jednal Wloch postanowil nas zaskoczyc i zamknal swoj jeden dystrybutor na chodniku w srodku lipca. Musialysmy wiec na rezerwie dojechac do Novary, a jak Novara, to i jej wieza autorstwa samego Antonelliego. Nie znacie? To ten halucynujacy architekt z Turynu, tworca Mole! Wieza z Novary widoczna jest z autostrady - wyglada swojej turynskiej siostry - i z oddali wydaje ... read more
W calej okazalosci.
Nie pasuje do otoczenia.
Library - 4434

Europe » Italy » Piedmont » La Morra July 9th 2010

It's been a while! I've been at the same farm for the last month, working a little and having lots of fun. It's a pretty good life. My brother Alex is coming to Italy in August for about 3 weeks so I'm going to plan a grand tour for us! I bought my return ticket, and I'm still not sure if it was the right choice, but I'm going back August 25th so I can help Alex move up to New York. I'm going to give America one more chance. We'll see what happens. Quick review of the last month or so: Cons: This month has been incredibly hot, so it's difficult to do anything but sleep (pro). But because of this weather, I haven't been doing too much during the day and I haven't seen ... read more
Roof Cats

Europe » Italy » Piedmont » Alba June 18th 2010

I'm back in Rivalta to work on my favorite farm after about 2 weeks at the farm in Lake Como. (I must apologize in advance: as I learn more Italian, my english vocabulary deterriorates, so...yeah.) It was certainly an escape from reality and...I can't think of the words but like a cleansing spa experience. I ate healthy, got lots of exercise, read books, studied italian, and soaked in the beautiful surroundings. I must admit that this last week (or however long it's been) hasn't been the best. My mood is always dependent on the weather, and it was rainy and cold, combined with the unusual lack of people around and there's not much work to do in the gardens when it rains. Also, Silvana, my Italian mother, talks constantly. Before I liked it, because it helped ... read more
Italia vs. New Zealand
Stop and Smell the Roses

Europe » Italy » Piedmont » Turin June 12th 2010

Turyn rozkwitl w te kilka ostatnich czerwcowych dni. Choc w dzien byl upal, a wieczorem troche padalo, nie przeszkodzilo to w odbyciu sie tuzina najrozniejszych fet. W piatek skonczyla sie szkola. W zwiazku z tym, Piazza Castello, glowny plac miasta, na ktorym na codzien od niechcenia sikaja cztery male fontanny, zmienil sie w prawdziwy acqua park, pelen rozneglizowanej mlodziezy. Dziewczeta wygladaly jak klasyczne Mokre Wloszki, te odwazniejsze sciagnely koszulki, a te mniej odwazne podciagaly je tylko, prezentujac mlode, ale zazwyczaj dosyc otluszczone i blade brzuchy. Oczywiscie, chlopcy nie pozostawali dluzni, odslaniajac swoje kurczece klatki. Wszyscy posypywali sie maka, co - jak mi wyjasniono - jest tradycja. I strasznie sie darli, co pewnie rowniez jest tradycja, choc o to nie pytalam. A propos halasu, zaczal sie na dobre sezon motorynek. I nic bym w sumie przeciwko nim ... read more

Europe » Italy » Piedmont » Orta San Giulio June 7th 2010

We arrived in Orta a couple of days prior to our friends Allison and Paul’s wedding. We stayed at Hotel Santa Caterina, which is a fantastic hotel with modern clean rooms and a ’snack corner’ which we made great use of :-) It was a lovely ten minute stroll alongside the beautiful lake Orta into the Piazza Mario Motta, the main square of Orta San Giulio. The atmosphere of the medieval town of Orta is magical, reminders of times long past can be felt all around in the old streets, churches and ancient towers. The pace of life in Orta is very relaxing and there are lots of little side streets to go exploring. On one of our days we took the ferry over to the Island of San Giulio, which hosts a Benedictine Abbey and ... read more
Enjoying a gelato on the way to Orta
Locals enjoying the sun next to Lake Orta
The streets of Orta San Giulio

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