Blogs from Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe - page 43


Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Charlottenberg September 12th 2007

Alright so instead of doing a normal blog entry describing my past week in Berlin I decided to relay some of the new things that I have learned since being here. So here we go.. Lesson # 1 You will never out-eat a German. Okay, I don't care if you're a 300 lbs wrestler or that weird Japaness hot dog eating guy, you will never out eat a German. To prove my point the Germans have a saying that if you dont finish everything on your plate it will rain the next day. Suffice to say we've had a lot of rain lately and my host mom blames it on me and my non- German appetite. So, don't worry about going up for that second helping because their probably already on their third or fourth! Lesson ... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Charlottenberg September 2nd 2007

Alright so before I get into my weekend at the family reunion I think everyone is pretty curious about my school Sophie Scholl Oberschule. Well, for starters it takes me a good 45 minutes to get there by bus and then by U Bahn which I'm definitely not used to, seeing as how if I jumped on my trampoline at home I could see my school and even hear the bell ring to start class. So I guess no more waking up 10 minutes before I have to be there. My school is situated in a nice quiet part of town with lots of little stores and restaurents/cafes dotting the street line. What I find fascinating however is one restaurent in particular, a CANADIAN yes you read right.. a Canadian deli right in the heart of ... read more
More town

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Charlottenberg August 31st 2007

Hi all!!!!!!!! So, there it is, I start my travelblog again. First off all I'd like to say that this time I'll mainly write in English, as too many languages are involved now! French, Flemish, English and German speaking people are receiving this blog. And not to speak about the odd Polish, Spanish, Italian, Czech, Turk, Portuguese ones... What happened since last blog???? Well in short: -In Mexico I met Nadja alias "die Schnucki, die liebe von meine leben". -Worked a tiny bit in Brussels but spent most time in Berlin -Did a 8-day silent Vipassana meditation retreat AND prepared a new trip to....... MADAGASCAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES, tomorrow at 7am we take the plane for Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar!!! We're going till the 10th of October yyyyyyyypppppeeeeeeee. The luggages are prepared, but not packed. The tent ... read more
Testing the tent 1
Testing the tent 2

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Sankt Goar August 29th 2007

CUCKOOS, BEERSTEINS & CASTLE We arrive in St.Goar in the Rhine Valley late afternoon. We see a cuckoo clock demonstration and wonder around town for a while. A little disappointing we didn’t get to spend more time in Germany, lucky I,m heading to Munich for Oktoberfest! Then we head to our accommodation for the night, a really cool castle. The views from up here are fantastic; it’s a very relaxing area. We took it easy, wondered around the grounds and just hung out for the night. Saving all of our energy for our final destination tomorrow - AMSTERDAM or as we now like to call it - THE DAMAGE!! ... read more
Castle view 2
Girls @ castle

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Charlottenberg August 24th 2007

So where to begin eh? Well the last day in Canada was one of the hardest things that I've ever had to go through. I feel like I said more goodbyes in one weekend than I've said in my whole life. However, for me it makes the trip a little easier knowing that I will be coming back to see such good people. I don't remember much of the first leg of my journey from Moncton to Montreal minus the pleasant woman from Hamilton that I was sitting beside who had been vacationing in PEI. When I answered her question about my future plans for university with Memorial, I had to laugh when she replied: Oh! New-found-land! I find it funny that even people as close as Ontario can't pronounce one of the provinces in the ... read more
The First Supper
My room
Main Room

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Koblenz August 18th 2007

So last night was a great celebration in honor of our 5 year anniversary. We were able to spend a wonderful day visiting the Louvre and Musee Rodin. I can't believe we got to see Mona Lisa, The Thinker, and The Kiss, all on our special day! I definitely won't forget it! We left in the evening to celebrate our anniversary in Paris, and got to eat dinner at that lovely cafe that we had spent the day prior. We had a great dinner, and I had view of two of my favorites in the world: my husband and the Eiffel Tower. It was a great setting, we had great food and great conversation. We left to go see the Tower at around 7:30, even though I was worried we would miss the sunset. We made ... read more
My two favorite sights
Tower at night
Us and Tower

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Charlottenberg August 14th 2007

Hallo und von Null auf Hundert! Eben noch überlegt, ob ich das nagerfreundliche Schneckenkorn mit einpacken soll ... schwupps - schon am Flughafen, verabschiedet von einer liebevollen Umarmung mit aufmunterndem Knuff und schwupps schon mittendrin im Berliner "Schnell-Leben". Ich kann nur wieder sagen: Hier ticken die Uhren anders als im Schwarzwald! Heidi hat mich in Berlin-Schönefeld abgeholt. Mit dem Original-Fahrzeug, unser Opel Rekord Coupe III. Er sieht spitze aus!! Ein stylischer Oldtimer außen Perlmuttweiß, innen knallrote Lederitze. Wow!! Echt ne tolle Karre. Es ging gleich rein in die Stadt zur Elvis-Ausstellung. Fans sind informiert. Es ist der 30 Todestag und das Ellington-Hotel hat eine kuriose Sammlung zu seiner Lebensgeschichte zusammen getragen. Danach ins Kabarett. Die Stachelschweine haben uns eingeladen. "Ein Paar mit Biss" hieß das Gastspiel. Vorstellung noch ... read more
Oho jetzt gehts los!
Elvis Klamotte 1
Garry Glitter mit Stil!

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Bacharach August 13th 2007

This past weekend, 6 of us from the CDC Language school took off (some slightly hungover from the kneipe tour...yours truly included) for the small and beautiful town of Bacharach. Bacharach is on the Rhein south of Koblenz and north of Mainz. It is one of the prettiest sections of the famous river. We took the train to Koblenz and then switched to another train to Bacharach. I think in total the trip was about 2 hours. We got a Schones Wochenende ticket which basically means that you can travel anywhere in Germany on the Regional Trains with a group of people for 35 Euros, up to 5 people. So it was super cheap to get there. When we arrived we found ourselves a quaint little German restaurant and had a fabulous traditional lunch. From there ... read more
Our Hostel
The Group

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Koblenz August 13th 2007

Just returned from a really great and encouraging visit with Juliana. We ended up staying the night at her house and driving back to Koblenz, to pack up for Paris today. The time with her was very restful and very encouraging and we got to enjoy American food on a military base and she even treated us to watching the Bourne Ultimatum. (You can imagine Chet's excitement, since he's an avid reader of Robert Ludlum's books.) Jules just poured out blessings on us from the moment we got there, until the moment we left. She is very generous and selfless and the time was spent figuring out ways to help us save our money, by providing us with a "few" (AN ABUNDANCE, IF YOU WILL) American snack items for the road: American flavored chips, cookies, Starbucks ... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Koblenz August 10th 2007

Just a very short post to tell you that we are back in Koblenz, until August 14th. Sunday, we are making a nice little day trip down to Heidelberg to see Juliana, my close friend and roommate of 3 years from college. She lives in Germany working with a youth group on a military base in Ramstein. Then, we will be heading for Paris to celebrate our anniversary and to say, "Au revoir!" to Europe. We fly home on August 19th. Chet will probably post a blog sometime today.=) K... read more
Chet resting

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