Blogs from Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe - page 40


Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Koblenz June 15th 2008

It all happened faster than the eye could comprehend. One second Christie was behind me, the next she was on the ground. The thing was, I caused it and that wasn't so good. Before today we'd only had one puncture, now we'd had a puncture and crash ... things were looking up! Christie had decided this morning that I go to slow (hard ot argue with given an everage spped of around 17kms an hour) and that I'm always stopping (also hard to argue with because I like taking photos) so she decided to go ahead a bit today. The section of cycleway form Bacharach to Koblenz was exceptional, flat, right on the Rhine, castles everywhere ... just magnificent. Teh sun peke dit's head through the clouds frequently enough that we were warm, and so ... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Bacharach June 14th 2008

When people talk about 'Cycling the Rhein', this is the section they talk about from Mainz down to Cologne. Just beyond Mainz, the river narrows as it passes through a range of hills, and because of this the current speeds up. I think the story goes, that some bright spark thought, 'Hey, the boats all go slowly here because of the currents, and I need some money, so I'll stop them and tax them for passing through my land". So he built a little castle, and put these bridges out in the river to slow everyone down, and proceeded to collect his tax. All of his neighbours, rather than tell said so and so, to stop being a prat, and let the boats go past for free, thought this was a jolly good idea, and ... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Mainz June 13th 2008

It was with some irony that after my last long blog, I stepped out of the internet cafe in Mannheim, only to be hit by yet another shower of rain. Still we had a lovely hostel to keep us dry and all was good with the world really. Actually, I got to thinking after I sent of the last blog that I may be giving the impression that we're not enjoying ourselves, which is definitely not true. We've met so many good samaritans, seen so many wonderful little villages and sites along the way that my only real complaint is that this stupid camera I'm stuck with can't really capture any of it and cameras are almost double the price in Europe than they are in Tasmania. Anyways, enough of that. We were told that ... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Sankt Goar June 12th 2008

Back on the party bus and we head north from Switzerland to the Wine Valley of St Goar in Germany. 21/5/08 - Lauterbrunnen to St Goar Today was a big day on the coach. I had a 6am wake up for my last morning of cookies/dishies, and it was an 8am departure from the picturesque Lauterbrunnen back into Deutschland. We had a 3hr drive to an Autogrill, back into Germany where the Burger King burgers are the size of an average football field. We hit the road for another 2 hours and arrived at a pleasant little German town called Heidelberg. Heidelberg is known as the German University Town and 1 in 5 residents are students. The town was really quiet and it's alleyways full of cafes, souvenir shops and markets of all sorts. In the ... read more
Rhine Valley

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Koblenz June 10th 2008

Monday 9th June A fair journey on the bus, arrived Koblenz in a beautiful 30/32 degrees which was much appreciated. Tents quickly up on a pitch with a beautiful view onto the river, the castle and the famous statue. Realised hadn’t quite put the tents up right, so a quick change of poles to the OUTSIDE of the tents! Took some time to get hold of the ‘rules’ for the site. Headed into Koblenz after dinner & meeting for a look around & some photo opps, finishing up at the statue. Long walk back round! Tuesday 10th June Boat cruise down the river Rhine. Notes were confusing and thought it was half-hour -soon found out it was 2 hours, and Gisella was meeting a friend. No-one really wanted to cruise for 2 hours, so we got ... read more
Steven, Marissa & Vanessa
Sun going down on the German Corner
Koblenz across the river

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Sankt Goar May 21st 2008

Guten Tag from Germany! WOW so much has happened since last time! I have been taking a travel journal (cheers mitch and megs for that one) and I will re-write everzthing when i get back home. German kezboards have a y where the z is so this might be interesting. Todaz we left swityerland ß an amaying countrz where we went right to the top of Europe on the Jungfrau train. This morning we went to Heidelberg Germanz, which is a universitz town in the centre of germanz. Verz cool buildings and scenerz. We are at St Goar right now, on the rhine river, with the worlds largest cookoo clock and beer stein shop - and preparing mzself for Amsterdam tomorrow. The tour has flown bz, nearllz back in London alreadz! No pics again, but will ... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate May 11th 2008

Bright and early on Mother’s Day, we head north towards the Rhine River. The bus drops us off in Rüdesheim where we meet up with the Loreley cruise ship. We settle in on the upper level, shaded from the intense sun by a canopy but enjoying the cool breeze off the river, as we chat with friends and view castle after castle as we pass by miles of vineyards and quaint towns on one of the world’s only north-flowing rivers. The Rhine is a main route of commerce for Germany and today you still see dozens of cargo ships floating up and downstream. The existence of the numerous castles is due to the fact that, years ago, when someone owned the land along the river, they also owned the section of river that passed through it. ... read more
The Rhine River
Vineyards and Burg Ehrenfels
Burg Ehrenfels

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Bacharach May 8th 2008

We flew into Frankfurt then took the train (others went by van) to Bacharach. Those of us who went by train had a delicious and inexpensive meal in town before going up to the castle. The next day we enjoyed a river cruise before leaving for Italy. Patrick... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Sankt Goar April 27th 2008

Welcome back to the TravelBlog! Yes, I am still alive! It has been six months since my last trip, six months since I arrived in London aboard the Eurostar from Paris. So it seems only fair that I should let you know what I have been up to since the last time you heard from me (very briefly); Within two weeks of arriving in London I had managed to find myself an awesome job with Orange - it was a three month contract with the chance to go permanent on a contractor's wage - nice. Two weeks later I had found myself a flat too, just a ten minute walk from work - gold! Things could not be working out better. Then suddenly, the day after I had agreed to move into my new flat - ... read more
The Dom, Mainz
Burg Reichenstein
Burg Sooneck

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate April 26th 2008

I’m a big fan of semi-precious stones, and seeing a church that had been built into the side of a rock seemed pretty cool to me, so I was happy we were invited along on a tour group headed to the town of Idar-Oberstein. The bus takes us through the town itself to reach the mines located just outside of town, and up quite a steep road. These mines, the Gemstone Mines Steinkaulenberg, are the only gem mines in Germany open to the public. The guide talked a bit quick, so I believe the mine was in operation from around 1400-something to about 1845, but the only thing I’m certain that she said was that the mine was abandoned when the miners all migrated to Brazil, to escape the high tax of the mined gems. Now, ... read more
The Gem Mines
The Gem Mines
Us at the Gem Mines

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