Blogs from Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe - page 41


Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Oberwesel April 21st 2008

We left Amsterdam today and drove to Germany... happy to be leaving the country where it costs money to go to the bathroom. Though we did encounter some very interesting toilets in the Netherlands, including one that cleans the seat by itself. I wasn't entirely sure I trusted it, but if I have to pay 50 cents, at least it's doing something. We were on our way to Oberwesel on the Rhine River, home to Castle Hotel Auf Schoenburg... the medieval castle-turned hotel where we were staying that night. Angie and I had been keeping it a secret from Mom so we could surprise her. We made it to Oberwesel and though we were able to see the hill-top castle from anywhere in town, we had considerable trouble figuring out how to get up to it. ... read more
View of the hilltop castle from Oberwesel
Mom on the top wall of the castle
The living room of the Falcon Suite where we stayed

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Kaiserslautern April 13th 2008

Today we drove out to the Japanese Gardens in Kaiserslautern with Matt and Maria. The Gardens looked quite impressive on their website, especially with the waterfall, Zen Gardens, lovely trees and pretty Tea House. It was, though, smaller than I had expected. It was certainly quite peaceful in some of the quaint corners, or when shrouded by trees and bushes, but we were plagued by almost constant views of the surrounding city. The Gardens were built on a hill and so most of the scenery that included a downhill view was framed with the buildings of Kaiserslautern. Even up the hill were many homes built right up to the fencing. It was a neat experience, but I would have enjoyed it more had more of the trees been alive (I mistakenly assumed it was already spring) ... read more
Japanese Gardens Kaiserslautern
Japanese Gardens Kaiserslautern
Japanese Gardens Kaiserslautern

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate March 10th 2008

Falling behind already with updates. Know that all my loyal readers (okay my mother) have been waiting to see something new. Picture uploading ability currently on the fritz, so may or may not add pictures at a later date. For now, you'll just have to close your eyes and imagine the stuff I'm talking about. Sorry... 3 Mar- Walked out of the house in the morning with the intention of scouting out supplies for my upcoming trip. Spent the day shopping around for tents/campstoves/etc. Shopping for a tent is an interesting insight into your life. Do I just need a two person? Am I planning on having other people accompany me on my trips? Or, if I am going to drive on the trips, is there really such a thing as too big of a tent. ... read more
town gates

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate March 3rd 2008

Like any great adventure, the idea for this blog started on my couch half drunk (at least that's what I'm gonna admit to) at 3 in the morning, watching Into the Wild. Magically, thoughts popped into my head, such as: "I like to camp" and "I own a backpack." Suddenly, inspiration hit. It's time for ME to go into the wild, or as much so as you can go in Western Europe. I could buy a tent, and trek off into the woods. Then, waking up the next morning, (really, only half drunk, I promise) I watched the end of the movie. The plan would have to be amended so that my Alexander Supertramp adventure could begin. You know, without the discomfort, or the starvation, or actually anything that made his adventure interesting to anybody else. ... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Mainz January 26th 2008

Last night I stayed at a hostel in Mainz. It was a LONG walk to get to the tourist information office which provided us with a map of the city. The heavy backpacks didn't help. When we got the map we found that the hostel was no where near, so we hopped on a bus. On our way we got to see what some of the neighborhoods looked like. It's so interesting to me to see how people from different parts of the world live. The style is unique. They're very quaint here. It seems even the simpler designs have charm. We explored the town a bit once we settled in. First, we saw the city's dom: The Cathedral of Mainz. It was gorgeous--almost too perfect to be real. I'm seeing a lot of sights like ... read more
Italian Restaurant in Mainz
Mainz Market
Gutenberg Printing Press

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate November 24th 2007

Today there is sun, which is a nice change from the usual fog, rain and overall dreariness. It is in the 30s but the sunlight makes it feel pleasant, so we head south to a little town called Speyer. Nestled on the banks of the Rhine River, this town once functioned as a Roman military camp, but there are archeological findings from the area that date back 5,000 years. Speyer is also famous because one of its residents, Konrad II, was elected the king of Germany in 1024. The first place we visit is the Dom. Work on the Kaiserdom Cathedral, or Imperial Cathedral of Speyer, began in 1030 and it was later consecrated in 1061. It is the largest Romanesque cathedral still in existence and its basement holds a crypt containing eight German kings. It’s ... read more
Speyer Dom
Speyer Dom
Speyer Dom

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate November 14th 2007

Life is too short not to do crazy things. I'm crazy and know that an amazing full of great moments... so let's raise the level...because you only live once! Last Thursday was a great sunny Thursday in Shanghai, so I went to see few of the world best golfers at the HSBC Champions...was nice to see Rafael Jacquelin with who I played back on April 11th...a date to remember ...for many reasons. A great Thursday...and this Friday, it's off to the Tennis Masters. That's for Shanghai! This week-end was simply a first for me. And a great first at 33 years old. We all have our souvenirs, for me this one will be simple, it's the first time a great girl organized me a romantic week-end. I've done a lot in the area of spoiling ... read more
early friday in Munich...rainy
view from our room..don't forget we are in November...
lovely diner....

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Charlottenberg November 11th 2007

Okay, so some of you could say that I've been ignoring my blog lately and well I guess you would be right (hey atleast I'm honest!). So please forgive and I'll try to update you on some of the more exciting aspects of my life here right now. As well, seeing as how I'm also assuming you're all going to visit me at some point I think it's very important that I continue on with "Germafying" all of you with a lesson in the exquisite art that is the german language. And yes, I did just make up Germafying but I'm alone in a foreign so give me a break! Well let's start off with the basics (cause frankly that's all I know! ha) Ich bin Shannon und Ich komme aus Kanada. This is a phrase ... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Kaiserslautern October 17th 2007

I do have to report that Gabe reminded me I almost burnt down his house! I forgot to plug my CHI (very expensive) flat iron into the converter before plugging it in....AND IT MELTED. oooh the smell. Melted plastic on ceramic in a bathroom. YIKES! I did bad. very, very bad.... :( anyway...yea.... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Trier October 16th 2007

I'm going to try to keep this short, because we are in the middle of mid-terms and I have tons of work to do, but I have alot to tell. So, this past weekend we went on a 3 day excursion through German wine country. I enjoyed it alot, because it was much more laid back and relaxing, and thw weather was much better. What was not better, however, was our transportation. Our bus driver was basically insane. He drove like a nutjob, and I was constantly fearing for my life. Also, to top it all off, our bus was not exactly the fines piece of machinery either. It broke dow twice, and some of the guys (including myself) had to push it to get it to start. I guess their standards are a little more ... read more

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