Blogs from Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe - page 5


Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Bonn July 20th 2008

22.07. after several trips within europe (france, netherlands, denmark and a couple of times in switzerland, ...) back in germany 20.05. back home in good old germany 5.05. back on the road now in Jordan :) 5.04. BACK IN BONN!! Home sweet home!! 31.03. back in europe!! genauer in London! in Kuerze gehts heim! 29.03. seit einigen Tagen in New York - wahnsinnige Stadt!! bald gehts nach London 22.03. in Washington, in front of the living room of the most stupid man on the world 19.03. at the copacabana next flight is booked :)) 13.03. after a 26hours busride finally in rio de janeiro 12.03. no spanish speaking countries any more on my way, now its portogues :) on my way to rio de janeiro 9.03. nach einer wunderschoenen zeit in buenos aires bin ich jetzt ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Bonn June 9th 2008

It is amazing (and amuzing at the same time) how increadibly draining and nerveracking a definition of your own culture can be! Ask us to define German or French culture, we would have an answer on the tip of our tongue - a stereotypical image that is easily recognized by everyone and everywhere. However ask us to define ourselves in a cultural regard, we plunge into the vastness of a blank mind. Or at least that's how I felt while meditating on the subject. Hence, seeing no other solution, I've decided to deduce the matter in the most logical, almost mathematical way. How do cultures get into existence? Why is one culture different from another? Why are Germans stereotyped for beer, French - for wine, and Russians - for vodka? How does one country 'cultivate' its ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Bonn January 31st 2008

This has been a pretty good week. I'm finally feeling settled here in the German world. I've figured out how to work the European laundry machines, taken my first unsupervised trip, and found new safe trails to run on. Also I figured out some of my new favorite staples from the Penny Markt, a cheap local grocery store and I made a somewhat nice/"real" dinner for my roommate and me(chicken, creamy white spinach sauce with pasta shells and freshly steamed broccoli--YUM). Groups have settled in somewhat as far as travel goes. All this has made my third week mark (today!) a good spot to be in. God is really blessing me and working things out! While all this is true, last night was stressful. After I made a late dinner for Karen and I, I tried ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Bonn January 29th 2008

Wir sind wieder zurück in Deutschland! 365 Tage "Reisen pur" liegen hinter uns. 21 Länder sind's gewesen. Über 90.000 Kilometer per Flieger, Bus, Minibus, Auto, Jeepney, Taxi, Zug, Boot, Fähre, Motorrad, Moped, Tuk-tuk, Fahrrad, Pferd, Kutsche, LKW-Schlauch, im Sturzflug und zu Fuss haben wir zurück gelegt. Unzaehlige Sprachen, Kulturen, Geschichten, Landschaften, Menschen, Gesichter haben wir erlebt, gesehen und genossen. 83 verschiedene Biersorten wurden probiert. (Die einzige Liste, die wir geführt haben. Einstimmige Entscheidung: das beste ist "Beerlao" aus Laos!) Viel nette Bekanntschaften haben wir gemacht, von denen wir hoffentlich ein paar irgendwann wieder einmal treffen werden. Viele, viele Eindrücke, Erlebnisse und Erinnerungen, die man kaum in Worte fassen kann. DEFINITIV DIE BESTE ENTSCHEIDUNG, DIE WIR JE GETROFFEN HABEN! ... read more
Kölle Alaaf!

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Bonn January 10th 2008

My first two days in Europe. To put it in a word... cold. A couple more words though would see it being not too cold. Bonn luckily has been soft on me and a great way to introduce me to Europe. I'm staying with the Vogt-Schmickler's, my sisters first host family from her German exchange way back when. They have been the perfect home away from home and they can cook great which means I've had lots of good food. Can't get use to it though because starting tomorrow I'm in the youth hostels where I'm going to have to fend for myself... not sure what I will do about the food thing yet. I'm sure it'll come to me. While there hasn't been lots of things to do and see as a tourist in Bonn, ... read more
Morning Cycle
The Town of Beethoven
Gazying on the Rhein

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Bonn November 29th 2007

Aller Anfang ist schwer - so auch beim Drachenfliegen. Meinen ersten Grundkurs hatte ich an einer Flugschule in Österreich absolviert. Mich wirklich gequält am Übungshang. Aber irgendwie kam ich nicht so recht voran. Meine Starttechnik war schlicht eine Katastrophe. Ich startete immer mit einem zu großen Anstellwinkel und flog dann so langsam, dass es schon fast zum Strömungsabriss kam. Dadurch war es beinahe unmöglich, den Drachen auch nur halbwegs in die gewünschte Richtung zu bekommen. Entsprechend unsanft waren dann auch meist die Landungen. Da ich mir aber in den Kopf gesetzt hatte, Drachenfliegen lernen zu wollen, suchte ich in der Bonner Umgebung nach einer Flugschule. So landete ich endlich beim Fluglehrer-Trio Karl-Heinz, Dirk und Martin. Und damit in der Doppelsitzer-Ausbildung. Was für ein Glück! Mit Karl-Heinz machte ich im August 2006 die ersten Doppelsitzer-Flüge ü... read more
Fluglehrer meines Vertrauens: Dirk
Und noch ein Fluglehrer: Martin
Mein Fliegermentor WinDfried

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Bonn October 4th 2007

Hello Everyone. I know it’s been while since I’ve written my last blog, but things have been rather busy here, and I don’t think it will be slowing down anytime soon. From Sunday the 23rd until Sunday the 30th of September, our group went on a tour of East Germany (The Former DDR/Soviet Occupied Zone). During those 8 days, we visited a total of 9 cities: Eisenach, Erfurt, Weimar, Leipzig, Dresden, Wittenberg, Goslar, Braunschweig, and Hildesheim. It was a very busy, and very tiring trip, but it was great to get to visit so many places. I don’t think I’m going to bore you with all the details, because we basically went to the same kind of places in every city (churches, palaces, and museums). We also went to a lot of places were Martin Luther ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Bonn September 28th 2007

Aufgrund des unerwarteten Todes meines lieben Vaters - Allah sei seiner Seele gnaedig - habe ich meine Reise für unbestimmte Zeit unterbrochen.... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Bonn September 11th 2007

Hello Everyone. It hasn’t been so long since I last wrote a blog, but a lot has actually happened in the meantime. I also have some pictures to share with everyone. Well, on Friday we went on a short tour of the sights around the academy in Bonn. We got a lot of in-depth history lessons, and it was actually really interesting. Some of the more interesting facts about Bonn are: It was the capitol of Germany before Berlin was, and the Gummi-Bear company Haribo is right here in Bonn. Bonn has a lot of chestnut trees, and the founder of the Haribo company really liked these chestnuts because he would use them to lure deer while he was hunting. Every fall the children would collect chestnuts for him, and he would give them gummi bears ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Bonn September 7th 2007

Hello Everyone! I'm pretty sure most of you know by now, but some of you might not, that I am spending my fall trimester in Bonn, Germany. Bonn is a comparitively small Germany city not far from Cologne. I am staying in a small village, within the city limits, called Ueckesdorf. It's about a 20 minute bus ride from the center of Bonn. The family I am staying with is very nice. The father is a doctor and psychitrist, and the mother is a nurse in a psychiatric clinic, so I am learning about psychology here even though I don't have any psych classes. My guestmother is very good about correcting my German too, so I am learning plenty of German. The house I am staying in is fairly large for only 3 people, and I ... read more

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