starship VT's Guestbook

18th March 2020

Perfect weather
Enjoying the Kasbah, the food, the people, the simple joys. Thanks for transporting us back to Morocco. I can smell the spices in the air.
18th March 2020

Perfect weather
Merry Jo and Dave, thanks for following my Morocco blogs. There's so much to enjoy in the many aspects of Morocco. Each place we visited had its own charm -- a feast for the eyes!
15th March 2020

Continuing to enjoy your trip
I'm enjoying 'seeing' so many parts of Morocco that I'm yet to visit myself, having only been to Marrakesh and the immediate surrounding area. That mausoleum looks lovely and the fossils fascinating
15th March 2020

Continuing to enjoy your trip...
Thanks for continuing to follow along with me on our journey around Morocco. It has become one of my favorite countries because there's so much diversity in the geography, lots of history, friendly people, and stunning scenery!
15th March 2020

I love a day on the road!
And this sounds like an excellent one, with lots to see and some interesting brief stops. Again, your hotel sounds wonderful too!
15th March 2020

I love a day on the road!
Same here, Sarah. Not only is it a comfortable way to travel, but it frees you to enjoy the scenery, catch a cat nap, or catch up on notes/journals, etc., if you can.
23rd February 2020

Another fascinating look at a fascinating country
I'm somebody who thinks that items such as those fossils should really be left where they were found if I'm being honest. That said, it opens up a debate about how we approach saving these things for posterity. I've wrestled with this dilemma for years. I'm just happy that I've been able to get up close and touch the stones at Stonehenge for example before it was roped off.
23rd February 2020

Another fascinating look at a fascinating country Redux --
Agreed, Malcolm. I've seen Stonehenge twice -- I believe the first time was without the rope barrier and the second from a walkway behind the ropes. Either way, I count myself extremely lucky!
23rd February 2020

Another fascinating look at a fascinating country
This sounds another great trip with some fabulous photos to accompany an excellent account. I would have also had to buy some of those fossilized rocks. What a souvenir that was!
23rd February 2020

Another fascinating look at a fascinating country....
Thanks for continuing to follow my blogs and for your nice comments, Malcolm! Morocco surprised us every day with its culture, geography, and most of all the people. How many people have the privilege of owning a piece of history such as these fossils? In one way, it seems sad that these fossils are being dispersed in such a way, but most people would never know about or see them in their natural setting in the mountains otherwise. It's a double-edged sword!
23rd February 2020

Wow, the fossil souvenirs sound amazing, I bet indeed your purchase is a very interesting travel memento ? The hotel also sounds amazing, and I look forward to reading about your camel trek and desert camp experience ?
23rd February 2020

Thanks for your visit, Alex! Visiting Rissani and Erfoud certainly added yet another dimension to our trip and I never expected to stay in such unique places. Learning about fossils from millions of years ago (and buying one) was pretty special. Traveling is such a tremendous education!!
21st February 2020

marine fossil-embedded rocks
I have heard of benchtops of marine fossils from Morocco and wonder how exploited that can be. Thank you for your brief history which makes a lot of sense. Did you hear if the government is doing anything to restrict excavation and export to preserve this extraordinary geological asset?
22nd February 2020

marine fossil-embedded rocks
Hi Dave, thanks for reading! No, now that you mention it, I don't remember anyone mentioning anything about the Moroccan government restricting excavation or limiting it. I would have to do some research on that to find out but that's a good question. I believe I only saw 2 places which processed these where we were. The rock is cut in thin slabs like granite or marble and processed carefully so as to destroy as little of the fossil as possible and it is a painstaking process.
21st February 2020

I didn't come across this dish, and I think I would have really liked it! Did you notice that most of the insects attracted to the sweet treats in markets were bees? Less gross than flies, but still weird. We visited the Sahara further south at Erg Chigaga, so didn't experience this this region of Morocco - it sounds fascinating! :)
21st February 2020

Ren and Drew, thanks for continuing to follow my blog! Not sure if medfouna could be found strictly in Rissani only or not. Medfouna was never a choice on any of our menus that I recall. Have to say that, except for a few places we visited, in general, the food choices did not vary too much -- probably for the benefit of visitors?!?
10th February 2020

Many joys of Morocco
Morocco remains one of our favorite countries and loved the word pictures you painted. We feel like we are there with you watching the woman in the flowered kaftan and so much more. It was always nice landing in a new Riad and being welcomed with the warm mint tea. The charms of this part of the world are endless. Enjoy.
10th February 2020

Many joys of Morocco
Thanks so much for your kind comments! I couldn't agree with you more about the endless charm that this part of the world holds. I loved Morocco! And, two weeks there was not nearly enough so I hope to go back soon. One airline at our nearest airport just recently instituted non-stop flights to Casablanca but unfortunately only during the summer months.
3rd February 2020

Mint tea
I miss that mint tea so much! And what a beautiful welcome it is when you arrive after a day of travel. I love the sound of the camel stables and I wouldn't have been able to keep my distance either! You've done well to recapture your trip in such detail without taking notes for so many days... looking forward to the next blog :)
3rd February 2020

Mint tea
Mint tea! I loved it too! What a beautiful Moroccan custom! Writing my blogs without having taken down any journal notes for a week or so wasn't easy and this is the first time in years I haven't taken journal notes in years. But for some reason I seem to recall a lot of detail. I rely on my photos especially for chronology. If that doesn't work, I ask Rick if he remembers something, haha!! To make sure any facts or data are correct, I research it when I get home. Thanks for your kind comments!
3rd February 2020

Old Fes
I love the look of your riad! If we ever return to Fes, we may have to bite the bullet and stay in the thick of things to get a different feel than we did in the French quarter. However with such a lovely looking riad, I would be tempted to never leave its peacefulness. How hectic were the souqs? I'm sorry to hear that you got hurt. Hope your leg recovered well and didn't impact the rest of your trip.
3rd February 2020

Old Fes
Thanks for reading along! Our riad was in a word, unbelievable! The only downside was that when the sun was not shining, our room was kind of dark and lighting could have been better. As for my leg, I only ended up with a big bruise -- pretty minor in the scheme of things since it could have been worse!
2nd February 2020

Moroccan Landscapes
Wow, what a journey through Morocco's amazing landscapes! The drive sounds long, but I imagine very enjoyable. It must have been nice indeed to have had a bit of down time on the bus. And what a wonderful hotel to have arrived at for the evening!
2nd February 2020

Morocco Landscapes
Hi Alex, thanks so much for continuing to read my Moroccan blogs! Yes, this certainly was a long day, but I didn't mind being on the bus at all really. The scenery seemed to change a lot and riding on the bus is rather peaceful. And, as much as I liked the sights and experiences in Morocco, I looked forward to each new hotel, ksar, tent, and kasbah because they all had something different to enjoy.
2nd February 2020

Crossing the Middle Atlas Mountains
Well, that was certainly a varied day, even if it was a long drive. The landscape looks enticing as well as interesting, and I had no ideal that lions once roamed this part of Africa.

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