Blogs from Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India, Asia - page 78


Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur November 2nd 2005

Part of the tour was to be with Dr. Carolyn Myss. She is an accalimed medical intuitive healer in the USA. She was the group "Guru". (Not the doorman, pictured below) When with any of these famous folk, the most useful thing to do is to observe their ask, what you yourself are doing while around them? (self observation) She gave three formal talks as part of the tour. The talks were okay, considering jet lag, she was mostly forming her next book with them. She has a miraculous gift to write best selling books. I don't have that gift that I know of anyway. To her credit, it is enormously difficult to give so much to so many desperate and needy and tired, jetlaged people--no wonder she's said to have anger issues. (they could ... read more
Carolyn Myss Tour
Myss tour

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur November 1st 2005

Jodhpur, ma derniere etape deja... Je dois avouer que je serai content de rentrer dans notre civilisation mais je sens deja une petite nostalgie a l idee de partir... Je sui soccupe a lire un livre sur la condition des femmees en inde, je discute bcp avec des indiens... malheureusement presque pas d indienne et j essaie de les comprendre... plus j avance dans cette recherche plus je trouve ce pays complexe a comprendre, parfois horripilant, parfois source de degout et en meme temps attachant et adorable... Ici a Jodphur je prend mon temps pour me promener discuter prendre le the par ci par la... mon attitude et ma vision des choses sont tout a fait differents par rapport a quand je suis arrivee a Jaipur.. En discutant avec les gens ici j ai parfois l ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur November 1st 2005

Susan and Bill did something really extraordinary in Agra, the city where the Taj Mahal is located. They wandered from the group, and sought out the Mother Theresa Orphange. They met with the Sister and went to wehre the abandoned (not in Hong Kong) children were, the maimed and the weak, and this couple picked each one up and held them. They were there for three hours, just holding the children. Bill is a Viet Nam Vet (Marines). From the Book of James, True Religion, pure and undefiled, is to be of assistance to the widows and orphans, in their time of tribulation, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. Well...plain old "James" sure has a lot of spots. He somehow ended up getting his photo taken. The kids started playing with the camera. He ... read more
James Gets Religion
At the Orphanage
At Mother Theresa's

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur November 1st 2005

Next to the people of India, who are so are two of James's favorite people on the tour. There weren't many other smokers, this being a "mystical" non-smoking tour with Carolyn Myss but thankfully, Bill was one of them. Bill is also not really into all the chakra stufff that Carolyn teaches but a fine fellow even so. Isn't that interesting? His wife is a student but quite advanced. Also Carolyn Myss's brother, was on the tour and a fine and friendly smoker of a fellow and sneaked cigs. Carolyln's mother was on the tour, but not a smoker. Nor Carolyn's fine nephew, who was also on the tour. And Carolyn herself is not a smoker but some of her students reported she has said she can smoke on the astral plane. Carolyn is an ... read more
Carolyn's Family

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur October 31st 2005

Just as I finished writing the last blog, in between disasters, and wouldn't ya know but , Bob Marley comes on the speaker system at the dark internet cafe on Melrose Avenue where I'm writing from now...saying, in his song, "This is my messege to you, dont worry about a thing, every little thing, gonna be alright. Don't worry. I won't worry" :) Isn't it nice to have a reminder now and then that everying, really, is alright? All is well... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur October 31st 2005

Well, more or less..until the electicity comes back on at the cottage in Florida. What can I do? at this dark internet cafe (across from Fairfax High) on Melrose, I have time to do the overview of the trip and even..upload photos! Hope I can get most of it in. Buy the you guys get an email whenever I put in a blog entry? Anyway, Halloween in coming up. Here are some Halloween photos I took.."James" Ojai before departure to India How can I write this? What if clients see this in the 3rd person sig? Clients come to visit with me from all over the world, what will they say and/or think of me? What will people say and/or think of "me"? Maybe they think I'm a slob in my daily life. ... read more
In Ojai

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur October 31st 2005

You can read this in an earlier entry but this is the tall and short of it...I don't know why. Because it's there. Because it was an intuitive hunch. Because I wanted to go to India in style and bow down to it. Because I wanted to wake up mornings and say, as I did, "Good Moring India"....because I wanted to bow to people and say, NAMASTE. Or maybe I had a hunch I wanted to visit before things got too hairy over there. Take your pick. OK. "Why India?" It was purely intuitive. I was checking links on the site, and saw on it. i checked out the myss link and saw the news about a trip to India in 5 star hotels. It seemed a nice way to go...but before I knew ... read more
Before the Ride

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur October 31st 2005

aLive and well...had felt an impulse to stay in india (in new delhi) but stayed with the group and had a definate intuition to don't stay in india..then...found out didn't have a hard copy of the plane ticket--it wasn't given to me at the outset. this is perhaps one of the reasons james was seperated from the group in hong kong, seemingly long ago. departed on the 29th, with the group. otherwise, would have planned to go to the central shopping area on the afternoon of the 29th. guess there is a value in listening...and...there was that 'BIG TROUBLE" thing from Carolyn. So left of the 29th, and arrived back in LA on the 29th. The bombings were at the Central Market on the early evening, around 5:30 pm, of the 29th. The Central Market was ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur October 30th 2005

Apres etre revenue de ce qu on appelle le safari dans le desert je me suis promenee au hasard dans les rues de Jaisalmer. Un rickshaw men (Swaroop) m a abordee pour me demander ou j allais et je lui ai dit que je ne savais pas alors il l m a dit qu il pouvait m y conduire.... Nous avons convenu d un prix seule precaution a prendre rellement et nous voila parti en rickshow pour decouvrir les alentours... un petit lac avec d enormes poissons chats qui attendent qu on jette du pain... pain vendu 5 roupies le grand paque par un gamin.. cenothaphe (ensemble de tombe a la memoires des maharadja et maharana) et meme un champs d eoliene dont Swarooop etait tres fier car il y a travaille dans le temps. J ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur October 28th 2005

Okay, I play the role of the only male in a family of six sisters and well...haven't been in touch for a few days. It's amazing in touch at all with all these exhausting women around, I mean, energy sappers. The Hindu God, Krishna (photo), was a lover to all women and had it down. I didn't even get to the lover part with the ladies on the tour. Thanks to those who are checking in now. We departed New Delhi for Jaipur in Rajastan (Raja means King), then to Agra (the place of the Taj Mahal) and to Benares, the Holiest City of India. Off to visit the orphange of Mother Teresa now that we are back in Delhi. Have more news to fill in about each stop and adventure along the way. Carolyn is ... read more
Muchas Mujers
"Mr Anger Issues"

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