Blogs from Angkor, North, Cambodia, Asia - page 5


Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor December 21st 2014

Hi, Today we decided to cycle for our second day around the temples of Angkor. We hired better (mountain) bikes today for $3, but it made such a difference! We cycled the distance up to the temples, which is about 10km from our hostel. As we were entering the site, the ticket booth is on the right of the main road, but as we already had tickets we kept riding at normal pace, along with the taxis and tuk tuks who also didn’t stop. However, apparently we have now learned the hard way that cyclists is seems have to show their tickets again. I managed to put my breaks on quite sharply to stop for this woman that was coming for me waving her hands, but this man chose to stop Neil by running right out ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor December 19th 2014

Hi Followers, We woke up a little more refreshed after yesterday, we went out to get breakfast at a little restaurant down the road; delicious, we had omelettes and warm french stick. We then hired old looking push bikes with baskets on the front for $2. But i think if you look around you can normally get push bikes for $1 and mopeds for about $2 for a day. We cycled over to the area that holds the Temples of Angkor. It took us about 45 minutes to cycle over to the temples, the roads weren't too busy, which is lucky because they drive on the other side of the road here. We finally made it over to the temples. We had decided to get the three day pass ($40), which you can use over a ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor November 15th 2014

Pour la vidéo, cliquez ici: PP-Siem Reap road trip video Pour toutes les photos cliquez ici: Album photos Siem Reap Cela fait deux mois que nous sommes à Istanbul, mais j'aimerais me (et vous) replonger dans l'ambiance asiatique, car oui, je dois l'admettre, je suis encore un peu (beaucoup) en retard sur mes récits, malgré mes meilleures intentions, mais les voyages se sont enchaînés avec la préparation du déménagement depuis le Vietnam en Turquie, et forcement ça prend du temps tout ça! Mais du coup la bonne nouvelle c'est que d'autres aventures asiatiques vont encore vous être contées, et c'est quand même sympa de revenir un peu en Extrême Orient, non? Je vous invite donc à revenir au Cambodge, en Novembre 2013, p... read more
Sur la route
Coucher de soleil sur la route
Angkor Wat

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor August 10th 2014

My guide took me to the fabulous Angkor Wat Temple complex. I remember reading about this when I was quite young, back them it seemed like an enchanted place that you’d only find in movies I never thought I’d actually get here. It’s also where parts the film Tomb Raider were filmed. It is the most popular tourist attraction in Cambodia, attracting about 4 million tourists each year. The temples were built about 900 years ago. There are about 100 temples in the complex. Each king would build one, after he died the next king would build another that was slightly bigger. They really should have invented recycling about 800 years earlier. Sadly many of the temples were badly destroyed in the civil war, there are ongoing an international efforts to restore them. Even New Zealand ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor August 7th 2014

Travel - especially your first go of it - fills the mind with so many new concepts, new ways of thinking, feeling and experiencing. The images and thoughts, these are not things that can be transferred to others, for they are born of our own unique experiences and perceptions. Many of the things we experience while traveling stick with us much longer than others, which simply fade with time. Sadly, with all of the life-changing experiences and memories, I must reflect quite somberly that one of the most stark impressions I have been left with is that travel - as I have had a short opportunity to realize it - may be coming to an end. Not dying a slow and subtle death, but a sudden shock-wave which becomes so overwhelming that it is already too ... read more
Package Tourist
Morning at Bayon

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor July 31st 2014

Cambodia really challenged me. I wasn't really ready for it, especially when everything in Thailand was so well set up for backpackers. I arrived in Cambodia and immediately noticed this huge difference - the roads were crazy, there was a lot of rubbish around, and everything felt to much poorer. It took me quite a few days to get used to it, before I started to enjoy Cambodia properly. I found Phnom Penh too much, but started to relax much more in Battambang (despite getting eaten alive by bed bugs). Then I hit Siem Reap and everything started to look rosy :) It did get me thinking though, about how different backpacking is from every other type of travel experience. When my mum goes on business trips, her company is part of a scheme called Fly ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor July 9th 2014

Τουτουρουτου τουτουρουτουτου. Και όσοι έχουν αγαπήσει Ιντιανα Τζόουνς, μπορεί και να μηνμε περάσουν για τρελλή. Βρεθηκαμε στο ορμητητηριο ενος απο τα επτά θαύματα του μεσαίωνα. Η Σιεμ Ριπ μας υποδέχτηκε με ανεβασμένες θερμοκρασίες αμυγδαλιτιδας, σουβενίρ μας απο την πρωτεύουσα. Σε ρολο αδερφής και νοσοκόμας ο δόλιος, φρόντισε να ξεκουραστω μια μέρα πρώτου ξεκινήσουμε για το πλατό της Λάρα Κροφτ και του Ιντιάνα Τζόουνς. Τρεις ώρες ύπνο, το όνειρο μου, το ποδηλατο μου και καβάλα για το χάραμα στο Άνγκορ. Άνγκορ. Η πρωτεύουσα της αυτοκρατοριας των Χμερ. Μια ολόκληρη πόλη θαμμένη και καλά κρυμμενη επι τεσσερεις αιώνες μέσα στη ζούγκλα. Και συγκλονιστηκαμε. Δεν χωρούσαν τα μυαλά μας την τόση ομορφιά. Το απόλυτο πρασινο, τόσο πυκνό που να μην αφήνει δροσοσταλιδα να εξατμιστεί, πέτρινοι ναοί διάσπαρτοι σε μια έκταση 20 χιλιομέτρων, απολιθωμένα δέντρα με ρίζες σαν κροκοδείλους να ... read more
Στο Ta Prohm
Στις εξι
Στο Angkor Wat

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor June 26th 2014

We join the throngs hurrying along excitedly towards the orange glow emanating from beyond the silhouetted ruins of Angkor Wat to the east. The energy is palpable as it's certain the day is about to open with a spectacular curtain raiser, feeling like a pilgrimage as the throngs narrow in order to a cross a bridge over the moat, heightening the contact, the chatter, the excitement. Entering through a gateway into the main plaza, a long stone causeway stretches away towards the black quincux of towers silhouetted in a pink marbled sky. A decade previously I crossed this same bridge. Back then, as I entered the main gateway into the main plaza, I took my position amongst the hundreds who already lined the steep banks and outer walls whose cameras feverishly and futilely flashed away into ... read more
Kiva peekaboo
Bayon Temple
Gathering fruit at dawn

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor April 20th 2014

der duft von yasmin und frangipani durchsetzt die bereits vor sonnenaufgang sehr warme luft. mit unserem liebgewonnen tuktuk driver, ly, fahren wir noch in dunkelheit zum phnom bakheng tempel. relativ hoch auf einem hügel gelegen sehen wir nicht nur die sonne sich aus ihrer morgendlichen dunstglocke über den baumwipfeln erheben, sondern haben auch noch einmal einen neuen blick auf angkor wat. unsere heutige tour führt uns zu prasat preah khan, prasat preah neak pean, prasat ta som und schlussendlich, als glorreichen abschluss zu dem ausgezeichnet erhaltenen prasat banteay kdei. mit einzelheiten zu jedem tempel möchte ich euch verschonen, um ehrlich zu sein ist es nach drei tagen auch für uns schon schwer, die einzelnen tempel auseinander zu halten. ich bin zwar noch nicht ganz so weit, zu sagen: “i kon kan khmer mehr sehn!” (zitat hansi), ... read more
gods against demons
tree against temple
entrance gate

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor April 19th 2014

ein strahlend blauer himmel mit weiterhin erbarmungsloser sonne begrüßt uns an einem neuen tag unter den alten khmer. nachdem meine liebe freundin, kathi, so vom banteay srey tempel geschwärmt hat, ist jener unser erstes ziel heute und auch, wenn wir mit dem timing bezüglich menschenansturms versagt haben, imponiert dieser platz besonders! auf dem relativ kleinen tempel areal sammeln sich unüberschaubare mengen filigranster figuren und reliefs. wir umrunden den tempel zweimal, um einen besseren gesamteindruck zu erlangen. jede noch so unscheinbare säule wird von mustern geziert und meist von kleinen betenden figuren kurz über dem boden abgeschlossen. fast ist es ein wenig anstrengend, all die details erfassen zu wollen. durch wald und dörfer fahren wir wieder nach süden, zum banteay samre tempel, einem der wenigen, die beinahe unversehrt geblieben sind. nicht nur die jahre, auch die ... read more
banteay srey II
fruit seller
banteay samre

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