Blogs from Central America Caribbean - page 1737


Guatemala Von San Ignacio in Belize gings dann also weiter an die Grenze zu Guatemala. Einreisen ueberhaupt kein Problem, noch rasch Geld gewechselt eindringlich darauf hin gewiesen worden, beim Zahlen nur kleine Mengen Geld zu zuecken. Na super hab ich mir gedacht aber mich nicht weiter damit aufgehalten sondern nen Minibus (Toyota Hiace) nach Flores gesucht und gefunden und dann gings los mit Gaesten aufnehmen. War bruetend heiss und n Maedchen machte dann das Fenster zu und ich dacht das wird schon nen Grund haben vielleicht Steinschlag, fiese Insekten oderso und fing aus lauter Langeweile und Mangel an Alternativen mal an, heftig zu transpirieren waehrend der Fahrer rumgefahren noch andere Fahrgaeste aufgenommen hat. Beim ungefaehr 17ten Gast dacht ich, jetzt koennt's eigentlich losgehen aber da war ja noch Platz bis schlussendlich 24 Leute und ein H ... read more
Guatemala City

Kaere Allesammen: guys & dolls, muchachos y muchachas, ladies & gents...toesepiger og gadedrenge... Saa er vi tilbage i Puerto Viejo(forkortes herefter "PV"...) - og det er sgu fantastisk... Vi forlod Lima i tirsdags, overnattede i San Jose, og (efter en impulsiv shoppingtur...argh) moedtes vi saa med Zenia og Disa onsdag ved "Terminal Caribe" for at tage bussen til PV. Vi havde desvaerre givet pigerne det forkerte ankomsttidspunkt, saa de havde staaet i lufthavnen og ventet paa os i 4 timer med "Surprise" og velkomstskilt og hele molevitten - problemet var bare, at vi paa det tidspunkt allerede havde forladt lufthavnen og sad i San Jose... Vildt aergerligt, men skidesoedt af dem. Vi ankom til PV onsdag aften - og saa begyndte dramatikken... Vi taenkte nemlig, at vi liiige ville smutte paa poolbaren og faa en ... read more

Antiguassa siis olen edelleen, Arturo pääsi lähtemään Floresista tänään, on tällä hetkellä matkalla tänne. Huomenna pitäisi sitten jatkaa matkaa autolla Lago de Atitlanille. Eilen heräsin aamulla 5.15 ja bussi kohti Pacaya tulivuorta lähti klo.6.00. Bussi oli jenkkien vanha koulubussi, vielä vanhoissa väreissäänkin! :D Bussi vei meidät kylään vuoren rinteelle, josta sitten jatkettiin patikoimalla eteenpäin. Pari tuntia meni kiivetessä ylöspäin. Päästiin siis ylös n.2300 metrin korkeuteen. Pacaya on tosiaan yksi aktiivisista tulivuorista täällä, ei menty ihan ylös asti, vaan jäätiin alempaan kraatteriin. Pacaya viimeksi purkautui kunnolla 1998, jolloin jopa Guatemala cityn lentokenttä jouduttiin sulkemaan pariksi päiväksi sen takia. Vuosi sitten oli pienempi purkaus. Käveltiin kraatterissa kuivuneen laavan päällä, n. 6 metriä sen alapuolella on sulaa laavaa. Kiivettiin siis laavan pääl... read more

We sailed down the lee side of Monserrat, saw more of the damage to the island. There is an exclusion area of 1.5 KM however, we stayed 2 miles to the West. It was a delightful sail for a change. Smooth seas, 18 knots from the East. Once we got to South side the winds went to 6 knots from the West, very strange. As the trade winds blow from E to SE. Once we turned toward Deshaies, the wind was at our back, in came the jib, and we turned on the engine. We had an alternator belt break. Seas were 3 to 4 footers. Arrived in Deshaies around 1400 hours. We went into town to do customs, to find a note on door, saying they were close till....Oh well, seems some of these islands ... read more

This week Club O2 is still on the quiet side. 40 teens on the ship, about 20-something come and go. Even though the numbers are low, our tour ran today. A family of 3 teens all signed up to go on the tour. Michelle and I both got to go which was really fantastic. I have so much fun with that girl. Our teens were great too. The two boys mostly spent the tour together and the sister, Sarah, hung out with me and Michelle. She's a super girl and we laughed a lot together. I love the cave tubing tour and I'm so lucky to have been able to do it multiple times. The walk through the rainforest is stunning. Entering the caves feels like you're embarking on a grand exploration. The views out to ... read more
Glimpses of the River Along Our Hike
Walking Through A Bit of the Cave System
Hiking Along

Just sharing some pics. These were from the International Party, a crew party Belize night. Between people expressing their shock at hearing of my sudden departure and scattered tears, it was a fun night. Better party than we've had on the ship in weeks.... read more
Me with Ronald
Loraine, Me & Sam
Me with Emma

Only a little more than a month ago, I was so ready to be off the ship. There was too much drama here. There was too much happening at home without me. I was tired. I needed to escape the intensity of being here. But thankfully that passed. I’ve rediscovered all of the joyous things that ship life offers. Because there are many, many things. The past few weeks have been incredible. Great friends. Great tours. Great easy port days. Great adventures. Great discoveries. My end of contract date for months now has been June 3rd. I’ve been preparing myself to depart then. For a bit, that seemed forever away. For the last few weeks though, it’s seemed so close. Going home has become scary. I don’t know how all of the experiences I’ve had has ... read more

Aujourd'hui belle température et nous nettoyons le stainless puis quelque S taches de rouille. Dans l'après midi nous partons dire un au revoir à nos jeunes de Maggie et Doubble Brown qui quittent avant nous. Nous espérons les revoir un jour... Nous avons fait l'achat d'un surfboard que Double Brown nous a vendu. De l'exercise en vue... Les jeunes John et Paul ont fait pratiquer Guy derrière notre dinghy. Peine perdue. Guy n'a pas réussi malgré ses nombreux efforts... mais John, lui, s'est bien amusé. En fin d'après-midi, ils nous ont quitté pour la traversée vers le Portugal. De retour au bateau nous avons fait la vérification des huiles sur le moteur, tout est en ordre aucune goutte de perdue. Bien contents ! ! ! nous allons dormir bien sur nos deux oreilles. Nous sommes ... read more
Guy au premier essai...
John -  du PREMIER coup...
John en action

Flores, Guatemala. We left Palenque (Mexico) to begin on a trip I would possibly not considered unless it had been for my two energetic travelling companions - a trip to Guatemala to see the Mayan ruins at Tikal. It was a very obscure an loooooong journey to get to our destination Flores, from Palenque we were up at sunrise to catch a small minibus which would take us to the "lancha" (small, long, thin boat) at the border which skimmed across the mostly deserted river that runs between Mexico and Guatemala, a novel mode of transport and a great way to pass a Saturday morning! A long tedious wait at the other bank ensued whilst we waited for this totally ghetto minibus to get going and take us from the Guat border to Flores, this ... read more
Tikal me fancy...

Back in Naranjo after a fantastic trip. We had originally planned to head to the city of David in Panama and buy ourselves a run about. Unfortunately, David offers little, and this time around it was definitely not offering us a car. Such circumstances put us on the next minibus over the hill and straight to Bocas del Toro, the Caribbean. The trip itself is quite beautiful, and it’s worth staying awake if you want to take in the beautiful scenery - this information is second hand, as I was the idiot that slept 3 hours and 45 minutes of the 4 hour ride. To get anywhere in Bocos Del Toro, one must take a Water Taxi. Àngel was enjoying himself haggling the prices down again. We opted for a whole days snorkeling tour around the ... read more
Rach in the same boat
Playa Rana Roja - Red Frog Beach
Intriducing Mr Brett Hammond

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