Blogs from Central America Caribbean - page 1740


Dominican Republica experience#3We travelled to Rio San Juan osteisibly to visit the beautiful tip of north eastern Dominican Republic, but also (have to be honest) to play golf. Now that may not be your average bloggers fav acticity, but it ranks right up there to me. So have to be honest...but also want to be respectful and helpful to the locals on any trip. Found the country to be more magnificent than trip number 2 or 1. The weather, in February, was fantastic...not really hot and some occasional rain, which I actually like, but didn't stay around to long. the always...the people are what makes the trip special. plus the beauty. Astounding beauty in the north, moreso than Punta cana in the south...which is flat and hot, humid. The north is lush with rainforest like ... read more

Dès notre arrivée dans la baie de Ponce samedi le 18 mai, j'ai préparé une grande pizza et nous l'avons dégustée avec John et Paul du bateau Doubble Brown, 2 frères Neozélandais de 22 et 25 ans. Par la suite nous sommes allés avec eux et Kylie du bateau Maggie pour faire nos provisions au super Walmart. De retour nous avons tout rangé la grosse commande en prévisions du long voyage en direction des iles plus au sud où c'est plus dispendieux. Après le souper nous avons tous été invité sur le bateau Jacobite Nina et Rod qui seront de retour bientôt au Canada après un voyage de 7 ans. Et comme nous nous étions retrouvés plusieurs bateaux Canadiens, nous avons été sur le Pier fêter tous ensemble, car bientôt nous serons à nouveau séparés ... read more
John et Paul
Maggie au large

Excursion du dimanche Central America Caribbean » Guadeloupe » Basse Terre By OxalieMay 20th 2007 Holà! Ce dimanche, nous sommes allé au festival de la banane. Sorbet à la banane, bananes sèches, bananes frites, farine de banane, vinaigre de banane...etc...etc...tout y était! Très cocasse. J'ai eu l'occasion de goûter à pleins de trucs. Menoum! Ensuite, nous sommes allés faire une randonné en forêt autour du Grand Étang. Curieusement, le paysage pouvait ressembler à certains paysages québécois. Montagnes vertes se rejoingnant en un étang. Cependant, une fois entré dans la forêt, l'impression québecoise s'est vite dissipée! Je suis touj... read more
Au beau milieu de la plantation
Une autre fleur que j'ai bien aimé...
Encore des fleurs....

Two-Day Reunion Robert, left, and Jenny and myself are flanked by our musical entourage. Fantastico!This morning we went off for the Café Britt coffee tour, in the nearby Heredia area. Initially, we were skeptical about how good of a tour it could be with its (essentially) inner-city location compared to the tours offered in Monteverde. These skepticisms were quickly put to rest, as the tour guides proved enlightening and rather comical. They pointed out the organic procedures and growing arrangements, with other plant life around to enhance sustainability, what with bananas and mangos and more in the growing arrangement. After being schooled on the process of creating mature coffee plants, they led us to the factory where they roast coffee and continued to educate us on that part of the process. Here they handed out free ... read more
All organic, shade grown in volcanic soil.
Coffee, the Play (way off Broadway)
Herbie the Love Bug... replica

We want to start this blog with two unusual points - 1. We really do appreciate all your feedback and comments. As a matter of fact we look forward to hearing from you. It´s a validation that we are doing the right thing. And while we cannot, because of time constraints, individually reply to and thank each of you, just know that we´ve seen your message and we deeply appreciate it. Keep them coming. 2. In the last blog we showed Shanna riding a horse being led by Pinto. We understood that Pinto had something like an epileptic attack and fell backwards off the horse he was riding and quite possibly broke his neck. Pinto died two days after we met him. May his soul rest in peace. Life is short. Live your dreams. Watch the ... read more
Check out the chair

5-19 Hotel: Silverpoint Hotel, Barbados, $177 Flight: Austin (AUS) to Dallas (DFW), American Flight: Dallas (DFW) to Miami (MIA), American Flight: Miami (MIA) to Barbados (BGI), American It's been a bit of an adventure just getting here! We arrived at the airport early morning on Saturday to find our our original Austin-Atlanta flight was delayed, and Delta was rebooking people on alternative flights. After waiting 45 minutes in line, we finally had an itinerary to take over to American, where we found out Delta had given us an illegal connection time in San Juan. By the time we had sorted this out, it was too late for checkin with American, and not possible to make it to Antigua the same day. Since we had tickets from Barbados the next morning, I then asked if they ... read more
More sets
St Vincent Beauties

Hello again, I have travelled to Honduras, all the way from Belize. Hooray for me. I am actually coming to the end of my stay on the island of Utila, but it has taken me untill now to update the blog because I have been ever so busy you see! In between the obvious socializing-type-stuff, I have been learning to drive. In fact I have passed all my exams (aimed at 10 year olds I am sure), and dived to a depth of 19.5 meters. Thats reasonably deep. Admitedly there was no graduation cerimony, no gowns, silly hats or long goodbyes, but upon arrival home I will be greeted not only but the relieved faces of my friends and family, but also a plastic card that will allow me to drive anywhere in the world. True ... read more

Noniin! Nyt on sitten varmistunut lähtö! Eli Arturo kävi hakemassa autonsa äidiltään ja tiistaina lähdetään ajelemaan kohti Guatemala cityä! Sain viikon vapaaksi. Suunnitelmissa olisi ensin ajaa cityn kautta Antiguaan, josta Chichigastenangoon markkinoille ja sieltä sitten Lago de Atitlanille! Pääsee näkemään paljon enemmän nyt kun on auto käytössä. Guatemala cityssä pitäisi treffata Michelle ainakin. Tänään on tokavika työpäivä! Ei täällä kyllä hirveästi töitä ole ollut muutenkaan, tosi hiljasta vaan.. Tänään lähdetään iltapäivällä ajamaan Yaxhan raunioille! Sillä alueella on synttärit, ja siellä järjestetään isot pippalot! Meitä lähtee sinne n.8 hengen porukka. Ollaan siellä yötä ja huomenna tullaan takasin Floresiin! Sitten ei enää olekkaan kun maanantai, pitää pakata ym. ja sitten lähtö! Täällä on muuten tosiaan aina joku hajalla ja n. viikko sitten olin pesemässä kasvoja kyl... read more

Netter, I have decided to post you some beautiful pics of the mango tree in my backyard. We have an over-abundance of mangos. I hate to say Netter, more of them rot than we eat. There are just too many. And to be honest, I'm not really a fan of mangoes. I also am slightly scared to go out in the backyard, as I have almost been killed by fruiting twice. No, seriously... they have missed my head by about a foot. They also wake me up when they fall, dropping onto the tin roof over our washing machine. That's scary. Big booms. Someone is going to get hurt one of these days. Actually, Chris was lying in his hammock and did have one drop on his chest, leaving a fairly significant bruise apparently. lol. Enjoy ... read more
Mangos in May
Artsy Mangos
My Room

It hasn't been the best of weeks for me. For some reason, things are just really starting to annoy me. I'm getting really tired of living the same day OVER and OVER again. I work with the same people that I go home to at the end of the day. These are the same people that we spend our evenings, and weekends with. We go to the same bars, the same restaurants, etc. It just gets to be fairly tedious. I'm surprised actually that I've lasted 10 months before feeling this annoyed. I'm just starting to feel really ready to come home. Alisa and I have been talking about this a lot lately. In fact, she's gone off to Tegus with Donray this weekend, just to get away from Comayagua. The city is just so small ... read more

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