Blogs from Africa - page 2682


Africa » Namibia » Swakopmund July 23rd 2007

Hey everyone! Let me start by a quick intro to the group that I am traveling with. Stephen is our guide, Cassidy is our cook- both from Zimbabwe. Then there are my fellow travelers: Erin and Melissa are sisters from the USA. Madeline and Rafiel are a young couple from SWitzerland, Eddy and Trudy are an older couple from Swizterland, Lorien is a young man from Leeds UK traveling on his own and Kathrin is another single traveler from Switzerland also. Now on with the happenings: I am now in Swakopmund and a about 6 days have passed since we left Cape Town. So far we have traveled northwest through Cedarburg where we went on an amazing guided walk through the hills behind Geckos, the camp we were staying at. We had the best guide ... read more

Africa » Burkina Faso » Centre » Ouagadougou July 22nd 2007

'Le blanc, le blanc!' You hear it everywhere you walk in Banfora, a small town in southern Burkina Faso. Kids smile and scream it at you as you wander past. At first, I thought they had mistaken me for Hollywood spunk and shining star of the comedic acting profession, Matt le Blanc, but no, it simply means 'the white' in French. It jars a bit, being referred to in such terms, but eventually you don't notice it. You get used to standing out a little in West Africa. So we made it to Burkina Faso, a country that has obsessed me since I was a nerdy little kid ingesting the Reader's Digest Atlas of the World when I got home from school. It must be the name. Even its old label of Upper Volta, and the ... read more
On the scooter
Brakina Beer

Africa » South Africa July 22nd 2007

Hello from Thoyondou in the northern Limpopo province. Our research has finished well and it seems that we ought to be able to produce some publications from the wealth of data we have collected. Now it will just take a little effort to analyze all of the data on the tail end on the home front. Currently I am visiting with the various student groups in this area from UVA seeing what their summer long projects have produced and assisting in any way possible. I personally hope to come back next summer to study traditional medicines with the University of Venda students and ideally test them using the same methods that I have used in the lab this past spring at home for my Capstone research project. Everything is quite exciting for me right now because ... read more

Africa » South Sudan July 22nd 2007

Today was a lazy Sunday... I woke up earlier than planned, so I pulled my chair over beside my bed and watched an episode of Battlestar Galactica. Alex left the season 3 set of DVD's here for us, and it's a little difficult to understand everything that is happening, but beggars can't be choosers, and it killed off an hour. This week was kind of a mix of emotions. Monday was a big high, with the Air Patrol, receiving packages from Mom & Dad as well as Laura. And then Tuesday was a bit of a downer when I discovered Matt Dawe had been killed in Afghanistan. Matt was a guy that I didn't know personally, but he graduated a year behind me at RMC. I didn't know him well, but if I had seen ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Gansbaai July 22nd 2007

Mossel Bay aka Boring Bay We continued along the Garden Route, stopping overnight at Mossel Bay on route to Gansbaai. It was a Saturday night and as the lovely, elegant Park View Backpackers was only around the corner from the town, we thought we would walk down for a few beers. Thinking it would be busy on a weekend, we were sorely mistaken! Everywhere seemed so dead. We had a huge delicious meal at the Red Rooster restaurant and asked our waitress where to drink. Unfortunately she was new in town so she asked the kitchen, who suggested we go to Shockwave nightclub. thanks! No real pubs or bars?? So forevermore, Mossel Bay will be known as Boring Bay. Kleinsbaai We drove from Mossel Bay down to Gansbaai the next morning. Our mate Gav, from ... read more
Gav and our indoor braai
Our Boat
The fishermen!

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mwanza July 22nd 2007

well colin has been keeping the countdown to safari on track, and today theres only 3 days left! ahhh so exciting. first thing wednesday morning, look out! 5 days on safari, then 4 in zanzibar lying on the beach and checking out stone town, then its home again! i can't believe we'll be home in 12 days. time sure flies when you're having fun. altho i can't say its been all fun, kinda boring back in teh village. but only one more day there so it won't be too bad. so we've been having a good time in mwanza. jane and i went to the casino on friday night, she won 40 bucks, i lost 25. not bad i guess. but Ihave a big problem! None of the ATMs are working today! And i have very ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha July 22nd 2007

Sad to say, the hard drive has gone out on my laptop.... With our fingers crossed tightly, maybe I will be able to get the data before it is replaced..... But that said, it's going to be difficult to continue putting pictures on the blog without the laptop! Not to mention with the three Swahili reports, three presentations, and final exam coming up in the next few days... So, if I am unable to add pics, or even to add entries for the next week, I will finish out the blog, complete with pictures, when I return to the states! I hope all is well with everyone and I will see you very, very soon... only 10 more days!!! =)... read more

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi July 21st 2007

We arrived at Busia on July 10th after a 4 hr bus ride from Kampala, Uganda. Our first stop was the Bukati Primary School, which is sponsored by Dr. Dewey for the next 6 years providing school, books, supplies and 2 meals a week for the HIV/AIDs orphans. We were all amazed by how welcoming everyone was. After giving us a tour around the school, the staff there treated us for a BIG African lunch which included beef stew and ugali. Our next stop was Kakamega, Kenya, which is around an hour away from Busia. From there, we met up with Dr. Dewey and Dr. Florence Mutua, who have been working with us for the past week. Florence is a veterinarian working on her PhD at the University of Nairobi. Her project focuses on the socioeconomic ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa July 21st 2007

Clare and I moved in David and Nadia’s old house in Addis Ababa. We are both working in the capital over the summer and VSO have given us a very nice house to live in. My summer job is working for the National Road Safety Coordination Office. The organisation of road safety in Ethiopia is excellent and they are doing much of what is recommended to improve road safety in a developing country. So far, I have been very impressed. There are many benefits to living in Addis Ababa (or Finfinne - the Oromo name) - nice restaurants (Indian, pizza, croissants …), supermarkets that sell essential items, such as ground coffee, chocolate, cheese and imported wine, and leisure activities. Last weekend, Clare and I spent much of the weekend shopping - buying those necessary household ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Lake Nakuru NP July 21st 2007

After the morning game drive we headed towards Lake Nakuru, stopping off at a Masai Village. This was the tourist stop. The Masai welcomed us into the village by doing the jumping in the air dance with lots of grunting and whooping, then proceeded to show us around the village. Inside the outer fence there is another fenced compound where they keep their cattle and goats to stop them being eaten/stolen. In the middle of this is one of the trees that the Masai and the locals use to keep away mozzies and as a treatment for Malaria by boiling the leaves and drinking the the tea. They also use the twigs from the tree to clean their teeth, (this wasn't just something they told the tourists, we saw loads of people doing it) by whittling ... read more
Masai kids outside village
Jumping, grunting MASAI!
Masai make Fire!

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