Blogs from Peru, South America - page 1163


South America » Peru » Lima October 4th 2005

Our first day in Lima exceeded all expectations. I had the that impression that it would be a culturally barren, monolithic slum, but it was in fact quite interesting. Our taxi driver (Roberto, who won the large jostling match for our business) was unable to take us right to the hostel because of a demonstration. It was in a large public square right outside our hostel. We never did figure out what the point was. They were yelling a lot, though. A marching band started up as soon as the demonstration wound down. We went down to look and there were people dancing and people carrying effigies of San Francisco. It was some kind of religious thing, so we did the only respectful thing: took lots of pictures! Later that night we went looking for dinner. ... read more
Night market
The Band
The Band II

South America » Peru » Lima October 4th 2005

Hi everyone. The first proper blog. Sorry it´s been along time coming..there was the small issue of 6 days in the Amazon to get through (more later - it´s a tough life) Anyway - after the worlds longest flight we arrived at Lima airport, and to say I (Steve) was suprised was an understatment. Having been ´warned´ that Lima was a bit rough at the edges, we turned up at a 21st century airport, first through customs, bags waiting, cash out the cash machine and a cab waiting! Fantastic. And then the first surreal moment...the cab driver was playing UK 80´s (Ah-ha) and the bar round the corner was pumping Reggae and Dancehall. Not a nose flute in site. We stayed in the Miraflores district, and as luck would have it, our hotel was a block ... read more
Lou outside the old Cathedral
Lou in Hostel
Lou won !!

South America » Peru » Ica » Huacachina October 4th 2005

We decided to break our trip south with a stop off in the desert. Stayed in a tiny little place centred around an oasis, surrounded by huge dunes (tho it is hard to work out how high they are because you have nothing to get perspective against). We went dune buggying and sand boarding which was fantastic. We also went to Nasca to see the lines, but didn´t get a flight over them in the interests of keeping our breakfasts down. Other than that just a good few days relaxing in a hammock reading a book. Beats working! ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Inca Trail October 3rd 2005

After a day in Cuzco, it was time to check in and have the pre trail briefing............Don´t think so! We went to the travel agent at the pre-arranged time only to find the office shut!! The only shut office on the street had to be ours, it wasn´t feeling too good! We had no idea where to get the bus the next morning, the tour agents didn´t have a clue whether we were still going etc. etc. We arrived at the office.......Open at last!....... at 7 the next morning, off we went at half past. We arrived at KM82, the designated starting point of the inca trail by late morning, after a good feed we were off, almost immediately, the beauty of the trail is apparent, the scenery and varied landscapes become more and more spectacular ... read more
Swing bridge at start of trail.
Inca Trail 1
Hi from the Inca Trail!

South America » Peru » Cusco » Aguas Calientes October 1st 2005

We decided to break up our bus ride from Puno to Cusco and opted for a tour bus that stoped at sights of interest along the way. The English speaking tour guide was pretty good but did insist on interupting us every 5 minutes to point out random things like cement factories and passing trains! Although some of the stops were dull, 10 minutes being pushed around a museum for instance, we did apreciate the opportunity to get off the bus and stretch our legs. One of the more interesting places was a sight of Inca ruins at Raqchi where we got the chance to walk around looking at some of the architecture and baths. In a small random town we spent 15 minutes playing with Lamas and Alpacas which was really cool, we got to ... read more
Church at Raqchi
A cute baby Alpaca
Inca ruins at Raqchi

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco October 1st 2005

After a 10 hour truck journey we arrived in Cusco at 1am. As Ella had been to Cusco only a week before she was appointed tour guide which meant we only did the Inca highlights and the best bars. After spending the day catching up on emails, laundry and seeing a few sights, including the weekly Sunday parade around the town square it was time to hit the town for our first night out in Cusco. Our group were all going out for roast dinner, but we were in need of something a little more stylish so Ella took me, Shona and Helen to the Witches Garden - one of the best restaurants in Cusco. After a couple of bottles of top chilean vino we went off to Mythology to meet up with the rest of ... read more
Maria, Amy & Alex
Alex, Ella, Shona & Helen our first night n Cusco at Macondo
Just before all the clothes came off!

South America » Peru » Lima October 1st 2005

We arrived in Lima a couple of days before our tour was due to start. Here we made the most of the artesian markets and stocked up on Alpaca products and other Peruvian crafts. After a chase around the city to find the tour start, we finally met up with our travelling companions for the next 3 weeks, who turned out to be a great group of people. First trip was to Paracas where we had our first group meal, tried an infamous Pisco Sour and got to know the group. In the morning we took a boat ride out to the Ballestas Islands where we saw dolphins, penguins and a huge colony of sea lions. There are thousands of birds on these islands and we were among the fortunate ones who were on the receiving ... read more
A Pelican fishing boat!
An oasis in the desert
Camping on the beach

South America » Peru October 1st 2005

Our first country was Peru, land of the gallant Incas. Over 4 weeks we barnstormed the Nasca mystery lines; strolled through charming cities and monasteries; spotted parrots, crocodiles & leopards in the Amazon; sailed to the floating, reed villages of Lake Titicaca; and explored the sacred ruins of Machu Picchu. To open the photo album, double click on the first photo. Nasca Mystery Lines Our 6 seater Cessna roared over the dusty, little town of Nasca to view the massive mystery lines etched in the desert. 2000 years ago, the Nasca people created a huge number of these enormous lines and pictures that can only be seen from the sky. Our pilot would tip the plane entirely on one side to use the wing to point out a symbol on the desert floor far below, and ... read more
Nazca lines
Nazca lines

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz October 1st 2005

Left Lima after a couple of days and headed north to the mountains. Huaraz is a fantastic town sat between the Cordillera Negra and the Cordillera Blanca (which have the highest peaks in Peru). Huaraz is far less frantic than Lima, although still a lot of hooting, an incredible number of fireworks and continous brass band music (which sounds good at first until you realise that they all play the same tune over and over...). After acclimitising to the altitude (a little) by doing a 1 day walk we headed into the mountains for a 4 day trek. It was just spectacular - glaciers, snow capped peaks, glacial lakes etc. Hard walking because of the amount of kit we were carrying, the altitude and the steepness of the trails - I am not sure in quite ... read more
Mmmm.... gruel!
Cordillera Blanca

South America » Peru October 1st 2005

Paddington Bear originated from darkest Peru and was sent to London by his Aunt Lucy with a “Please look after this bear” label. Nicola, being a big Paddington fan, made sure Peru was first on the list when it came to planning our round the world trip. We only planned to spend 12 days in Peru enough time to do the Inca Trail and get to Titicaca to cross into Bolivia, but as we discovered Peru has so much to offer that the 12 days very quickly became more than 20 days. LIMA - SCARY CITY Our 11pm arrival in Lima was a startling contrast to our arrival in Quito, everything seemed less welcoming and a feeling that it was a perilous place permeated the polluted air. When we had booked our room, the hostel had ... read more
Parrots Parrots Everywhere
Inca Trail - Bus for 2
Inca Trail - Cuisine

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