Blogs from Peru, South America - page 1166


South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz September 16th 2005

Ha egy rendszer A, B es C reszbol all, es nem mukodik, akkor a fizikus eles elmevel rajon, hogy A-t, B-t vagy C-t kell kicserelni ahhoz, hogy megallapitsa, melyikkel van gond. A reszek kicserelhetosege kozott elmeleti kulonbseg nincs: papiron mindegyiket ugyanolyan konnyu lecserelni. Pl. e szempontbol nincs kulonbseg, hogy a gumidefektkor az uj kerekgumit viszem az autohoz vagy az autot a gumihoz. Igy esett, hogy az elmeleti fizikus eloszor lecserelte az SD kartyat (50 penz), majd a gepet (500 penz), vegul az elemet (5 penz). A kommenteket nem fogom sem elolvasni, sem atengedni, mert megyek es elbujdosok. Es remek kepeket csinalok mind a ket mukodo fenykepezogepemmel. Ui.: Egyebkent megneztem Limat, majd atjottem Huarazba, az ejszakai busz hatalmas boruleseben ataludva a nyolc oras utat. Mar itt vagyok a hegyek kozott, ahol remekul lehet bujdosni.... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon September 16th 2005

Cauky vsichni ctenari, v patek, 16.9.2005 vstavame v 5:30 hodin rano. Bus nam jede v 6:30 hodin smer Colca Canyon. Jedeme cca 3,5 hodiny, projizdime Chivay, pres noc zustavame v Yanque. Jsme ubytovani v rodinnem domecku La Posada. Po 11 hodine jdeme na vychazku okolo vesnice, nakonec zustavame par hodin v termalnim bazenu. Voda je tepla, sviti i slunicko. Odpoledne jdeme zpet, cca 20 minut chuze. Zda se, ze dnes jsme tu jedini turiste. K veceru sedime na zahradce, bastime a kluci popiji pivko (Arequipena). Vecer jsme se sli podivat na mistni svatbu, pak spat. Rano 17.9.2005 cekame v 5:00 hodin prede dvermi na bus do Cruz del Condors. Na misto prijizdime kolem 7 hodiny. Jsme u nejhlubsiho mista Colca Canyonu (1200m), cekame na vzletnuti kondoru. Par jich vyleta kolem 9 hodiny. Po 11 hodine nam ... read more
Cruz del Condor
Canon de Colca

South America » Peru » Lima September 16th 2005

Dear American friends, I'm a Peruvian who lives between Lima and NYC. I'm sad to read the posts about my homecountry made by US citizens, to whom I want to provide with some tips. Peru is not Las Vegas, neither Lima is Cancun, its not the place to be wild while being away or to live with the amenities of the US consumist and materialistic lifestyle. We are a poor country because the world economic order has influenced in part to our situation but mostly because of the failure of our leadership, not our people, who being majority indigenous and mixed (mestizo) have been left under poverty for centuries. The country you will see if you come here, is a young nation in construction, we don't even have a national identity, because all the racial ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima September 15th 2005

Miutan jobb oteletem nem volt, vegigszivtam az osszes fogam, oda-vissza, egyesevel, de vegul Madridban az utolso pillanatban vettem egy fenykepezogepet. (Nem kell valakinek egy Olympus D-580-as fenyekezogep oktober vegen? :-)). Ja, elozmeny: sajatom is csak ket honapos = meg garancialis, de Mo-n. Nem teszteltem eleg alaposan, ezert derult ki a hiba tul keson. Utana kirohantam a repterre, hogy idoben ott legyek a check-in-nel (=3 oraval korabban), mindent elinteztem (csomagfelvetel poggyaszmegorzobol, befoliazastatasa, vacsora, uj gep kibontasa, stb.), meg mindig volt egy oram check-in nyitasig. De ekkor mar akkora sor volt, hogy vegig ert a terminalon. Kb. ket ora sorbanallas (1h mig valoban kinyitott a pult, 1h mig odaertem), sikeresen becsekkoltam, nem volt gond a(z ures) benzinespalackbol a hatizsakban (benzi... read more
A Csendes Oceannal
Perui epitkezes

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa September 15th 2005

Hola, tak sme v to typicke kolonialne mesto ktore je obklopene 3-ma sopkami, El Misti (5822 m), Chachani (6075 m) a Pichu Pichu (5571 m). ...rano v 9:00 si davame klasicke ranajky a potom vyrazame taxikom do mesta, ideme na net a potom na obed. Poobede pobehujeme po meste a posielame par cumkariet, vecer sme si nakupili potraviny na 2 dni na vylet do Colca kanonu (je to najhlbsi kanon na svete ma asi 1200 m hlbku), kde sa zajtra chystame pozorovat kondory a pozriet sa na zivot v dedinke Yanque.....tak zatial buenos noches.... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa September 14th 2005

Zdravime vsechny Dnes rano v 6:30h. jsme vyrazili autobusem z Cusca smer Arequipa. Autobus znacky Volvo ma dokonce i zachod, topeni a televizi z DVD prehravacem:-) Cesta trvala asi 10h. a zprijemnovali nam ji americke akcni filmy, jako napr. Comando. V poledne prisla pani s dekou a nabizela za 3 soly obed.Deku rozbalila a mela v ni zabalene, upecene snad cele nejake zvire (radsi nepatrat po tom, co to bylo:-))).Rukou kousek ulomila a dala do igelitaku.Krome nas tri, vsichni v autobuse si dali jejich pochoutku.Pak postupne prisli dva recnici.Jeden za bonbony chtel prispevek na vzdelanost a tak a druhy nabizel kouzelne pilulky asi na vsechno. Domorodci pilulky kupovali, ale nas dealer neoblafl. V Arequipe na nas cekala na nadrazi anglicky hovorici pani a odvezla nas do utulneho hotylku, kousek od nadrazi. Arequipa je druhe nejvetsi mesto ... read more
Arequipa - Plaza de Armas
Na veceri

South America » Peru September 14th 2005

I´ve seen some fine examples of local wildlife here in zoos, like monkeys, parrots, anacondas, pumas, and jaguars...but not much in the wild, save for dolphins, birds, and large spiders. The bugs bite pretty ferociously, so I always wear repellent with 100% DEET. The mosquitos carrying malaria only bite at night, so this is the most important time to be protected. The jungle is an ant´s paradise, and there are ants ranging in size from half a centimeter to one flying female I saw which was about two inches! They live everywhere, underground, and often have huge nests in the trees. Lastly, if you´re wondering what passes for roadkill (and I know you are), once I saw a creature on the side of the road, similar to a large monkey, but more like a cross between ... read more
Shipibo Girls on Their Way to School
Cleaning up the Restaurant
My Horse, Hurricane

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu September 13th 2005

Well we did it and managed what is arguably one of the hardest treks we have yet undertaken. It was a very long hard 8 days and 7 nights, even with the help of 7 mules, 2 mule drivers, a cook, a guide just to support 4 people. We ended up with the organizer a great lady from US and then SJ and me. Day 1 and 2 - Were ONLY!!! 7 hour walking days to get to the first set of ruins named Choquequirao. This is supposed to be one of the final stands for the Incas as their empire was being pulled apart. After getting to Machu Picchu we found this far more interesting as it was not completely restored. You are walking though primary cloud forest and stumble across doors and walls covered ... read more
The crew

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco September 12th 2005

Well after 6 days and 4 buss journeys of 10 hours+ across the center of the Andes, ahh poor Sarah and Jason I hear you all cry... We have finally landed in Cusco to check out the center of the old Inca Empire. The town is one of the more beautiful places we have stayed, but also one where you get hassled the most. The city is considered to be the longest inhabited locations in all of South America. The Spaniards built directly on top of the old Inca city, and this has made for the most interesting colonial architecture centers yet. Lots of narrow cobbled streets and buildings built on top of Inca walls. Also this is one of the main tourist spots in all of Peru and therefore some great pubs and food places. ... read more
Big Rock

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco September 11th 2005

So my last day in Cusco was Saturday the 10th. I slept in till 8am, lounged around the hostel drinking coffee and catching up on e-mails. My main focus for the day was to walk around exploring Cusco and buying a gift or two for my mom. I spent most of the day wandering in and out of shops in the San Blass district. I found some lovely shops; one of my favorites was a chocolate shop that made chocolate out of coca leaves. The use of the coca leaves has been part of the Peruvian society since the beginning of time. I was surprised to learn of all the medicinal uses for coca leaves; the number one use is to alleviate symptoms of high altitude. It was also interesting to learn that the Andean Highlanders ... read more
The twelve sided stone
Street of Cusco
Main Plaza Lima

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