Blogs from Máncora, Piura, Peru, South America


South America » Peru » Piura » Máncora December 12th 2019

In the midst of the crisis that has been gripping Chile, I had been also meaning to catch up on writing about a few of our latest South American adventures…I was also going to go on a hilarious diatribe about the parking guys that hang around Santiago parking lots, and then want you to tip them when they help you back up, although mostly you just look in your backup camera and try not to run them over (I can see you!!! Now please move!!!). With the current climate around inequality, perhaps it’s inappropriate to make fun of these guys…they’re not exactly from high society and they’re just trying to scrub out a few bucks…I feel bad too and often I don’t have change since I mostly use a credit card here, so I end up ... read more
Casa Pia
Golden Hour
Playa Pocitas

South America » Peru » Piura » Máncora November 22nd 2017

The bus dropped me off on the main street of a sleepy beach town. I walked to the beach and found a Hostel. I stayed there for a night. It was nice, but It was more a party hostel. I felt out of place. I found a hostel next to it called Mistfit Hostel. Mistfit Hostel was more in line with what I like. It was low key. It didn't have a shower, but I didn't mind that. Most of the guest there were Germans and one retired America named Bill. Bill was a good dude. He was a computer wiz. Bill taught me how to get onto a wifi network when it was full. We did so by creating another sub group or something like that. It was a trick that I continued using for ... read more

South America » Peru » Piura » Máncora June 24th 2016

So the unthinkable happened in Baños... we were given news that would make us start thinking about the end of the trip. A deadline!!! We knew there would be an end, we don't have bottomless funds and we always knew we could not live this idealised life for ever. Of course not. However we like the idea of travelling as we do, at a much slower rate now, visiting all the places that spark an interest in us. Initially we had in mind a year but was open to going home early or staying longer. At the beginning of the trip, away from our routines and work we were always enjoying ourselves but doubted we would last a full year. Travelling is hard work at times (believe it or not) and to completely relax out of ... read more
Chris's delicious chicken skewers
At the border town between Ecuador and Peru
The poor sea turtle

South America » Peru » Piura » Máncora January 6th 2016

So I was on the bus to...Ayahuasca? Huacachina? Ayacucho? Or was it Huanchaco? Huanchaco, yes, that's the one, Huanchaco. Damn all these Peruvian names that sound the same. So Huanchaco, that was where I was going. On another Cruz del Sur luxury bus, there were no problems with the ride - all comfortable, all good. But this time I was travelling alone, having left my much-missed partner-in-crime Merian back in Lima. There were many qualities to like about Merian. Her easy-going nature. Intelligence (she is a medical student, after all). She was very independent. She laughed at most of my jokes. She babbled a bit sometimes but then I think I do too and that was perhaps the thing I missed the most - being able to tell someone whatever was on my mind, no matter ... read more
Common Area At Misfits Hostel, Mancora
Cathedral, Trujillo
Tschudi Complex

South America » Peru » Piura » Máncora October 26th 2015

The Galapagos Islands are one of the best places we have ever seen and we were on a high as we left by plane then bus on our way to Peru in search of new adventures. However, things don’t always go your way and on the bus near the border of Ecuador and Peru my bag was stolen. It had our computer and one of our cameras in it. When I realised what had happened I just wanted to be back home again. I knew of course that the feeling would pass, but over the ensuing days we made new plans to be back in Australia for Christmas. So we will miss a few places and catch more planes and less buses. When we got to Tumbes in Peru we didn’t like where we were and ... read more
First pisco sours
Former fishing village, turned beach resort.
Dune Buggy

South America » Peru » Piura » Máncora July 7th 2015

11/05/15 Peru/Mancora Mancora, een verkeerde beslissing om deze tussenstop te maken na een gelijkaardige partytown zoals Montanita. Een surferstadje, er was op zich niets moois aan. We arriveerden rond 4h30 s'nachts, vroeger dan voorzien waardoor ik met twee backpackers van Denemarken in een overdreven "gringo" minded hostel belandde. Loki hostel, bleek achteraf een soort van keten te zijn met hostels in Quito en Arequipa! Ik had even het gevoel in de states te zijn. Het was meer een hotel dan hostel, met zwembad en restaurant. Meer dan 200 slaapplaatsen. Enorm groot,totaal niet gezellig en iets duurder. Ook het maken van contacten zal er waarschijnlijk niet gemakkelijk worden. Na enkele uren slapen wandelde ik rond 9 uur richting het op dit moment nog verlaten strand, de volle 10 meter van het hostel verwijderd om wat te zwemmen. ... read more
Catarata de Gocta
Ciudad de Kuelap
Ciudad de Kuelap

South America » Peru » Piura » Máncora December 12th 2014

Le due parole piu' temute dal viaggiatore che si ritrova a girovagare per il continente sudamericano sono senza ombra di dubbio "Gringo Trail", cioe' quel classico percorso che 9 turisti su 10 compiono seguendo i consigli di agenzie di viaggio o i suggerimenti dei loro predecessori, andando cosi' a creare un meccanismo perfettamente oliato di facili scarrozzamenti in autobus turistici climatizzati, comodi ostelli a misura di backpackers, prezzi sfacciatamente gonfiati e gente del posto trasformata in voraci avvoltoi pronti a spolpare il malcapitato viandante giunto da quelle parti, in luoghi che rimangono comunque tra i piu' belli ed interessanti di tutto il paese. Mi riferisco ovviamente al classico sentiero che da Lima scende verso Sud passando per Arequipa, Cuzco, Machu Picchu ed il lago Titicaca; non male in fin dei conti, ma il Peru' ha molto ... read more
Sulla Panamericana (1100Km a Nord di Lima)
La cattedrale di Trujillo
La spiaggia di Mancora

South America » Peru » Piura » Máncora November 5th 2014

Hola! Me revoilà avec un nouveau blog et pas des moindres! Bientôt dix jours que je suis à Mancora, petite ville du nord du Pérou, station balnéaire à la frontière de l'équateur. La ville est bizarrement conçue, c'est en fait une longue avenue, jonchée de part et d'autre de commerces, de bars, et de restaurants. Des "motos-taxis" sillonnent l'avenue en permanence, ils sont peu chers et très pratiques, car entre l'avenue et les plages il faut souvent traverser les habitations locales, très précaires et où les routes sont de simples chemins de terre bosselés. Ici, il fait entre 27 et 30° tous les jours, bien que se ne soit encore que le printemps. J'ai passé ces dix jours dans une auberge de jeunesse. A défaut de confort, l'auberge m'offre un cadre fantastique comme vous pouvez le ... read more

South America » Peru » Piura » Máncora May 9th 2014

Hola from Peru!!!! Finding a computer to actually write a post is starting to become more difficult. The hostels I have stayed in so far have no compuers or only one computer so it can be hard to find the time to write my blog. Found an internet cafe today to catch up on my blogs on an old style computer with sticky keyboard keys! As I am usually catching up on blogs, I tend to forget to write some stuff down so I have remembered a couple of previous bus journeys that I wanted to tell you about. On my way back to Quito in Ecuador, returning from the jungle, the bus stopped part way. On walked a guy in an army uniform, said something in Spanish and some people started to walk off. Not ... read more

South America » Peru » Piura » Máncora February 13th 2014

Wednesday 12thFebruary (Odyssey Day 96) We left the camp at 0830 this morning, which seemed rather leisurely to us. Camp included breakfast, but their definition of breakfast seemed to be just some bread. We even had to get our own butter from the truck. A bit odd really but we get used to the fact that our idea of a good breakfast may be different to other peoples. Though truthfully we are also a lot less fussy these days. We made a stop at the nearby town of Lambayeque. Simon and Emma needed to do a shop, and the bar definitely needed stocking up. So Simon parked the truck at the Royal Tombs of Sipán museum. Just five of us decided to go in to the museum while we were there, Kelly, Toby, Joanna, Ann and ... read more
Travel Day

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