Blogs from Charleston, South Carolina, United States, North America - page 21


North America » United States » South Carolina » Charleston November 17th 2006

Vendredi le 17 novembre Suite aux prévisons de météo reçues, elles ont été analysées et nous prévoyons quitter Charleston dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi vers les 02h00 du matin. À ce moment là, la mer se sera calmée et la vague aura pris une direction ENE ( swell au 10 secondes) avec un vent WNW et N. Nous complétons les préparatifs de départ cet avant-midi - i.e. diesel, eau, changement d'huile du moteur, la préparation de la route avec les points GPS dans la mer sur le C 70 chartplotter plus facile pour la mer. Nous sauvons la carte 11009 pour la mer et avons plaçé 4 points au large. Nous serons donc en mer pour une distance approximative de 170 milles - soit environ 33 à 35 heures, pour nous rendre à FERNANDINA ... read more

North America » United States » South Carolina » Charleston November 16th 2006

Les vents fous ont diminué vers minuit - en fait c'est la marée et le courant qui étaient plus favorables et combattaient moins le vent. Ce matin le vent a diminué et nous demeurerons à l'ancrage. Guy s'est heurté un genou hier soir en poussant Lili Marlene - dans des manoeuvres rapides on ne ressent pas toujours un "bobo" - c'est le lendemain... mais ce n'est pas sérieux et nous continuerons à profiter de notre journée. Je vous reviendrai en fin de journée si possible avec internet... read more
Regardez le bonhomme de neige
Çà sent le SUD...
Éric et Sévrine

North America » United States » South Carolina » Charleston November 16th 2006

L'internet est hors d'usage ce soir mais je trouve le moyen de partager cette journée avec vous, mes amis... Ce matin nous avons fait la grasse matinée .. Levée du corps à 8 hres, suivie d'une douche dans le cockpit et d'un copieux déjeûner avec omelette de légumes et fromage... Quel magnifique début de journée. Puis nous avons vidé dans nos réservoirs "bateau", nos "cantines" d'eau potable qui étaient sur le pont . Par la suite nous avons pris le dingy pour se rendre "en ville". À la marina nous sommes allés visiter les installations et avons rencontré Carmen et Lise à la buanderie. Elles nous ont invitées à prendre le souper avec eux dans un restaurant mais nous avons refusé car à l'ancrage, avec les vents annoncés, nous n'étions pas confortables de laisser Moana seule... ... read more

North America » United States » South Carolina » Charleston November 15th 2006

Mardi, le 14 novembre 2006 Position 32-46-62N 79-57-27W - Charleston, SC Départ à 07 hres après un petit déjeuner simple, car en navigation c'est impossible pour nous, et sûrement pour bien d'autres navigateurs, de relaxer vraiment dans l'intracostal. Notre soirée d'hier a été merveilleuse : un vin blanc très froid avec un riz au légumes ,des pétoncles frais de la mer arrosés de vin blanc, chandelles et musique de Sylvain Cossette. Ensuite la préparation de notre route avec courant et marée puis écriture du blog et dodo. Les journées sont trop courtes en clarté et en temps pour effectuer toute les occupations à bord d'un bateau. L'entretien moteur, le ménage, les repas, la navigation, les listes d'achats pour la prochaine escale etc .... Une retraite bien occupée quoi HI!HI!HI! Mais quel plaisir.. que ce soit de ... read more
Nature morte
Le calme
Isle de Palm

North America » United States » South Carolina » Charleston November 5th 2006

After spending another month in Charleston, hanging out with our friends and exploring this great city and all it has to offer, it was time for us to go south. The weather was turning cold and we wanted to get to the Florida Keys. In the last month Jay, Kona the salty dog, and I have been on the move. We had a great sail down with many stops on the way, visitng towns that we have been to before and some new towns yet to explore. From Charleston we took the ditch (aka Intercoastal Waterway) to Edisto, our favorite anchorage in South Carolina. Then we continued down the ICW to Beaufort, a quaint antebellum town that we love to visit with one of our favorite restaurants and lots of live music. From there we hopped ... read more
Rum Runner

North America » United States » South Carolina » Charleston September 22nd 2006

So we leave for the Bahamas tomorrow morning. We have a curfew to be back on the ship by 1:00am, so I'm assuming we're leaving port in the wee small hours of the morning. I don't know what I'm going to do tonight. Since I'm still recovering from illness, I can't go too crazy. The last thing I want to be is sick in the humid and oppressively hot Freeport, so it'd be wise to take it easy and work on that recovery. But at the same time, it's my last night in South Carolina. I should enjoy it. I'll figure something out. I might go back to that sushi restaurant tonight that I liked. I spent all of last night at the Starbucks with the wifi connection because I needed to get myself fixed before ... read more

North America » United States » South Carolina » Charleston September 18th 2006

Today I went all around downtown Charleston. I also did quite a bit of shopping, but the majority of my day was spent taking pictures. Here are some images of the quintessential Charleston. There were quite a few church steeples poking out of the treetops. I had to contain myself not to take pictures of them all, but that image seems to encapsulate Charleston, or at least that's the impression I'll always have stuck in my head. ... read more

North America » United States » South Carolina » Charleston September 18th 2006

So here's a good idea of what most of my days are filled with. There's my cabin. And the bathroom. The shipping yard which rests just on the edge of the getto. If you look off into the distance, you can see a MacDonald's. It's very exciting. And the theatre/construction zone that I've been working in for the last two weeks. They loaded all of the beds from the guest cabins into the upper balcony area while t... read more

North America » United States » South Carolina » Charleston September 17th 2006

So I'm sick. This was probably the worst possible time to get sick considering the limitations for treatment. I've had a sore throat since yesterday and my voice has left me as of about an hour ago. The congestion will probably settle in tomorrow. But in the meantime, I don't really have access to hot water for making tea. They keep turning the water off in the mornings, so they can't make orange juice. The ship has dust and fumes everywhere that aren't helping keep my lungs very clean. And the infirmary only has limited drugs available. I got some throat lozenges this morning which only succeed in numbing my tongue, but do very little for my throat. I'm miserable. I couldn't sleep at all last night because my throat hurt so much. I'm attempting to ... read more

North America » United States » South Carolina » Charleston September 17th 2006

I didn't realize how much I love driving until I went without a car for a few weeks. I did end up getting today off and I did end up renting a car and oh my god, it's so wonderful. I drove all around downtown today (pictures are on their way once I find a fast enough connection to upload them. And just the act of driving my way from Enterprise to downtown felt so liberating. It's a ten minute drive, but I found my solitude again. Suddenly I was on my time again. I had nowhere to be and no one else was at the wheel determining where to go. I didn't know how great a feeling that was until I rediscovered it. I think I'll be going to the mall later today. I'm going ... read more

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