Blogs from Siberia, Russia, Europe - page 53


Europe » Russia » Siberia » Krasnoyarsk July 18th 2007

Krasnoyarsk se trouve a quelques dizaines de kilometres du milieu du trajet entre Pekin et Moscou, on s'approche! La, comme la plupart de villes russes ne sont pas encore tres developpees pour le tourisme, les auberges de jeunesse sont rares, et les hotels sont cheres. Du coup, pour economiser un peu d'energie et apprendre un peu plus sur le mode de vie des russes, je suis passe par et j'ai ete tres bien accueilli par mon hote Nikita, qui parlait assez bien anglais, meme si ses potes ne parlaient pas du tout (pas facile pour communiquer). J'ai donc partager sa chambre, dans un tout petit appart a l'exterieur de la ville, qu'il partage avec sa mere et ses grand-parents. Pas facile, et malgre tout il m'a accueilli les bras ouverts. J'ai appris quelques petits ... read more

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Olkhon July 15th 2007

Pourquoi comparer mon sejour au lac Baikal avec Bilbo le Hobbit (c'est le titre anglais)? Deja parce qu'a mon arrivee a Irkoutsk, on est alle prendre un pot avec 3 hollandais dans un pub qui s'appelait Hobbiton, avec vous l'aurez compris, theme Seigneur des Anneaux. Deja ca met dans l'ambiance. Ensuite, le village de Khujir sur l'ile d'Olkhon, sur le lac Baikal, semblait sortir d'une autre epoque et d'un autre monde: maisons en bois, rues en terre, vue sur le lac et les montagnes environnantes, mais c'est surtout que tout etait en bois en fait qui donnait une impression particuliere. Enfin, ma vraie experience hobbit si l'on veut a ete de rejoindre le cap nord de l'ile a pied. Entre Khujir et le cap, il y a 40km, et des tours sont organises a la ... read more

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Omsk July 8th 2007

Dette er fortællingen om vores uventet tur hjem fra Rusland. - VI VED AT DEN ER LANG, MEN OPFORDRER ALLE TIL AT SÆTTE SIG OG LÆSE DEN. EVT GIVE DEN VIDERE TIL ANDRE…….. Vi stod på toget fra Moskva til Irkutsk fredag d. 29. juni kl. 23. Om søndagen tænder vi så mobilen, for at få en sms fra Simon om Den lille prinsesses navn. I stedet modtager vi to sms fra min far, Tom. Den første om at det går skidt og at hun kæmper. Den anden om at hun er død. Det var selvfølgelig ikke meningen at vi skulle modtage dem samtidig, men sådan blev det. Efter at have fået beskeden pr. sms om Leises farmor, besluttede vi lynhurtigt, at vi skulle af ved næste by, som havde en lufthavn, for derved at kunne ... read more
Army food
Udsigten fra togkupéen
OMSK lufthavn

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Irkutsk July 3rd 2007

UntitledCHRIST THIS PLACE IS HUGE!!! There, that's the bloody obvious out of the way and now I'm lost for words. Actually not lost for words, just too many bouncing about to collect them properly. I'm not totally convinced I'm having a great time but it's certainly an experience. The cities are pretty much like cities everywhere with terrible traffic, high prices and a vague undercurrent of hostility towards foreigners. Both Moscow and Yekaterinburg were covered in dust from the ubiquitous luxury apartment developments. There's a lot of money here (for some) and the whole country seems to be developing at a crazy pace. The sights of Moscow were incredible, as much for the simple fact of being allowed to be there as for their intrinsic qualities. Finding the office of my trans-sib ticket agent was a ... read more

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Novosibirsk June 29th 2007

Hello to everyone back in England and welcome to all my new Russian friends who have now been added to my travelblog. I really dont know where to start!!!!! Where have we been? St Petersburg, Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Altai Region and currently in Novosibirsk. What an amazing place the people are very friendly, the most dangerous Russia gets is when you try to cross the road as all the drivers are crazy and there dont appear to be any rules of the road. What have we done? Walked all over St Petersburg, the Hermiatage Museum (probably the best museum in the word if you are into art), cruised the rivers and canals, visted Peterhoff world famous for its golden coloured statues and something like 145 fountains in the palace gardens, also went inside St Isaccs Catherdral. Moscow ... read more

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Novosibirsk June 29th 2007

Hi everyone. I know its been a while since I gave an update, however, I am now officially in the middle of nowhere. It is going to be difficult to re-cap the last few weeks, but here goes. After leaving Rauma, we decided to take a detour to the Aland Islands (pronounced Orwland). The ferry trips were great and we saved 70 pounds by staying overnight. (Some sort of tourist bonus). It just so happened that the Island were Celebrating their independance on this day and so free concerts, tea and cakes were the order of the day. They even have their own flag! There are over 6000 islands here and they are just spectacular. Luckily, we managed to book a ferry from Aland to Turku in good time as all the ferries had been ... read more
Aland Island2

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Lake Baikal June 29th 2007

Have been away from civilisation for a while so no chance to update on the Trans-Siberian Express before now. Am currently in Irkutsk, awaiting tonight's train to Mongolia. Just spent the last two days at Lake Baikal which was bliss - so good to get out of all the cities I've been in for the past 7 (i think) weeks. Went for a brief dip in the lake (fookin freezing!!), had a russian sauna, went sightseeing around lake baikal, played frisbee and a quiet drink or two before bed. Not much time to update about St. Petersburg, Moscow or the three day train trip to Siberia. Needless to say it's been a great trip so far - travelling with a very cool group (especially in comparison to the "Others" - the Vodkatrain group we met in ... read more
the vodkateers at Lake Baikal
me at St. Basils in Red Square
the Commodore on board the Vodkatrain

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Lake Baikal June 21st 2007 (todo en nuestra pagina web) TRAYECTO EN EL TREN TRANSMONGOLIANO (21-25/6) (de Moscú a Ulan Bator) Llegamos a la estación de tren Yaroslavskiy en Moscú media hora antes de la salida de nuestro tren y a las 21:35h iniciamos el trayecto en el mítico tren Transmongoliano (167€/pers, en 2ª clase, compartimento de 4 pers). El billete lo compramos desde Madrid por internet a través de la agencia Intelservice de Moscú (www. La atención y gestión es muy buena y no tuvimos ningún problema con ellos. Algunas webs útiles:,,, La travesía de Asia en tren desde Moscú (Rusia) hasta Beijing (China), pasando por Ulan Bator (Mongolia), son unos 8.000km. Nosotros vamos a hacer una parada en Mongolia antes de llegar a China, por lo que en nuestro primer trayecto de Moscú ... read more
Nuestro compartimento
Nos esperan más de 6.000 km de vías hasta Ulan Bator
Una de las paradas para comprar provisiones

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Irkutsk June 11th 2007

Saa er vi atter paa internet cafe, hvor vi checker mail og blogger lidt samtidig med at vi fordoejer vores indtryk fra de sidste tre dages ophold paa Olkhon ude i Baikalsoen. Der er er 7-8 timers koersel med bus og faerge til Kuzhir, som er oens hovedby (sammenlagt har oen 1500 indbyggere), men er ikke overrendt :-) Vi koerte derop i en gammel bus, som naeppe var godkendt til kreaturtransport i DK, men alligevel var i en hoejere standard end det vi har proevet i Rumaenien tidligere, hvor der ogsaa var dyr blandt passagerne. Oppe paa Olkhon blev vi indkvarteret i Nikitas Guesthouse, som bedst han betegnes som en blanding af oe-lejr og Christania. Husene var primitivt opfoert i simple materialer og det baerer tydeligt praeg af at brandmyndigheder ikke kommer forbi ofte, hvilket ... read more
Lorte Bus!!!
Graffitti paa skibsvrag

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Irkutsk June 7th 2007

Efter at have set highlights i Moskva (den roede plads, Lenin, st. basils kirken og Moskvas nye katedral) tog vi soendag aften videre oest paa mod Irkutsk. Togrejsen tog 3,5 doegn (4 naetter), men trods den lange rejsetid gik tiden hurtigt med spil, laesning og leg. Endvidere bidrog samovaren konstant med kogende vand - saa en kop te/kaffe eller en noodle pot/suppe var hele tiden hoejst 2 min vaek. Torsdag morgen paa vores bryllupsdag (10 aar) fik vi endelig fast grund under foedderne her i Irkutsk, hvor vi har tilbragt formiddagen med sightsseing. Vi er er privat indkvarteret hos en venlig russisk familie, hvor vi foreloebig skal bo en nat inden vi tager videre paa en tre dages tur til Olkhon oen ude i Baikal soen. Vores vaerelser er store med hoejt til loftet.... isaer ... read more

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