Blogs from Germany, Europe - page 963


Europe » Germany September 25th 2004

We survived our first flight with Ryan Air. It took longer to get to the airport on the bus than it did to fly to Frankfurt. We just barely got a seat on the bus that took us to Frankfurt train station. A few people after us had to stand up the whole time...about 1 3´4 hrs. We took a taxi to the hostel that we had booked and it was a happening place. Georgina asked if we would get any sleep. The young man said he would try to get us a good room. He found one for us which was off in a quieter wing of the building and we had the room to ourselves even though there were 2 more beds. Next morning we had a good buffet breakfast and headed for the ... read more

Europe » Germany September 24th 2004

These are my recollections of my time in Germany as I complete an internship during the summer of 2004. Read on as I recount stories of my travels, experiences and mistakes... Visitied: * Mannheim * Ladenburg * Heidelberg * Heddesheim * Stuttgart * Aachen * Cologne * Hockenheim * Hamburg 19/8/2004 In Deutschland I made it to my house in Germany after a journey consisting of every mode of transport possible: Car, plane, train, tram and finally foot! I am now living in a town called Mannheim and working in the nearby town of Ladenburg. So far, life here has been good, the transport system actually works as expected, and the people are really great, so friendly and happy to help. My German has also improved, I’ve picked up quite a lot of words in the ... read more
Fussgaengerzone in Heidelberg
Brueke, Heidelberg
Castle in Heidelberg

Europe » Germany September 24th 2004

On our train ride along the Rhein river...we saw many cemeteries, very nicely kept with many beautiful flowers on every grave. We also saw shanty looking bldg with a garden area. Someone told us that the bldgs were for animals, but we saw TV dishes on many in another area, and with nice hedges and kids toys...looks like a summer cottage at the garden instead of at the lake. Now back to the Netherlands for a geography lesson...Holland is properly called the Netherlands, of the counties 2 are called Holland..North and South (they have most of the big cities). Later Wednesday we went back to Frankfurt and caught the train to Fredrichsdorf. We only asked twice for directions, and got to the Temple. Another beautiful temple, most impressed with the sealing room at the top of ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich September 18th 2004

I had the opportunity to go to Oktoberfest in Munchen, Germany. I was not about to pass that up. It was a blast, though one day of that fun was all I can handle.... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Sankt Goar September 18th 2004

An early morning today, as it was a long journey up to St. Goar, a small town which lies along the River Rhine. Onwards we went, travelling along the Rhine until we arrived at St. Goar in the early afternoon. Unbeknown to us, there was a festival taking place that day. Paul had told us it was normally half-empty at this place, but it was packed solid with coaches and motor-homes. There were beer stalls set up everywhere, and the place was positively swarming. We went for a walk along the Heerstraße, checking out some of the shops before we went to the Beerstein and Knife Center along this same street. Her we had our beerstein demonstration, where we learnt about the different types of beersteins that were made. After this we went for our dinner ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich September 17th 2004

Up at 6:15am this morning, which was way too early, though I was first in the showers, which was the best thing. I was fully refreshed then when we all had breakfast. Today we depart Venice and head through the Austria Tyrol, passing Innsbruck, and onto München (Munich), the capital of Bavaria, in Germany. We stopped off at Krisallwelten Crystal Gallery, just past Innsbruck, the capital of the Austrian Tyrol. This was a weird place, as it wasn't actually clear why it was there. It was more an exhibition place on crystals, where you could buy pretty much anything in crystal. I bought a small crystal for 30 euros, and it looks really good in the sunlight. From here we had a few photo stops, and then arrived at München at around 4pm. Our first port ... read more
Austrian Tyrol
Austrian Tyrol
Austrian Tyrol

Europe » Germany September 9th 2004

Trip Itinerary September 9, 2004 - Flew from Hurghada, Egypt to Berlin, Germany... read more
Reconstructed Berlin Wall 2
Bradenberg Tor

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin September 4th 2004

Berlin Bears Une jolie idée de la part de Berlin de mettre toutes ces ours partout. Il faut les trouver. Nous n'avons pas trouver le petit ours anglais!... read more
Berlin Tuk Tuks.
DB bike hire

Europe » Germany » Hesse » Frankfurt August 21st 2004

飛機上 停雨   早餐終於可以隨便吃一點,不用像餵牛般,更不用「偷運」午餐。   出門前看見有雨,在街上走不了多少步便已濕透,雨比之前要大。S8駛上地面時,更見到在德國多天從未見過的大雨,與香港那種相差無幾,也不知應否說句好運。坐窗口位的男子以為窗口不能緊貼,被迫任雨水從幼縫中濺進來,沾濕了他的西褲,也濺在我的臉上。我隨即想起初到埗乘S8,發現窗口可以打開的通爽感覺。 1350   未有想過能在旅程中讀畢《檔案羅密歐》,今次讀的氣氛沒有上一次那麼緊張與震撼,但仍從新的視點看到新的東西(要列明則有點困難,總之感覺不同就是了)。相信再看一次仍能找到新鮮感。 ... read more

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Heidelberg August 20th 2004

1128 ICE 875   在Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe見到幾名穿深綠色衫或褲的男女,令我想起昨晚在Tegel下車時月台站著一名全副戎裝(連帽也戴了,有徽章的),地上放著一個深綠色的大袋。是不是到了入伍受訓的時節呢?在這一個站有一女子上車,坐在我對面靠門的位子,大家都把腳伸向對面(我只是踩在非座椅的地方而已),各看各的書。又想起昨天乘S-Bahn,隔鄰一排的男人打開重裝甲公事箱,赫然只見一疊疊紙和一本比我的英德雙解字典大一點的小說。 1234 ICE 875   早上喝了一小杯加啡加奶,已足夠我在火車上用了大部份時間讀《檔案羅密歐》。 2323 Haus der Jugend 1/F 露台 外面是冷的   中午在Haus der Jugend卸甲後,便立即出動,1515已到達Heidelberg。我照昨天的想法,先摸上Hockenheim。但這一次沒有地圖,只憑在香港上網時的印象「冒險」,價值不菲,來回巴士各收€4.20。一上車我便不斷問"wie viel",問了幾下才知司機問我"wohin"(要分段收費),一坐便是半小時(回程不是甚麼Schnellbus,更要整整一小時)。進入了Hockenheim後再與司機雞同鴨講,我胡亂堆砌一些夾雜'Hockenheimring'的句子,他倒明白;駛至Rathaus外,他指了指,不知說了些甚麼(不知是叫我在對面再轉車還是回程在那站上車),然後我在下一站下車,步回Rathaus看牆上的地圖,原來依Rathaus側的路一直向前走便是。到達後甚麼也看不到。當時正舉行不知甚麼賽事,只能聽到震天的引擎聲此起彼落。想混進去拍照,工作人員不准,要嗎便買票。我只好掉頭走。   唯有到旁邊的博物館看看,售票處的婦人大概見時間所剩無幾(1630-1700),沒有讓我購票,我便問她可否在附近拍照,拍了幾張她竟然主動放我入內拍,連入場費也省下了(€6.00?)。   雖然後來走得氣急敗壞,但Heidelberg的舊城區的確保留了風味。走過Alte Brücke時幾乎想路過不入,但最後還是上了。從橋上回望Heid... read more
Motor Sport Museum
Another Bernd Schneider

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