Blogs from Commonwealth, Singapore, Asia


Asia » Singapore » Commonwealth January 6th 2019

Blue-Ginger gallery closed for winter, as usual, at Christmas and during the three days after Christmas all the beautiful artwork melted away and we were once again left with bare walls and emptiness. However many times I do this, it’s always a shock to see it disappear before my very eyes. Kenji was home for Christmas and we had a lazy indulgent day at my sister’s house where we were spoiled with all the Christmas food and family without doing all the hard work. It always sets the scene for my winter break. Then in a whirlwind of a week the gallery was emptied, Lottie dog went off on her holidays with friend Tutu in Somerset, Pun and her family came to stay, and then Susan came down from Glasgow and we caught up on news. ... read more
Singapore Food
Singapore food.
Read in Singapore

Asia » Singapore » Commonwealth November 3rd 2018

Saturday, 3rd November 2018 What a great way to welcome November with a staycation at Queenstown, an area that is akin to my second home in Singapore for the past year. This is Singapore's first satellite town that is rich in social history and community heritage. We chose to stay at the Crystal Club Room of the Park Hotel Alexandra. This meant that most of our meals were taken care of even though it was easy to supplement our meals from the hawker dishes right at our doorstep. Check-in was a breeze at the Club Lounge and we were given a room at level 18 where it commanded an imposing view of Queenstown and beyond. By all standards, our room was not spacious and we were surprised that the mini-bar refreshments were not complimentary even though ... read more
The inifinity pool overlooking The Interlace
Tanglin Halt, where the trains used to pass by
The Crystal Club Lounge

Asia » Singapore » Commonwealth September 24th 2017

I had a lovely visit down to Singapore but this time I managed to catch up with my friend Ed, and meet their new addition to the family, a beautiful daughter. I also caught up with Ashok and even checked out a couple of Michelin Star Hawker's places. Very enjoyable.... read more
Aww.. with the kids
local park

Asia » Singapore » Commonwealth September 25th 2011

De sidste dage i Singapore Af ukendte grunde blev natten til fredag en søvnløs en af slagsen. Jeg kunne simpelthen ikke falde i søvn. Da jeg vækkede Camilla omkring 10 tiden, var hun lidt irriteret da hun åbenbart først lige var faldet i søvn. Vi var derfor begge enormt trætte. Men søvn eller ej, så ville vi bruge den sidste dag i Singapore på at se Marina Bay, som vi ikke nåede om torsdagen. Så for at undgå kaoset med Formel1 igen, tog vi undergrundsbanen så tæt på Marina Bay som muligt. Det var et lidt surrealistisk syn der mødte os da vi kom ud af metroen. På den anden side af broen var den ene enorme skyskraper efter den anden, blevet opført. De var enorme og vi var helt sikkert havnet i firmaområdet af Singapore. ... read more
Camilla foerer an!
Floden om til Marina Bay

Asia » Singapore » Commonwealth September 23rd 2011

Ankomst og første dag i Singapore Efter 12 timers ventetid i Doha lufthavn fortsatte rejsen kl. 7 om morgenen hvor vi fløj mod Singapore. Jeg var allerde godt træt pga. søvnmangel og ubehagelige stole i lufthavnen, så turen føltes længere end de 7 en halv time den varede og selvfølgelig havde vi en konstant turbulens som gav Camilla køresyge (eller flysyge?). Vi ankom til Singapore efter det var blevet mørkt og havde derfor ikke rigtigt set dagslyset i 2 dage. Vejret var fugtigt og meget varmt. Vi var trætte og det eneste vi havde til at vores hostel var en kort beskrivelse på vores regning. Efter 2 toge og en taxa var vi på den gade hvor vi skulle finde vores hostel. Desværre var det ikke helt nemt at finde og først efter at have gået ... read more
En mand der loeb utroligt sjovt
Endnu et "godt" billede af mig i varmen
Hostel stuen

Asia » Singapore » Commonwealth September 20th 2011

Dagen har været ventet længe og da min mor allerede havde prøvet at sende begge mine søstre afsted på sådan en rejse, var det sidste farvel på banegården ikke det store problem. Toget gik kl. 7.27 og jeg rejste med Nicolaj fra klassen til Kastrup da han skulle til Serbien og spille vandpolo ind til næste år. Togturen gik smertefrit, bortset fra at DSB havde glemt lige nøjagtig de vogne, som vi skulle sidde i og derfor måtte finde nye pladser. I lufthavnen var det sidste farvel dog ikke helt så nemt for Camilla. Hun havde lidt svært ved at give slip på kæresten og hendes mor, men vi kom dog videre fra check-in med et par tårer i Camillas øjne. De næste par timer var lidt tunge, men hun fik snart tankerne hen på vores ... read more
12 timers ventetid

Asia » Singapore » Commonwealth December 21st 2010

Hi all and happy holidays! I'm currently in Singapore and, wow, what a great place. I spent about a week in Malaysia, few days in KL, few days in Penang, few days in Langkawi and found myself to be a bit bored. I've been to Malaysia before so there wasn't much that I was dying to see again so I thought I was due for some beach time. Loved it, don't get me wrong, but I really just needed a bit more stimulation thus my early move to Singapore. I did have a friend who happened to be here the same time, Allan, so boredom coupled with a desire to see my good friend, I decided to move on. Singapore is a wonderful country, I almost feel civilised again. Strange mixture here, definitely Asian in feel ... read more

Asia » Singapore » Commonwealth August 5th 2010

Stop over in Singapore. Both Tim and Neil have been before but it is new to me. We are staying one night in a hotel just off Orchard Road. We took a cruise on the harbour and of course I spotted the bar on the way onto the boat so we got our first beer in at around 10 a.m.... read more
The author chilling out
Hotel I liked

Asia » Singapore » Commonwealth March 11th 2010

Singapore! Picked up by 2 locals who gave us a guided tour of the island. ie we jumped in a cab with Andy and Louie. Made it to the residence of Andy's lovely parents and settled in for some local grub straight away - Tiger Beer and a trip the closest hawker centre for Carrot Cake (actually egg and yams), fried rice, chilli squid etc. This morning we've ended up at the Tanglin club for a swim, Andy's local so-to-speak, which was very much appreciated considering the humidity! Appreciated the 3.6M deep pool, though a proper diving board wouldn't go amiss, hard to dive off starting blocks. This evening we're on another plane. Over to Kota Kinabalu, where a week of luxurious rest awaits us. Or that's what we think.... ... read more

Asia » Singapore » Commonwealth September 8th 2009

Wow, only 11 days left before we depart for our asian tour! Oh the things we will see and do. How very exciting...... read more

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