Blogs from Kedah & Perlis, Malaysia, Asia - page 6


Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pulau Langkawi September 24th 2008

Langkawi made a pleasant change from Kuala Lumpur and was exactly what was in order. This is the most relaxed, chilled out place I think we have been too. The island has a passion for Reggae which is no surprise as it is perfectly apt for the pace of life. The island is also duty free so everything is ridiculously cheap making Langkawi a backpacker’s haven. We stayed at the Zackery Guest House for the two nights in Pantai Tengah. It’s the sort of place people come intending to stay for three nights and three weeks later they are still there. Zackery is very social, friendly folk and great value with excellent facilities. Always cold beers in the fridge to help yourself too, you just tally them up at the end of your stay. So a ... read more
Kok Beach
Sevel Wells
Rope Swing

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pantai Tengah September 23rd 2008

Next on our agenda was Langkawi, our final destination in Malaysia. This place was supposed to be expensive. However, since it is tax-free, it is the cheapest place for beers, our biggest expense... The ferry from Penang to Langkawi was sickening. I managed to hold my food from the night before inside me, but only just. Mary wished she was on an other planet or dead, or both. The sea was rougher than a unshaven arse, not a pretty sight, I can assure you. After an hour or two we had Langkawi or Langwaky as Mary likes to call it in sight. The islands look out of this world, so fantastically beautiful. There are 99 islands in total although I think they made this up for the sakes of having a nice number. Anyway, all of ... read more
Beach at Pantai Tengah
The "vehicle"...
Driving the vibrator

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pulau Langkawi September 3rd 2008

As the clouds parted way, I caught sight of one of the most breathtaking views of the Langkawi Islands. An intricate weave of greens and blues building my hopes of an exciting honeymoon. Our guide was waiting at the airport and quickly made us feel at home as he explained that most people on the island are Indians settled generations ago. I kept drinking into every frame that my mind captured down the road. We were put up at Berjaya Spa & Resort - quite far from the town center. I was extremely apprehensive seeing the shuttle with animals painted and looking all picnicy. The resort turned out to be our dream in reality - our chalet opened into the sea and the constant sound of the waves was sheer delight. The room was way beyond ... read more
Langkawi - Berjaya Resort
Langkawi - Berjaya Resort
Langkawi - Berjaya Resort

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pulau Langkawi August 30th 2008

5 nights in Langkawi. Probably the best of my many many trips out here over the years :) We stayed at The Andaman as it's Sprog's favourite hotel in Langkawi - this in no small part owing to the intermittent presence of its Resident Monitor Lizard. The beach at The Andaman isn't as nice as the wide powdery-white stretches at Tanjung Rhu or the super luxurious Four Seasons - but I like it here a lot. It's the familiarity - being nodding acquaintances with Resident Monitor Lizard and all. Sprog was on a quest to find as many 'LIZARDS' - from geckos and skinks to alligators and frilled dragons - as possible. Yeah - he watches a lot of Harry Potter and National Geographic... As such, I was forced to trawl every possible reptilian haunt with ... read more
Trust Me Darling His Tongue Was This Long
Have Apple Will Travel
Baracuda @ Sunsutra

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pulau Langkawi August 17th 2008

Just a few month ago an English lady has opened up a new little guest house. After living here for a couple of years she decided that there is a niche for nicely finished little houses in Pantai Cenang. A few days ago she invited me to have a look. The 3 little houses are tastefully furnished and you feel at home right away. Don’t expect great luxury, but it is modern with some nice details that you will surely like. I personally liked the little terrace where you can have a romantic and very private drink and the fact that you are away from touristy mainstream although in walking distance you will find every infrastructure that you might need. The kitchen is quite spacey and very well equipped. The rooms have air-condition, TV, DVD player ... read more
The livingroom
Livingroom 2

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pulau Langkawi August 17th 2008

The Lake of the Pregnant Maiden is the largest freshwater lake of Langkawi and is located in the south of the island Dayang Bunting. You can only go there by boat. From Porto Malay many operators offer this service as an island hopping tour for a few ringits. The boat takes you to the foot of a hill of the island and then you have a 10 min. walk up the hill through the jungle and then about 100 steps down the hill to the lake. Flip Flops will be fine but you should be in a reasonable physical condition. Tip: Never carry plastic bags, food or soft drinks while walking up as the monkeys can be very aggressive and keep your smaller children closed by. Have a stick with you in case you see bigger ... read more
Path from jetty to the jungle
The pontoons on the lake
Kajaks in the lake.

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pulau Langkawi August 17th 2008

I had finally reached that turning point in my journey where cultural saturation levels had peaked, my brain weighted with worldly experiences, my entire being felt drained of packing backpacks, moving on and sleeping in a different bed every night. I'd had enough of bus rides, tedious train journeys, bilious boat trips, treacherous taxis, taxing tuk tuks even moto experience that had resulted in a seriously impressive leg burn worthy of pub stories to dine out on for ever had lost its appeal. A brutal session of Hanoi acupuncture could not revive my flagging system long term as it was all back, even a rare promise of being confined to a sleep chamber for 100 years with handsome prince waiting for me at the end did not get me tickled. Simply put, I was knackered. I ... read more
Sikh and you shall find.
The eagle has landed.

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pulau Langkawi August 10th 2008

Our last day on Koh Phi Phi consisted of relaxing by the pool, eating a massive dinner at the French restaurant by the pier and preparing ourselves for our speedboat journey to Koh Mook the next day. We awoke the next morning brimming with excitement to board the boat and get on the way. It arrived at 9:30am (Thai time 9am) and we climbed aboard... that's when we realized that the sky in front of us was dark with rain and the ride would not be a smooth one. We sped away from Phi Phi and into the dark clouds. Ev had the front seat and a great view of the terror approaching. We cruised for about 20 minutes before we hit the rain. At first I felt quite smart sitting behind the driver and staying ... read more
Our chariot awaits..
Charlie Beach
The other half of Charlie beach

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Alor Star August 8th 2008

Day 24: Alor Star to Langkawi Island When I woke up, J surprised me with a new plan to reroute, taking a ferry west to spend his birthday on Langkawi Island the next day. So we embarked right away for the ferry, unsure how far it would be. But first we ate breakfast. Of course. At the Chinese place around the corner, where we’d joined the party the previous day. This time it was open and packed with customers, tables spilling out the doors and on to the pavement. Three stands were set up, apart from the main kitchen, and they each seemed to be competing with each other for business. Although one had a sole monopoly to serve drinks, so someone from that stand would come to your table, you’d order your drinks, and then ... read more
Malaysian Fishing Boats
A couple enjoying a Starbucks coffee break
About to eat KFC in a Burkha

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Alor Star August 7th 2008

Day 23: Sintok, Malaysia to Alor Star, Malaysia While attempting to exit the University campus, we somehow ended up on a dirt path through the woods, where before reaching a dead-end, we saw a pangolin, a four foot-long lizard. That was awesome. The campus was huge, with signs listing certain buildings as 5 kilometers away, and busses transporting students from one side to another. We biked back along the road we’d come down yesterday, witnessing tons of little kids getting dropped off at school or getting on the bus to school. It seemed every house we passed had a car in the driveway. We met up with the main highway, fields running along both sides, but otherwise very little interesting life to observe. Some drivers and motorbikers were friendly, waving to us and honking. We ate ... read more
The first few moment in the revolving restaurant
Drinking an entire pot of coffee in the revolving restaurant atop the tower
Drinking an entire pot of tea in the revolving restaurant atop the tower

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