Blogs from Kedah & Perlis, Malaysia, Asia - page 9


Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pulau Langkawi February 28th 2008

So we are still in Langkawi and we met some new freinds from Australia. We went on and 4 hour tour $11 CAD which took us to a lake on one of the islands where there were a bunch of monkeys and a freah water lake (lake of the pregnant maiden). Then we went to feed some brown eagles from the boat and then stopped by a secluded beach where we swam and had a few beers. The Aussie couple Kerry and Amanda we met in the van on the way to the tour and we hit it off right away (spot on!) so we decided to go out for dinner when we got back. With us being Canadian and and them being Aussie this of course led to much drinking, breakfast the next day...dinner, drinking, ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pantai Tengah February 25th 2008

We have been living on Canang beach for the last three days and celebrated our anniversary here. The locals are very friendly and no one bothers you at all. The Malay people are very gentle and considerate and as always we try to learn and respect local customs as best as we can. Learning simple phrases is not required as everyone speaks english but I get the feeling it's appreciated. If you come here remember to take your shoes off when entering anyones home, point with your thumb not your finger, dress for the occasion as best as you can. This is a muslim country but there is a tolerance for tourists (just don't make us look bad). We have an air conditioned place right on the beach with a volleyball court right in front of ... read more
Our place on the beach

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pulau Langkawi February 13th 2008

Languid in Langkawi We came to Malaysia somewhat as a surprise. Investigating flights out of Thailand, we stumbled across very cheap flights to Laos via Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia? Why not? Having not really done any research, our scant knowledge of Malaysia was made up of bits and pieces recalled from the letters of my childhood penpal, Ridzuan, of our friend Kelly’s stories of her childhood in Malaysia, and tidbits like ‘aren’t there those two big towers there? And something about a huge wave-park? And good shopping?’ So much for being worldly. Despite being well-unprepared, Malaysia surprised us in so many ways. The first thing we were struck with, as usual, was the people. Taxi drivers here are the forerunners for the friendliest people in the world. They are exceedingly proud of their country and with ... read more
Gong Xi Fa Cai
Bantai Kok
Two great reads...

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pulau Langkawi February 13th 2008

Who would have thought that after 6 countries, 31 cities and 8 months overseas that we would find paradise in our very last location. It's hard to believe but Langkawi has had actually had the magical ability to make us totaly forget that we were ever in Hong Kong which is somthing we never anticipated. Gone is the bitterness that we experienced for so many months and replaced is the feeling of ultra relaxation. How do people not know about this place. For anybody reading this blog and looking at taking a trip to Thailand or Fiji, scrap that save some money and spend as much time as you can here. Not only does the place have 30 dollar whole lobsters, beautiful sandy beaches with crystal clear water, the friendlest people on earth and perfect temperature ... read more
Lunch at the jetty
Sunset on cheang beach

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pulau Langkawi February 5th 2008

We left home on the 8th Dec...Katy, Adam, Emma, Kirsty, Nik, Hannah and Will all came to see us off!! Was good idea at the time but all came very emotional when we said our good byes!! We left with Jane, Ian and lauren so we weren't on our own in the big wide world just yet!! Flight was good, slept for most of it as was hungover from the night before!! Arrived in Kuala Lumpa where we said our good byes to char's parents and sister and we got our connecting flight to Langkawi! We arrived in Langkawi to our lush chalet in the forest...was amazing...thou the weather wasn't great as was the end of the raining season! We arrived in the evening so was hungry, went to the restaurant and grab something to eat...sandwich ... read more
Us on the boat trip!
Sydney from the plane

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Kaki Bukit January 24th 2008

I've spent my last few days in the middle of nowhere... or more precisely an insy wincy village called Kaki Bukit (hilariously mispronounced by myself as Khaki Bucket). To say there isn't much to do there would be misleading. There is nothing to do. The village has 1 place to stay, 1 or 2 places to eat.. 3 or 4 stores... a strange unspecified building that thumps out the same small selection of Malay tunes at random occasions during the day for no discernable reason... Meng Motors... Gua Kelum national park...and not a lot else as far as we could tell. The nice wrinkly fella at the shop using an abacus to add up my grocery bill really hit home just how remote we were. I was thankful there were no Banjo's playing! Now what the ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pulau Langkawi January 23rd 2008

Langkawi - what a paradise... 2 & 1/2 hour ferry ride from Penang to Langkawi. Pleased that I didnt need to go back onto the mainland as it would have made the journey a whole deal longer. Really nice scenery coming into Langkawi as you can see from the pics. Took a taxi (as there are no buses in Langkawi) to Pantai Cenang which is the main resort area for budget holiday hotels. The other beaches are for the more luxury resorts. Pantai Cenang is very nice though. Took myself on an orientation of the area, there's lots of shops & stuff to do. There is a sea life centre, pretty good - I attach some pics of things that were on view. Went for a swim in the afternoon and chilled then in the evening ... read more
View of Langkawi from boat
Godzilla Turtles

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pantai Tengah January 17th 2008

Our next destination on the trip was Pulau Pangkor, a small island on the west coast of Malaysia. Pangkor turned out to be a cute, quiet and low key-resort with nice beaches and very cute pink taxis. We stayed at a hostel right next to the beach and slept our nights in a small simple hut. We enjoyed the beachlife and the relaxed atmosphere of the island and just laid back for two days. We also met up with Anna and Ville and had some excellent seafood, again... I noticed that the sun was a bit stronger than I expected and I've now moved from sunblock 20 to 50! After resting for a couple of days we were ready for some action again. We took an early morning ferry and continued with a Super VIP-bus towards ... read more
Teluk Nipah
Super VIP
High among the clouds

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pulau Langkawi January 14th 2008

A heaty BBQ meal was had last night at Gecko HQ - it was the most I've eaten since I've been here! A very sticky night followed as the windows were permanently open and the mossies were in our room in abundance. The mossie plug came in very handy. We hired a bike this morning and set off on a tour of the whole island (costing us the princely sum of about 4GBP). We first set off for the cable car - my first time on one. The descent was rapid but smooth, but we cursed the cloudy weather that prevented us from seeing right across the Andaman Sea and Thailand. Still, the experience was great and some awesome photos were taken. We then set off for a highly recommended beach in the north, which turned ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Kedah & Perlis » Pulau Langkawi January 14th 2008

Our first destination in Malaysia was the tourist hotspot of Langkawi. After a one night stop in Satun, Thailand, we boarded a ferry and set off on a four hour journey to the 6th country of our travels so far. We planned on spending five nights on the island and chose to head for Cenang Beach to look for somewhere to stay as this was where the majority of guesthouses and cheap eats were based. We managed to find ourselves a really nice little called The Palms Guesthouse that is run by an English couple who have been out in Malaysia running Guesthouses for the past ten years. Once again the weather was perfect for the entire time that we were there. The temperature never fell below 35C during the day so it was perfect weather ... read more
Our empty beach
Our cablecar journey
The suspension bridge at the top

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