Blogs from Central America Caribbean - page 1892


Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » Varadero November 5th 2006

Hallo,.. Das Leben hier in Kuba ist einfach super. Wir haben uns schon daran gewoehnt. Es waere auch ein Land fuer Alex und seinen ¨Havanna¨. Wir haben uns im Hotel schon mit einigen Angestellten sehr angefreundet. Einer davon ist unser Gaertner. Dieser stellt uns jeden morgen eine frische Kokosnuss auf den Balkon. In der Zwischenzeit haben wir auch schon unseren Ersten Tag in La Habana verbracht. Diese Stadt ist einfach traumhaft. Die Leute sind immer am Feiern, und sehr nett. Jeder will sich gleich als Touristenfuehrer geben und dir einiges verkaufen (Zigarren, Geld wechseln,...). Allein die Fahrzeuge sind ein Traum, so alt und stinken wie,... Wir und die Cubaner leben alle ohne Uhrzeit. Es wird einfach nichts gemacht,..nur gefaulenzt. Auch eine Tour durch Varadero haben wir schon hinter uns. Das ist eine reine Touristenstadt. Hier spricht ... read more
Cubanische Superschlitten
Al Capones Home

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Guanacaste » Samara November 4th 2006

My parents decided on a whim to come visit Costa Rica. What a great excuse for Mike and I to continue our travels of the country and show my folks around a bit. We had planned on taking them to La Paz Waterfall, Arenal Volcano, Manuel Antonio and ending their visit here in Sámara. It wasn’t until halfway into their trip that I realized we simply wouldn’t have time to do everything and decided to cut Manuel Antonio out of our plans. When we arrived at La Paz Waterfall Gardens Resort, we were completely amazed at the beauty of the rooms. The design was perfect, the craftsmanship breathtaking and the views something that we’ll be talking about for years to come. There was no amenity overlooked and many that came as pleasant surprises. We had a ... read more
Butterflies at La Paz
La Paz Flowers
La Paz Flowers

Nous sommes finalement parties de San Cristobal. Par chance, puisque toutes les routes du chiapas etaient barrees par des etudiants sauf celles vers le sud, donc vers la frontiere du Guatemala. Le passage aux frontieres sést tres bien passe, par contre je deplore un certain manque de professionalisme. Les douaniers, avant meme de nous saluer, nous ont aborde avec un ¨hey guapas chicas¨ et nónt cesse de nous regarder un peu trop intensement. Les transports en bus se font bien, quoi quún peu dangereux...disons seulement que les heures passees au bords des ravins et a contresens pour depasser des pickups etaient assez stressantes. Nous sommes finalement arrivees a Huehuetenango pour repartir le lendemain matin. Fait assez cocasse, on a pu assister a un vrai Shopping TVA live dans le bus en arrivant a Huehue. Un petit ... read more
Pour JF

Central America Caribbean » Barbados November 4th 2006

We're Leaving on a Jet Plane Finally, we’ve managed to pack up and rent out the house, as well as (hopefully) tying up all our other UK bound affairs. Over a month was spent in ferrying our various belongings to locations scattered across the UK, from Shropshire to Derby, Canterbury to Yorkshire, and a couple of motherloads in Poole and London. The odds of us ever finding it all again in a couple of year’s time seem remote. Huge thanks to all those who offered storage. We promise one day to clear your Basements / Garages / Lofts. We Are Going to Barbados Finally got to take Jane off on honeymoon. After an early morning drop off at Gatwick (thanks again Trina), the Virgin flight to Barbados was a relatively pleasant and stress free experience (and ... read more
Jas on the beach
Crabs on the Beach

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Bay Islands » Utila November 4th 2006

UTILA, Bay Islands, Honduras After making my way from Copan through La Ceiba I ended up here on the small Caribbean island of Utila. In order to catch the early morning ferry out here I had to stay the night in La Ceiba, a filthy port town full of hookers and drunks. I was warned by friends to pick a nicer hotel because the cheapies were scary... and I thought I did, but was surprised to find lots of gross old men hanging about with hookers and police. I arrived after dark and didn't think it wise to walk around downtown Ceiba with my backpack looking for another place, so I stayed. After hearing some hookers go at it down the hall I stepped out to use the internet and grab a bite to eat. The ... read more

From rainy rainy Coban we left our hotel early to get the one direct bus which we had been told left at 10am. While walking through the market looking for the bus terminal, we were stopped by a guy who asked us where we were going. We told him Flores and he said, hang on, got out his cellphone and phoned someone. Next thing we know he tells us sit in the cafe , order a coffee, the bus will be here in a moment. This was strange because we were told it was a large pullman bus that left at 10, and it was 9.15....Apparently the buses don't always go in low season, and even in the small shuttle there were just four of us. We had a pretty smooth ride to Sayaxhe where we ... read more
Our ¨ferry¨ on the way to Flores
Having a drink on a float on Lago de Peten
The waking up of Tikal from the top of a temple

Central America Caribbean November 3rd 2006

In order for me to reach Mexico City, I had to take a bus to Acapulco from Playa Azul via Lazaro Cardenas (a small town where the mainbus terminal was) which took around 6 hours. And on the same evening take another bus from Acapulco to Mexico City (paid around 300 pesos - US$30 for the 1st class overnight bus..buses are really expensive in Mexico) which took another 5 hours and I finally arrived in Mexico City at 6am. So all in all, I had been on the road for 16 hours! Mexico City is the largest city in Mexico. The city alone has a population of 18 million compared to the whole of Malaysia which is approximately 25 million. Its is elevated at 2240 m above sea level and in November the weather is nice ... read more
Dia de Muertos (Day of the Dead)
The Cathedral
Basilica de GuadalupeChurch of the Virgen Mary of Guadalupe

The last of our hikes was to Volcano Tajumulco the highest point in Central America at 4220 meters. This was only for 2 days, which we were glad for as the weather was crap. The first day we had to be up at 4am and then get on the lovely chicken buses. It took us the first day to get to base camp which is about 300m from the top then we set up camp. We were all wet and cold so we just got some dry clothes on and stayed in our sleeping bags for a few hours then made and ate diner before going to bed once again about 7pm as it was too cold to stay out of the sleeping bag! Once again we were up early at 3.30am to climb to the ... read more
It´s a bit cold!
Volcan Tajumulco
Volcan Tajumulco

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Puntarenas » Jaco November 2nd 2006

We arrived home yesterday evening from a very relaxing 3 day, 2 night stay with friends in Herradura. Our friends Terry and Elena are our oldest friends in our new lives, not in age, in the length of time we've known them. Terry was the only other person on our George Lundquist tour last summer. We all met Elena our second night of the tour, it was a love connection for them. The two are now married and living happily ever after at the beach. The seven of us, including dogs all moved back to Costa Rica within days of each other. At one point we thought we’d all be on the same flight out of LAX. We got an unexpected surprise when we went to pick up our cargo ten days later and ran into ... read more
Lapas flying
Landing next to our friends house
Scarlet Macaws ~ Lapas

We didn’t go far after our surf bumming; or at least it doesn’t look it on a map, in true Central American style the direct route down the coast was not passable unless you happened to be driving a tank or a boat so we had to go round the long way inland and then back out again! We eventually arrived in Montezuma in the early evening, which was a much nicer, smaller coastal town than Tamarindo, there were even some Costa Rican people actually living and working there!! We stayed at a small hotel right on the sand on the smaller of the towns two beaches and ate in a small Italian restaurant that was also right on the beach! Nothing is very far away in Montezuma. The following morning we decided we should go ... read more
Our home on Stilts
Careful with the compost. . . .
Ascending the waterfall

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