Blogs from Central America Caribbean - page 1894


Central America Caribbean » Cuba October 31st 2006

25.10.06 Als wir in Havana ankamen, lief alles unerwartet rasch ab. Adolfo bot mir ausserdem an, mich ins Zentrum mitzunehmen, womit ich mir bereits 15 Pesos Convertibles (CUC) sparen konnte. Anstatt seines Kollegen kam ihn seine Frau abholen. Doch statt sich zu freuen, sich nach zwei Monaten wieder zu sehen, hatten sie bereits von der ersten Minute an Auseinandersetzungen. Ob es unter anderem auch im Zusammenhang mit mir war, weiss ich nicht. Wir brachten das Gepaeck zum Auto und fuhren Richtung Stadt. Die beiden fuhren mich direkt zu einer Unterkunft, jedoch nicht ein offizielles Casa Particular. Diese ist ausserhalb der Stadt gelegen und ich wusste anfangs nicht, ob mich das nicht teurer kommt. Aber das Zimmer und die Person passten mir, also blieb ich. Ich verabschiedete mich von den beiden und erhielt sogar die Telefonnummer von ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » Varadero October 31st 2006

Nach den ganzen Strapazen sind wir endlich gut in Cuba/Varardero angekommen. Fuer mich als Raucher war es etwas ungewohnt, 14 Stunden ohne Rauch. Wie man sieht das geht auch. Gleich am Flughafen von Cuba gab es schon schwere Verstaendigungsprobleme. Sie sprachen nur spanisch und ein wenig englisch. Dort wurden wir gleich einer Drogenkontrolle unterzogen, die gleich vorbei war. Die Zigaretten hier sind etwas guenstiger als bei uns. Diese kosten umgerechnet 13 Euro die Stange. Auch die Getraenke sind sehr guenstig und gut. Das Foto mit den Flaschen waere Paradies fuer Alex. Am ersten Tag wurde mit unseren deutschen Nachtbarn schon in der Frueh um halb 8 eine Flasche Rum Cubay geleert. Und das ging bis ca. Mittag und dann sind die Lichter schon langsam ausgegangen und wir machten ein kleines Nickerchen am Pool. Das Hotel ist ... read more
der Pool
der Strand zum Auskurieren

Central America Caribbean » Guatemala October 31st 2006

The gringo´s weekend I´m referring to is not my own, but our government´s in the early 1950´s. It refers to our meddling in the democracy of Guatemala that has had long-term catastrophic consequences. ¨How could you do this to us? What has been the purpose? For you it was a weekend, nothing more. For us it has been a lifetime--the lifetimes of two, three generations and how many more? Why do you gringos think, ¨It´s only little Guatemala, we can do what we want.¨ Why?¨ (son whose father was a supporter of Pres. Arbenz´s party. The father committed suicide.) In reality, it was more than a weekend. U.S. policy in Guatemala and the rest of central america has been to dominate it economically, politically, and militarily for a 100 years without exception. So in fact this ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Heredia October 30th 2006

Just when you’d thought we’d given up on the blog… (key suspenseful theme music, crash of thunder… but no ear-piercing shreiks, please.) First of all, Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is not celebrated here in Costa Rica, except by ex-pats and a handful of gringo-ized Ticos (Tico is the affectionate term for Costa Rican). We are going to have Thanksgiving dinner at a Tico friend's house -- the lady that Dara works with at the Inbioparque. She did her graduate school in the US and has kept the Thanksgiving tradition since. Although she was going to serve chicken (stuffed, of course) her daughter told her she had to have turkey. Turkey is not common here, but if you look hard enough, you can find it -- I even heard one store was importing Butterballs. Dara is making sweet ... read more
Our street
The gym

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Limón » Cahuita October 30th 2006

My past week was spent on the beautiful sunny Atlantic coast, which accommodated my first few days of no rain and blistering heat. My first stop was Cahuita, and on the way we stopped in Limon, a big port town, to take a break from the bus. We were getting off, when all of a sudden there was smoke everywhere, from behind which a group of riot police emerged herding us indoors. Turns out they were firing off tear gas at a bunch of protesters that were rioting against a pro-upper class government reform. After the chaos settled, and we were back on the bus, a local beside me explained that this makes him proud to be a Costa Rican, because they actually have the freedom to protest, where as neighbouring countries don´t have that same ... read more

From Antigua we went to a very remote little town called Lanquin, to the El Retiro Lodge, a laid-back backpackers place alongside the river...we fell in love with it the moment we saw it!! See the pictures to believe it :) The first day we just relaxed with our Israeli friends who had come with us from Antigua, relaxing on the swings and the hammocks on the porch of our little huts and playing cards. (This was extremely funny as our Israeli friend Yaron explained (shouted) the rules at us, like a real Israeli Army officer that he was..) And I (Flora) found out that I am extremely good at losing! We also had our first experience with the lodge's eco-friendly toilets, very decorative but slightly smelly. The next day we walked to the Lanquin caves, ... read more
Inside the Lanquin Caves
A friggin large spider inside the caves
Our Halloween outfits

So, on to Leon now! It took us 2 days to get there and to be honest we were a bit disappointed with our first place in Nicaragua after hearing so much good stuff about the country. To get there we had to do the trip in two journeys. The first got us to Chouluteca in Honduras where we stayed the night in another scummy yet extremely cheap room, but where we did manage to find a Pizza Hut!!! So we obviously chose to eat there…. The next day we got going early and got to Leon about 4 in the afternoon. It’s a really pretty town and very very cheap! We stayed at a place called Big Foot Hostel. It was the first time that we've stayed in a hostel like that. Our room was ... read more
The crater of Volcan Negro
Me in my attractive orange suit
The boarding gang

Central America Caribbean » Honduras » Central » Comayagua October 29th 2006

Voilà un peu plus de 2 mois que je suis à Comayagua , 2 mois qui ont filé à vitesse grand V et pourtant j'ai l'impression d'être là depuis une éternité !! Ce dimanche : RAS. Un lendemain de soirée ..... Que dire de plus ? Il faut croire que le temps n'a pas motivé les foules. Aujourd'hui, le temps s'est rafraichit , on se serait crû un dimanche d'automne ! Bref toute la clique a passé la journée à comater devant la télé, en sweater et sous la couette. Une journée très productive en somme !! Ce qui change radicalement du week-end dernier où à la même heure on sirotait tranquilles nos bières au bord de la piscine. Pas forcément plus productif , je vous l'accorde !! Mais après tout les week-ends sont là pour ... read more
Monseigneur Art
The Rainbow / Skittles Maniacs
Kari & Dark Vador

Central America Caribbean » Jamaica » Negril October 29th 2006

Sandals, Negril...All Inclusive Fun for the Whole Family First some thoughts and opinions. As many of you know, I have no problem expressing how I feel about just about anything so bear with me as I express. I think that the Sandals all inclusive resort idea is a great one for certain types of people, people who have a hard time relaxing, people who like to drink, people who love partying and activities that involve groups of people, people who don't want to worry about budgeting throughout their vacation, and anyone looking for a little slice of Dirty Dancing. I for one am not one of these people. I enjoy freedom, good food, exciting new places, and new culture. Basically, Sandals is not really for me, but I will say that I had fun, the wedding ... read more
Boats and The Ocean
The Wedding Party at the Pool
Kel Reading on the Swing

Stayed in San Sal for a couple of days finishing up law school stuff. Went to Steve and Andys Halloween party. As always, everyone was on their best behavior. Bri had to go home early but Memo stayed and did her proud. Last I saw him he had marker all over his body. I was in high school when I first saw that happen to someone. Im 27 now and its still funny. Said an early goodbye to Nina Ana and hopped a bus for mexico.... read more
Memo looking hot
Steve as Rep. Foley
Scott as himself

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