Blogs from Africa - page 2779


Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town May 14th 2007

It’s 2am, and Hilary keeps turning the air conditioning up (or is it down?)… so he can try on his new lightweight thermalater chillfactor coat. We did a city tour in the rain on the open deck of a double decker bus. Very cold here. Winter has just hit. Cape Town is a glorious city, nestled between mountain ranges and stormy seas, where more than four hundred ship wrecks lie waiting for some brave souls to discover them. Great swimming apparently, as an Antarctic current, 9 degrees Celsius, runs through these waters. We were very touched by the story of District 6 and will be visiting the Distric 6 museum tomorrow. The people here are very friendly and relaxed, similar to N.Z. Still feeling disoriented and spaced out by all the travel and sooo happy ... read more

Africa » Ghana May 14th 2007

Last monday i began my time as a teacher. Seeing that the first 3 days of the term consisted of clearing the compund i thought that maybe classes would be commencing on the following Monday. I was wrong. Those children who didnt come on the first 3 days were punished by collecting rocks. 5 rocks for each day missed. These were added to the already massive pile of rocks which i assume is from previous punishments. After this they had to go and clear another section of weeds. I was relieved when it was time for assembly as i thought the children had been sufficiently punished. I began to wonder why so many of the children were running away. None were sucessful and several were carried back kicking and screaming. The school was then split into ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Eastern Cape » Jeffreys Bay May 14th 2007

I didn’t make the 2:30pm bus to J-Bay I was originally planning on taking (I was enjoying the Knysna waterfront too much) so I caught one at 4pm instead, which unfortunately meant getting into J-Bay soon after dark. The owner of the hostel I was going to stay at, Jeffrey’s Bay Backpackers, came to fetch me at the bus stop. The hostel is a very cute little place on the downtown end of Jeffrey’s Bay, and they have great facilities - it really feels more like staying in your own house than a hostel. There’s a comfy living room with a satellite t.v., huge kitchen, laundry, and very nice bathrooms with a bathtub! And the owners, Anders and his wife, are super nice. I dropped off my bags and then wanted to head out to get ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Mukono May 13th 2007

Hi, I woke up in Africa today and it took me a few minutes before I remembered that I am twenty years old. Thats like grandpa status....I guess its a good thing. Well...happy birthday to me. This is my last week in Uganda. I don't even know what that means. I am so excited for everything ahead of me. Thats why it doesn't feel sad. Looking back to my original entries, I knew that Uganda was going to become a huge part of who I am. It certainly has. Its been an incredible couple of months here. How do you find words to conclude this experience? How do I explain how empowering it feels to know that I did this on my own? How do I say goodbye to my Ugandan friends, My leapyear group? ... read more

Africa » Namibia » Windhoek » Aris May 13th 2007

Participants returned to field base over the weekend looking tanned and healthy, albeit a little scruffier as another phase took its toll on their expedition kit. There were lots of hugs and kisses as friends reunited to tell tales of the past three weeks and exchange gossip and photos of their time away. With two phases down and just one remaining they are now a hardened bunch and expert fire lighters, porridge makers and long drop constructors. We wave goodbye to five more Explorers who swap expedition for home life and welcome two new faces for the final phase. As before, we hear now from those out in the field who have put pen to paper to share their experiences. Once again, there were enthusiastic responses to the messages sent via the blog, so thanks ... read more
Alpha 2. Mixing with the locals
Alpha 2. Playing with the school children
Alpha 2. Getting on with some hard labour

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone May 13th 2007

Happy Mothers Day to our Mom's Gilma and Darlene. We wish you were both here sharing this experience with us. On our way back from Victoria Falls this morning we picked up gifts from the local village people - that was pressure shopping like no other! The falls were in all their glory - blue sky, very high "smoke" from the off spray, double rainbows - beautiful!!! This is what David Livingstone had to say after is first sighting: "After twenty minutes' sail from Kalai we came in sight, for the first time, of the columns of vapor appropriately called 'smoke,' rising at a distance of five or six miles, exactly as when large tracts of grass are burned in Africa. Five columns now arose, and, bending in the direction of the wind, they seemed ... read more
Love these little guys

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Mossel Bay May 13th 2007

Well hello there folks! Lets recap..when we wrote last, we were looking forwards to our weekend away with Lara (roomie) Kat (i-2-i guru), Mat (i-2-i Oz big Boss) and Erica (Queen Chauffeur!), and also planning our evening out with Lisa and Cliff (Help 2 Read peeps!). Dinner was a great sucess, Lara joined us which was great and the company was very easy going. We went to the Brass Bell in Kalk Bay. The food, as always, was fantastic and in the interlude between dinner and mains, we were treated to a display of insanity like never before witnessed! (And it wasn't by either of us!!!) The waves were enormous...crashing over the top of the wave barrier, and earlier that afternoon the alarm had been raised as someone had spotted a 4metre long great white ... read more
Pebbles' big brother

Africa » Morocco » Meknès-Tafilalet » Merzouga May 13th 2007

3-13 May Slowly by bus I started to make my way down through the moountains and deserts to the out-of-the-way little town of Merzougha, which doesn't have a lot to offer except that is sits on the edge of the Sahara sand dunes. This took me from the pretty Berber town of Azrou on to another not as pretty Berber town called Midelt, and then to Erfoud and finally to Merzhouga. This travel is all by bus as the train network is concentrated on the north and connecting the major cities. The buses are not too different from any of the other buses I've had in the third world, except on the leg from Azrou to Midelt we stopped at a small town, and passengers getting off collected their baggage and oncoming passengers towed their ... read more
Sahara, so close but so far
Dunes and palms
Use the force, Luke

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Giza May 13th 2007

Today, after a lovely buffet breakfast at our hotel, we headed out to see the Great Pyramids. Our first stop was at the Pyramids themselves. These things really are quite spectacular, very . . . big. Didn't go in one, apparently you have to get there very early to do so and buy a special ticket. The most memorable thing about this visit was the swarms of vendors that accost you the whole time you are in the area. Make eye contact with one and they will follow you for 10 minutes. Take anything they hand you and they won't accept it back. Shake their hand and they'll put goods on your arm. Of course, Dad gets in a long conversation with one - picture attached. No sir, we are not going to walk over ... read more
Camel Ride

Africa » Morocco May 13th 2007

This was the biggest trip I have yet to take around Morocco. My dear friend Jesselyn brought Liz, another Peace Corps Volunteer, with her from Togo. The arrived in Casablanca and took the train down to Ben Guerir and from there came to see my town, Kelaat Sraghna. After a few days in Kelaa and several giant meals with Maryam and my various hospitable neighbors, we went on to Marrakech. I knew they would love Marrakech and we had a blast. By now I know the city well enough to be able to touch on the highlights and find my way around with a minimal amount of being lost. We had a couple chilly nights (sleeping on the roof terrace of a hotel to save money) and it was quite a shock to Jess and Liz ... read more
Spice Chameleons
Madrasa Ben Youssef
Bahia Palace

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