Blogs from Africa - page 2744


Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra June 7th 2007

Red dust covers everything and as we drive, seeps into the window cracks, choking us. I guess you get used to it, as people walk all around us, seemingly unaffected. We stop at a road construction blockade and up the hill, an entire school of children rush out to wave, jumping and screaming in what seems like a ritual that buses bring to break up the monotony of their day, like any children looking for an excuse to pull them away from their studies. We’ve driven over four hours from El Mina on our way to Kumasi and the drive brought lush landscapes, fascinating villages full of life and stories, and time to reflect on the beauty and difficulties of the past month. I’m mostly tired, as it has been an exhausting experience, but sad to ... read more

Africa » Sudan June 7th 2007

June 7, 2007 - Torit, Sudan I have settled into my new "home." I have chosen to live in the UN Camp, as it provides much more in the way of security and infrastructure than the other places I saw today. I was picked up by an Egyptian Major, Tamer Goda, and taken around to see the accommodation possibilities around town. For $20/night, I could have a 12x10 room, with a clapboard door, locked on the outside by padlock, with electricity only from 7-10pm. Did I mention the bed was a double? ya, no thanks. So I chose the UN option, for $30/night and that will give me 24 hour electricity, armed guards, and flushing toilets, and sometimes hot showers. Oh, but the bed is only a single... ha. Anyway, things here are going to ... read more
Banglasdeshi soldiers at work
Welcome to Torit
The Gas Station

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Lamu June 7th 2007

Off the coast of Kenya is Lamu Archipelago teeming with a vibrant Swahili ("People of the Coast" or "coastal dwellers") community--an example of what happens when two distinct cultures infuse together over centuries time without warring, land stealing, and having power struggles. The Swahili people are descendents of the Arabs and Bantu (Africans), which occurred when the Arabs started trading with Africa, and the resulting intermarriages slowly brought about a new language, society and culture of...ta-da ...Swahili! I was a little confused about Swahili being just a language or an ethnic group, as the language widely spoken all over Eastern Africa is Swahili, though not so much in Rwanda (French colonizers...self explanatory). Well, my understanding of it is that though Swahili is spoken widely here by Kenyans, Tanzanians, and Ugandans, the Swahili people are sort ... read more
giddy up
Negotiation taking place
Message to DAD!!

Africa » Egypt June 7th 2007

Hurghada We joined a convoy to reach Hurghada. The only purpose of this was to let those who had just joined the trip to see the Red Sea. Quite a disappointment as there is nothing to see from the beach in the way of coral or fish. Taba and Dahab are much better for coral and fish viewing. There was however a little piece of home in the way of Papa’s Bar - Burger and Chips - yummy. Luxor Back in Luxor but this time at the Pyramisa Isis hotel. Very nice with a good pool. We all piled onto the balcony in Janet and Henry’s room for a few drinks before dinner. The Valley of the Kings was very interesting to visit. We entered three tombs, each built in a different style all hoping ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi June 6th 2007

Sorry this entry was lost in the Travel Blog Crash.. But at least we can still enjoy the pictures ~Julie ... read more
They didn't know what it was!!!
Hannah & Cotton Box
Cotton at Work...

Africa » Zambia June 6th 2007

01-06-07 7:30 we were on our way. We had forgotten how radical this route to Liuwa plains really is. It is deep sand all the way. The road or better track meanders along villages and one not only has to watch the bends and kinks of the track, choose the right low gear, but also avoid collisions with children waving frantically and echoing the “hello” Muzungu” “sweets” all along the way and dogs attack on our tires every few meters and low branches swiping off our firewood from the roof. The 260 Km took us 12 hours and we hardly ever made it into second or third gear. Hence the headline: “Zambia in first gear”. The car is holding up, except the left door lock rattled loose and I will have to fix it this ... read more
Zambesi Sunset

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Lake Nakuru NP June 6th 2007

A giraffe drifted past the breakfast table view bidding us good bye as we started our 7 hour drive from Masai Mara to Lake Nakuru. The road for the last couple of hours was very dusty and bumpy as there were lots of large trucks. Nakuru National park is very wooded with flat plain down to the lake. It was rainy when we first arrived and our first glimpse of the flamingo in all their thousands (1.25 million on a good day apparently) were seen in the rain. We added buffalo and rhino to our list too. You can't get too close to the flamingo because they just drift off. It is an amazng sight. I wasn't prepared for the noise and smell. Sort of constant trilling. As we were losing light we drove up ... read more
A million

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor June 6th 2007

Awaking to the sound of a good pounding on our door at 5:00 a.m. was not exactly my cup of tea. We had just enough time to throw on clothes and gobble down our pound cake and croissant breakfasts before arriving at the Luxor train station. The last thing we were in the mood for was another haggle fest at such an early hour. Gene, knowing his feisty wife all too well, warned me before we even stepped foot out the door that he was in no mood to fight over a few bucks and wanted more than anything just to get to our hotel. Nonetheless, I still managed to Jew down the taxi driver another 5 Egyptian pounds, saving us a whole $0.50 just out of principle. We were certain we got swindled once again ... read more
The Nile
Where We Spent Our Afternoon
Our Train Car

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Maputo June 6th 2007

Another exciting day... For some reason people like to plan meetings and then cancel them at the last minute. It leaves me (and S.) sort of roaming around the Ministry for Health with not a whole lot to do, but wait until the next meeting. However, today, we had to go and pick up my tickets for Malawi. Because the whole e-ticket fad hasn't caught on here in Mozambique. So, we've been to the travel agency 5 times now, and finally today I am supposed to get my tickets (to leave tomorrow at 6am). However, it seems that I am missing one of my tickets. Did I leave it with the travel agent, like I had the others? Was it in my hotel room? No matter. The travel agent just said to walk across the street ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Eastern Cape June 6th 2007

Nelson Mandela's house in Qunu. He spends every Christmas there, gives presents to the village children.... read more

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