Blogs from Africa - page 26


Africa » South Africa » Limpopo November 24th 2022

Today will be our last full day at Hippo Lakes. We have two game drives scheduled and dinner around the campfire. Again our first drive began at 7 am. The one Big 5 animal that resides locally is the African Buffalo and thus far it has been elusive. We are on the hunt for it this morning. I have also been on a mission to photograph a very noisy and "annoying to me" bird called a Red-chested Cuckoo. This bird begins it's song at 4 am and continues endlessly throughout the day. I have seen it several times but it has not posed for a photo. This morning it was sitting proudly in a tree top and I finally got my photo thanks to Shaun, our guide, spotting it. We also found a crocodile sunning itself ... read more
 Wattled Lapwing
 I'm out of here

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Zanzibar City November 24th 2022

Literally. No metaphor here. We visited Zanzibar before, and now have visited Zanzibar again. Here are some highlights of the trip. - We stayed at the Dhow Palace Hotel (got a great deal by calling direct even when the booking sites said it was all full). This was literally the palace of a man who built it in the mid-1600s. His family kept it for about 200 years before it was taken over by his clan. Now it is a private hotel. Very cool place with lots of quirks, secrets, and fun antiques on display. - We found a great community shop run by this Rastaman. It's all local arts and crafts for sale to tourists like us. Some special stuff in here. I got the boys new shirts and gifted the owner with a portrait ... read more
Rad old mirrors
Community shop
Rastaman connect

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Zanzibar City November 24th 2022

Zanzibar is a place that is immensely photogenic. It’s not all pretty. Some of it is exceedingly beautiful, but some of it is ugly and dirty and pitiful. Even those parts are photogenic. I saw tropical beaches and antique palaces, I saw mangy street cats and overflowing garbage bins. I wanted to take pictures of all of it. Appropriately—for someone like me with the artists eye, the photographers love of the natural subject, and many years of training and practical experience in photography—I brought along a great camera. Most of the pictures I’ve been posting on my blog have come from my iPhone. It’s not the new one and I don’t really care. I didn’t buy it for the camera, it just happens to be one as well as being all the other things it is. ... read more
Door 1
Secret Garden
Pretty Woman

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Zanzibar City November 24th 2022

According to some things that I have read, Zanzibar has been continuously occupied by human beings for some 30,000 years. According to some other things I’ve read, the earth was created less than 8,000 years ago. I wasn't there for either, I just read about it. Either way, people have been living on Zanzibar island for a very long time. The name Zanzibar comes from the Arabic words for, “land of the blacks”. They named it for the African people they found living there, whom they called the, “Zanj”. The Arabs mixed with the locals, forming the Swahili peoples, who built thriving trading cities over the past 1500 years or so. Inviting the Persians, Indians, Chinese, Indonesians, and others to join the trade in ivory, precious metals, and enslaved humans from the mainland, they built up ... read more
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Africa » South Africa » Limpopo » Entabeni Game Reserve November 23rd 2022

This morning we once again embarked on a game drive at the local reserve to see who was out and about. Before leaving, however, we once again heard the monkeys behind the tent. This time I caught them in action as they climbed over the roof of the building behind us. One was a mom carrying her baby. Along the way we found the dependable hippos, along with elands and Sable antelope. We also found some new birds. After lunch we boarded the big bus to travel to Entabeni Game Reserve to continue our hunt for the Big 5. Our goal was the find the lions or the leopards. We found the lions resting elusively behind a stand of trees only knowing of their presence by occasional movement behind the trees. We did not find a ... read more
 Mom and Babe
 Up on the Roof
 Hippo Trio

Africa » South Africa » Limpopo » Welgevonden Reserve November 22nd 2022

After a little later than usual breakfast, we climbed aboard 2 vans and made the 3 hour drive to Welgevonden Game Preserve. We stopped along the way for a little shopping before reaching our final destination. Our goal for the day was to find as many of the Big 5 African animals, Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Rhino, and Buffalo. We signed in and headed out on our adventure. We were riding with our guide, Fin, along with Shea, Justin, and Nick. We had a fun group as we searched the area. We quickly encountered Warthogs, Wildebeests, and the sought after Rhino. We continued along and found 3 Rhinos grazing close to the road for nice photos. Zebra dotted the landscape and we soon came upon an elephant cooling herself with muddy water. She systematically tossed water over ... read more
Moth at Breakfast
On the Way to Welgevonden

Africa » South Africa » Limpopo November 21st 2022

Our morning started at 7 am as we headed out for our first game drive. Today will be drives through the local game preserve. As we climbed aboard our truck with Shaun, our guide, we were ready to photograph the nearby residents. The first large animals we encountered were impalas, wildebeests, and warthogs. The warthogs however did not hang around long. The impalas were all sizes and included a black impala. At one point we were hoping for two males to engage in a dispute over the females but they greeted each other and moved along. Farther along we stopped by a lake where two hippos were lazily residing along with several different kinds of kingfishers. We returned to camp for breakfast and an afternoon of leisure before the evening drive and an African style barbeque. ... read more
Part of our Group
Water Thick-Knee

Africa » Tanzania » East » Dar es Salaam November 21st 2022

My fascination with Ethiopia began in 2007, learning from the Rastaman in Kenya. I spent most of that year living in Kenya, and a lot of that time walking far and wide around the area north of Mombasa, reasoning with this Rastaman or that Rastaman. Some of the old "Burning Spears" I met were remnants from the Mau-Mau days and had not trimmed their locks since the war against the British began in the 1950s! These men told me many stories about Ethiopia, about Emperor Haile Selassie I, and about the ancient Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. It was because of their stories that I first went to attend an Ethiopian church service in Seattle that year. Since then, I have come to know very many Ethiopians in my home area of Seattle, where we have a ... read more
Emperor Menelik II
Emperor Haile Selassie I
Virgin Maryam & Iesus Kristos

Africa » South Africa » Limpopo » Bela Bela November 20th 2022

Today our trip begins in earnest. We were up early and ate at the breakfast buffet in the hotel. At nine am we met our ranger outside of the airport to begin our journey to Hippo Lakes Safari. As we drove north from Johannesburg, we detoured to visit the Elephant Encounter. This preserve is home to a number of elephants that have been injured and are not able to live in the wild successfully. The elephants are trained to show the visitors their skills and capabilities. Also housed in the preserve were zebras and at least one ostrich that came by to check out all the people. Two of the elephants had young that were born in the preserve as they were pregnant when they arrived. Some of the injuries were a missing tusk and a ... read more
Elephants and Zebras
Red-eyed Bird
Elephant Herd

Africa » South Africa » Gauteng » Johannesburg November 19th 2022

The flight from Atlanta, Ga to Johannesburg, South Africa was a healthy 15 hours. This is the longest duration for one flight that we have taken and it seemed to go on and on. We did receive dinner, a snack (a sandwich) and breakfast that helped fill time. There were also numerous movies stored in the TV that could fill more hours. The one thing that we did not achieve was sleep. So by the time we landed in Johannesburg we were tired. The flight was totally uneventful and once again we landed on time. We were staying in a hotel attached to the airport but found that getting there was a healthy hike. Having finally reached the hotel and checked in, I discovered I had left a small but needed item at home and needed ... read more
O. R. Tambo Statue in the Airport

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