Blogs from Africa - page 28


Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park November 11th 2022

Happiness met us for a guided cultural walk in her town, Mto Wa Mbu . She is part of Cultural Tourism Enterprises, a community organization that encourages and supports local businesses through tours and experiences for tourists. She said that in the town’s population of 18,000 there are a hundred different tribes, and they all work together. She was accompanied by Feliciter (fe lees tah) and a trainee. We met her beside the local banana beer pub, our first cultural stop. Seated inside, I peered with trepidation at a large plastic beaker holding some sort of banana brew. In fact, on the top of the liquid was the sprouted millet used to ferment the beer in a separate room. Happiness passed around samples of the miniscule millet seeds, the sprouted seeds, and powdered crushed millet. On ... read more
Happiness introducing the Mtakuja Art Group
Cooking on the wood-fired stove

Africa » Senegal » Saint-Louis Region November 10th 2022

Senegal 11. – 25. Nov. 2022 Freitag, 11.11.2022 Anreise nach Senegal Flug nach Dakar über Lissabon. Hier überbrücken wir die 5 Stunden Wartezeit mit einer U-Bahn Fahrt in die Altstadt „Baixa“. Die hat sich seit unserem letzten Besuch vor 15 Jahren mächtig mit Fußgängerzone, Restaurants etc. herausgeputzt. Die 4 Stunden Flug nach Dakar ziehen sich in der unbequemen TAP-Maschine. Das Essen ist grauslich und die Getränkeversorgung spärlich. Ankunft nach 2 Uhr morgens. Wir warten lange aufs Gepäck und dann stellen wir uns noch langwierig bei der Passkontrolle an. Entgegen den Ankündigungen gibt es keinerlei Corona-Kontrollen. Der Bus und unser Reiseleiter Mamadu Ndiaye erwarten uns schon. Er sollte sich als ein sehr erfahrener und umsichtiger Mann herausstellen, der natürlich mit allen Wassern gewaschen ist, um die Unbilden einer Reise durch diesen urigen Teil Afrikas pro... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Karatu November 10th 2022

We had a late start at 8:30. Our route took us through Karatu, a busy market town that draws people from as far away as Ngorongoro, a forty-minute drive. The streets were busy, shops open, and customers bustling amongst the outdoor vendors. I was happy to see a lot of Flame trees with their canopy of red flowers. As we came down from the Ngorongoro hills, we could see Lake Manyara in the distance, and we were in the Rift Valley again. A baboon family ignored us as we passed the entrance to the Lake Manyara National Park . We drove through through the town of Mto Wa Mbu (River for Mosquitos), which is filled with guest houses and lodges for visitors to the Park. However, our destination was Losirwa Primary School . To star... read more
Mary, headteacher, Losirwa Primary School
Grade1 at Losirwa Primary School
Maasai headman, wives and children

Africa » Tanzania » North » Lake Eyasi November 9th 2022

We drove about an hour to Lake Eyasi, although we didn’t see the lake. We were visiting the Bushman or Hadza culture, courtesy of a group that had migrated from the Kalahari generations ago. They live in the forest, foraging for fruits and roots and killing animals with arrows. Not realizing that we had arrived, I wondered where they lived, since only fairly small amount of low forest was in view; after walking a short distance and hearing about Hadza life, I decided the forest was bigger than it looked. We met only a handful of people; presumably, the others lived well out of sight. The fees for the tours pay for the children to attend primary school, which is compulsory. In all other ways possible, they avoid modern developments in any form and follow their ... read more
Hadza musicians inside the Baobab
Digging for taro root
Young men searching for a mouse

Africa » Tanzania » North » Karatu November 9th 2022

We returned to the Acacia FarmLodge and a leisurely lunch served outdoors on a lawn. In the mid-afternoon I went swimming again. When I got out, fully refreshed, the sun was hot, heating even the shade on the chaise longues. Later in the afternoon, some of us went on the farm walk provided by the lodge. Most of the acacia trees have been cut down, because their tops grow together and heavily shade the ground below. Acadia wood is hard – good for carving, building and making charcoal. Pascal, the agricultural expert, led us through several sections of the organic farm. He has been with Acacia Farm Lodge since its inception, in 2014. He designed the farm layout to be sustainable. For instance, their water comes from a bore hole ; the storage tank... read more
My chalet behind coffee trees
Houses in Karatu

Africa » Tanzania » North » Ngorongoro Conservation Area November 8th 2022

Ngorongoro Crater is not a crater, but a twelve-mile-wide caldera with no breaks in the walls, the largest in the world. I regretted not taking any photos in full light from my balcony, but there was no time after breakfast before leaving at 6:30. The day more than made up for it. At the gate to Ngorongoro, Lucas obtained our permit and other paperwork. Later he explained that per person the permit fee was $80, plus a conservation fee of $70, added to the $350 for the night at the hotel, plus $300 per vehicle – a sizeable portion of the cost of our whole trip! We descended an 11% grade on a fairly good stone rode. Between the large bushes, trees and grasses, we could see the wide golden plain surrounded by a rim of ... read more
Lioness crossing right in front of us
Thomson Gazelle with her fawn
Lake Magadi

Africa » Tanzania » North » Ngorongoro Conservation Area November 8th 2022

To our amazement, out on the plain were two parent ostriches and seventeen fluffy chicks, about the size of soccer balls. Lucas explained that typically 4 – 6 females lay their 14 – 20 eggs in the same nest, and the alpha female cares for all of them. Not equally, however, as she keeps hers in the centre where it is safest. Ostriches are good parents, but the attrition of eggs and babies is inevitable – sadly relatively few survive to adulthood. The chicks we watched seemed to be having fun dashing around and pecking at insects in the grass, just like their parents. Towards the end of our permitted time, we saw a dozen or more Grey Crown Cranes, which have spiky golden crowns. This is the time for them to gather and find a ... read more
Grey Crowned Heron
Ngorongoro as garden
Volcano core - hardly noticeable

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park November 7th 2022

I was so tired last night that I went immediately to bed, slept nine hours, woke thirty minutes before the alarm, and had breakfast on time at 6:00 to leave at 7:00. I pretend I am in a different time zone. Rather than exiting the Serengeti Park directly, we took a detour to see kopjes. These are strange, worn granite outcroppings, seemingly rising randomly from the flat landscape. In fact, they are the visible evidence of the volcanic history of the plain; underneath the surface are many more giant granite rocks and deposits. The ash and sediment of the volcanos to the east formed the soil of the Serengeti. Erosion has revealed the highest rock surfaces. Now these are fissured and marked by caves, which lions like to use for their dens. By this time, we ... read more
Dusty road
Dik diks challenge

Africa » Tanzania » North » Ngorongoro Conservation Area November 7th 2022

We entered the Ngorongoro Conservancy, where live many Maasai. They were moved here from the Serengeti when it became a National Park mid-last-century. In five years, they will be moved again, because their population has increased a lot, and because Ngorongoro soon will become a National Park. Unlike other people, Maasi are allowed to live in the Conservancy, because they don’t kill what they cannot keep in herds; in other words, they don’t kill wild animals. We saw their large herds of goats, and a few cattle, with herd boys driving the animals or standing by watching. Their walled villages dot the countryside. One of the oldest locations of human and pre-human bones is inside the Conservancy. The internationally famous Olduvai Gorge is marked by an excellent small museum. Before ... read more
Goats feeding on bushes
Lake Magadi
Maasai dance troupe

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park November 6th 2022

Up at 4:00 am and away at 4:45 on the usual bumpy roads for an hour and a quarter. Despite some lingering apprehension, I was committed to the hot air balloon ride. As we arrived at the Miracle Experience balloon site, the sky was deep pink, lightening to shades of blue. When the thirty-two customers and seemingly as many staff had gathered, we were introduced to our enthusiastic pilot, Rosa. (She was pleased to meet me, because she worked in Calgary for a year.) Her colleague, pilot for the other balloon, gave us a safety briefing – repeated in more detail beside the balloons. Initially the balloon was inflated by huge blowers. Our strange entry into the basket was required by the design: it was rectangular, on its side. Four compartments held four people each, plus ... read more
The other balloon
Zebra stripes
Loo with a View

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