Blogs from Uros Island, Lake Titicaca , Puno, Peru, South America - page 7


South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island June 13th 2008

okay, i haven´t written because i have been very sick. i think that i have had the flu, i am not sure. we are in puno, near lake titicaca. we accidently took the first class train ride here. it was fancy. we got lunch, afternoon tea, and a fashion show! it was quite funny. i have never seen a fashion parade on a train. we took some pics. i have been sleeping most of the time, but we did get up to go to the uros islands. they are these islands made out of reeds. the houses are also made of reeds. it was pretty cool, but touristy. we are headed to copacabana, bolivia today if i feel good enough. ... read more

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island June 10th 2008

For the life of a travelling backpacker, the last 24 hrs was a hard day at the office with many deadlines. We must confess we have been a little slack on the research front and with Matts sisters description of the floating islands etched in our minds we were expecting Copacabana to be the launching spot for a visit. So having a deadline to meet our Inca jungle trek and realising the floating islands were on the Peruvian side of Titicaca, we worked out if the cards fell into place we might just be able to see the floating islands as a stop over. We didn't know how tight this would be so hence we last left you hastily to make our way to Peru. Our time in Bolivia was brief but extended from our original ... read more
Replenishing the Reeds
Keeping Watch
Yes the Island does Float

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island June 2nd 2008

On est alles voir une ile du village flottant (il y a environ 40 iles). Le village flottant remonte au temps ou le peuple Puqueña fuyait les guerres entre Incas et Aymaras et deciderent de s´installer sur des roseaux. Ils y habitent encore aujourd´hui meme s´ils vont faire leur marche a Puno et les jeunes partent faire leurs etudes. Ils vivent de peche principalement. Les gens sont maintenant Aymara et ne parlent plus puqueña. Les iles sont faites de roseaux amasses sur plusieurs couches et sont amarrees pour ne pas deriver! Il faut changer et "refaire" les iles tous les 18 a 20 ans car elles finissent par couler du aux tonnes de roseaux que les habitants mettent dessus. Certaines iles ne sont pas ouvertes aux touristes. L´ile que nous avons visite est res touristique - ... read more
Roseaux - Reed
Village au loin - Village in the distance

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island March 12th 2008

We left around 8 a.m. on a mini bus from our hotel after a night enjoying cable tv, a hot shower and listening to random whistlers all night. We couldn't work out why every few minutes, sometimes more frequently, until dawn, we heard whistles from across the road. Turns out it's a security measure for the school across the road, the security guards keep in contact by whistle, 2 blows means all is well, short frequent blows or none at all means there's trouble. We got on board a boat with about 12 others and a guide plus captain and went to our first destination, Uros Island. Uros Island is one of 40 floating islands on Lake Titicaca. These are entirely man made islands constucted from reeds which grow in the lake. Uros is populated by ... read more
View from a small island

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island February 26th 2008

Isn't "Floating Islands" some kind of meringue desert? The ride from Arequipa to Puno was really interesting. The high desert gradually got more and more filled with cactus and grass as we kept getting higher and higher. It has been pretty cloudy the past week, so there were no mountains visible, just very low clouds. And then suddenly you are on the antiplano with herds of llamas and alpacas. We even had to stop a couple of times to allow the alpacas to get off of the road. It's still pretty desert-like, but as we kept getting higher (Puno is at 12,500 feet) there was more water. Soon the countryside looked like Scotland or Ireland or Iceland (in summer)--impossibly green with treeless mountains and rushing streams, except there were llamas among the sheep and Inca agricultural ... read more
Traditional boat
Dragon head prow
Phone home

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island February 14th 2008

So these past 4 or 5 days we have been hardcore tourists. In order to get the most out of our time and money, we must be hardcore. Dozens of churches, museums, markets, festivals, we must hit them all. Forget pleasure, tranquility, and leisure, we´re on the move baby! I admit it´s a bit tiring and I´m getting burned out. If I were traveling for months at a time, I would go at a much slower pace. On the way back from Aguas Calientes and through the Sacred Valley to Cusco, we saw a festival (for Carnival) on the side of the road. We stopped our taxi to join the festivities in this small town. We were the only tourists there and it was an incrediably pure cultural experience. The first thing I did was to ... read more

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island February 2nd 2008

Puno - hoerte sich im Reisefuehrer ganz nett an, aber dieser Flecken ist nicht schoen, nichtmal sch..., es ist einfach nur ein Flecken. Viele Haeuser sind unverputzt, ueberall wird gebaut. Lediglich der Platz an der Kathedrale, die Fussgaengerstrasse LIMA und der auf der anderen Seite angrenzende Platz sind anschaulich. An der Kathedrale treffe ich die Reisegruppe wieder, die ich schon auf dem Weg nach Copacabana im Bus getroffen habe. Mit ein paar Leuten ging es dann erst zum Chinesen, dann heisse Schokolade trinken (hier ist es manchmal verdammt kalt, also denkt bloss nicht, ich waere im Sommerurlaub und das waere hier Zucker schlecken) und Kuchen (nur die Maedels) und etwas tanzen. Den Tag darauf war ich dann auf einer Privattour. Der Guide (eine alte Mutti) sprach schlechter englisch als ich spanisch. Trotzdem klappte es halbwegs mit ... read more
Maedchen denken immer nur an das EINE: KUCHEN!
Die alte Bank der Spanier in Chucuito.
Im phallischen Tempel - hier wird in Reih und Glied gestanden.

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island November 26th 2007

Hei igjen ! Etter en fin og innholdsrik tur fra Cusco har vi endelig kommet fram til den meget omtalte og sagn omsuste innsjoen i Peru/Bolivia.Det er verdens hoystbeliggende innsjoe som strekker seg fra det ene landet og inn i det andre.Innsjoen er enormt stor.Tar times vis og krysse den med baat.Vi var bare i den ene enden av innsjoen. Det var fantastisk og besoke Uros indianerne som hold til paa en av de mange flytende oyene.Oyene er bygd opp paa bare siv som de har flettet sammen i et sinnrikt system.Som gjoer grunnen av oyea veldig sterk.De maa fylle paa med friskt siv en gang i uka for og holde oya flytende.Hvis ikke synker hele sullamitten.Hoevdingens viktigste oppgave er og soerge for at det hele flyter til enhver tid. De har jo sine problemer paa ... read more
Lake Titicaca and Island Taquile
Lake Titicaca and Island Taquile
Lake Titicaca and Island Uros

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island November 15th 2007

14/11-15/11/07 From Cuzco we headed down to Puno (3827m asl), a small town on the side of Lake Titicaca where we originally stopped there to arrange crossing the Bolivian border the next day but ended up heading out to one the most fascinating sights I´ve ever seen. The floating islands of Lake Titicaca. With only a morning to see them, we opted for a short 2-3 hour tour run by a local boat captain who took us out to Uros Islands where we visited a couple of different settlements. The islands are made up of water reeds, as are the houses, beds, boats.... pretty much everything. Stepping on to one for the first time is quite weird. Sort of like walking on a bed of straw in a horse stable. Very cool though. The locals rely ... read more
Captain explaing how the islands are formed (very technical)
Uros Islands - Puno
Reed boat

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island October 20th 2007

We travelled by tourist bus to Puno which is by the Bolivian Boarder and major portal of lake Titikaka. As the state of Cuzco is 3rd charka ‘The navel of the world’ this lake is known as 2nd charka ‘The womb of mankind’. The lake itself is 3810 meters above sea level which brought on more huffing lung activity for me. The lakes are a whopping vision of 8562 sq meters in circumference. We went to the legendary floating islands called Uros. The locals have used heaps of natural reeds to build these small islands, which are so fragile that one average sized lady from our tour fell through the floor and lost her shoe, yet most of the islands ladies are very buxom lasses. It is claimed that the people rarely leave the islands. They ... read more
The Koreans and their vision..
You want MORE!
Little fry and I

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