Blogs from Arequipa, Arequipa, Peru, South America - page 17


South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa June 13th 2010

We are finally awake in Arequipa. The traveling here was really rough. We left Miami at 7:15pm and arrived in Lima, Peru at 1:00am. Needless to say we were absolutely exhausted! Líma´s airport is pretty cool, it´s open 24 hours a day for flights like ours. So at like 2am I got Papa Johns and Jose got a dish called Lomo Saltado which is a Peruvian dish with beef. We then went into the terminal and tried to sleep but between all of the announcements and the workers making sure we were waiting for the correct flight, it was pretty difficult. It´s amazing how different security is in third world countries. They didn´t care if we were wearing our shoes, didn´t check for liquids at all, in fact we brought water bottles (the reusable ones filled ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa June 11th 2010

Arequipa Neither Eirin or I are big fans of easy travelling. So on our way from New York to La paz we spent one night in Panama airport, one night on the bus from Lima to Arequipa, and then one night on a bus from Arequipa to La Paz. But with the standard of the seats at the airport, and the buses in Peru, it´s just a pleasure to travel like that... eh, almost... We had a day in Arequipa thoug. And like last time I was there, we visited a museum which contain a frozen girl found at a volcano in Peru. She was offered together with three other kids to the gods. This was a normal procedure by the Inca´s. The body was well preserved when she was found, and has therefor given the ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa June 7th 2010

We arrived into Arequipa kast night in the evening. We were with our two new friends, Rob and Dave. We all shared a taxi from the terminal terrestre (bus terminal) to a hotel called "Las Nuñez" for a total of S5 (under $2). The hotel was nice. We managed to talk the lady down from her original price of S75 including breakfast, to S60 not including breakfast. This gave us our own private room and private bath with cable TV - all for about $20. Good deal. Nice rooms across from each other. Dave and Rob's room had an upstairs too and about 6 beds in the room - same price! Today we woke up and walked around the city. Our goal was to book a Colca Canyon trek for tomorrow, find a new hostel that ... read more
Cathedral in Central Park
Breakfast View

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa June 5th 2010

sabado, 5 de junio Arequipa, would love to give you all the spiel but we're so far behind the diary that we no longer have any of the guides. Arequipa, much like Sucre in Bolivia, is known as the White City. Not because the buildings are made from volcanic rock but in fact because the inhabitants have a fairer shade of skin to the rest of Peru (and the inherent superiority complex that comes with it). Not really. I hope for your own sake you didn't believe that. It's true they are paler, it's true that they hold themselves higher than other Peruvians, the naming they could never get away with. Arequipa follows the same grid system as the rest of South America (or the World but the UK), the main square in the centre of ... read more
Arequipa Cathedral
Me on the streets
Nearby Misti volcano

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa June 5th 2010

Greetings from Arequipa! After an uninteresting day in Lima, I realized why it was uninteresting: because major cities are all western-style and boring! I booked a 15-hr overnight bus to Arequipa, in the south of peru. I called Roxana to tell her I´d phone when I returned to Lima, bought some food and was off. Pariwana (my hostel in Lima) had a travel agent that helped me book - in general they were great, albeit a little too ultra-hip-traveller for me (nirvana, the doors and aerosmith playing 24-7, with Nsync thrown in for good measure). The bus was alright - comfy seats, I brought along my own yummy food (peanut butter (yes, peanut butter), avocado, cheese, crackers and some pita-style bread), the movies were awful american movies but alas I woke up in a new place, ... read more
Plaza de Armas, Arequipa
City street
Sort of like that graduation arch at rutgers...

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa June 1st 2010

It has been a few weeks since my last entry (and I am receiving fewer and fewer e-mails), so I decided today is the day to catch up on blogging. The most exciting thing that I´m doing these days is taking salsa lessons. I´ve been taking them three times a week for a few weeks now, and I´m beginning to notice that I no longer dance like a robot. I think the classes are working!! I´m in a beginner class with a few other volunteers and some Peruvians. The classes are entirely in Spanish as the teacher doesn´t speak any English, so I´m learning lots of prepositions and the names of the dance steps in Spanish. Other than that, I don´t understand anything. I´m noticing that I can only do one thing at a time--Spanish or ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa May 30th 2010

An Andreas Geburtstag verlassen wir Cusco und fahren rund 8 Stunden in Richtung Arequipa. In einem verlassenen Ort, Pampa Canahuas, wechseln wir Bus, um noch am selben Tag die Region um den Colca Canyon zu erreichen. Der Colca Canyon ist mit seinen rund 1200 Metern Tiefe einer der tiefsten Canyons der Welt. Kondore kreisen in der guten Thermik am Rand der Schlucht, was viele Touristen in diese Region lockt. Die Landschaft um den Colca Canyon ist einmalig. Bauern leben in kleinen Doerfchen teils ganz unten in der Schlucht. Alle Abhaenge sind seit der Praeinkazeit terrassiert, nur so ist einfache Landwirtschaft hier moeglich. Viele der Doerfer im Canyon sind ueber keine Strasse erschlossen, einzig ein schmaler Fussweg fuehrt die Schlucht hoch zur Strasse, von wo aus einige Busse in die groesseren Orte fahren. Nach einer Nacht in ... read more
Umsteigen im Niemandsland

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa May 29th 2010

We nearly didn't have today to explore the city as we'd hoped for. When trying to book a night bus at the bus station in the morning, I ended up talking with the vendor on crossed wires and nearly bought a ticket for the bus leaving in an hour. He was less than happy with my mistake. Another fresh coffee to the good, we went to meet the 3 Canadian Shipman sisters (Heather, Erin and Jill) from our Inca Trail group, who had arrived in Arequipa the previous day. It was good to see them again since they had left Cusco very early the morning after we returned from Machu Picchu. We had a delicious lunch of mixed ceviche (fish and seafood cooked only in lemon juice and chilli, served with sweet potato and salad) and ... read more
Plaza de Armas
Plaza de Armas
Ceviche for Lunch

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa May 26th 2010

Needing the previous night's sleep to continue recovering from the Inca Trail, we opted for a day bus to Arequipa today, from which we could explore the Colca Canyon and, if we were lucky, spot condors! I think I slept for 90% of our 8 hour bus journey, thus not much to report from today. We booked our tour of the canyon from our hostel and enjoyed dinner in a balcony restaurant overlooking yet another beautiful plaza complete with gardens, fountain, churches and cathedral. The buildings here are made from volcanic ash (hence its nickname as the White City) from the Chachani volcano (which has 7 craters) which last erupted 800,000 years ago. Other active volcanoes surrounding the city are Misti (5800m, last erupted in 1560) and Pichu Pichu, The city also experiences seismic tremors daily, ... read more
Arequipa by Night
Arequipa by Night

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa May 18th 2010

Having to do blogs more often at the moment as seeing so many things and travelling so much so better to do more often and shorter, lots of pickies and i cut back from original amount! We set off from Lima at 0430, with three new Gappers Charlie, Mike and Sarah. We headed down the west coast of Peru through the second most driest place on earth towards Huacachina, an oasis in the desert surrounded by sand dunes. On the way we visited the Balleras Islands, similar to the Gallapagas islands with many birds, penguins and sealions. We went around the island in a speedboat which stopped close to the rocky shore so we could see the wildlife and smell the bird pooh! When we arrived at the hotel in the oasis we had the opportunity ... read more
The landscape
Hotel pool

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