Blogs from Arequipa, Arequipa, Peru, South America - page 14


South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa November 30th 2010

Rano jsme se vzbudili v 5, ale nakonec jsme z posteli vylezli az v 6, udelali si snidani na ohni a po 7 jsme vyrazili smerem k vesnici Llahuar. Cesta vedla hlavne dolu kopcem, takze se to dalo. Tady nam jeden mistni chlapik rekl o aute, ktere jede asi za hodinu kousek odsud a ze s nim muzeme jit. My po dvou dnech chozeni s nalozenymi bagly jsme se ho snazili drzet, pak jsme se na to vyprdli a radeji si uzivali okolni scenerie nez jako blazni skoro bezet za mistnim. Nakonec se nam uplne ztratil, nastesti se nam cestu najit podarilo a i ono "auto" coz byl v podstate stary nakladak, ktery dovazi mistnim horalum jidlo, piti. Krome toho dovezl treba i plech na strechu a rakev... Zbozi co se dovezlo se prelozilo na osly ... read more
Colca canyon
posledny most/ last bridge
leniva lama/ lazy lama

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa November 27th 2010

Pomalu se ucime travit noc v autobuse a uz i umime usnout a par hodin se moc nebudit. Dnesni rano nebylo vyjimkou a zase jsme se vzbudili v buse smer Arequipa, asi druhe nejvetsi mesto v Peru s jednim milionem lidi. Meli jsme asi 2 hodky zpozdeni, ale co uz - i na to je treba si zvyknout... Vzali jsme si taxika z terminalu do hostelu co jsme si nasli, ale pan taxikar jaksi "zapomel" smer a odvezl nas k jinemu nastesti jen kousek od toho naseho, ale samozrejme si zauctoval trochu navic. Tady jsme pak zase smlouvali jak se dalo - jako obvykle zacali na 60 a dostali se na 30 - jako obvykle, dobre pro obe strany, zvlast kdyz tu neni ted sezona. Sli jsme se pro jit po meste a Arequipa je skutecne ... read more
na ceste do Arequipy/ on the way to Arequipa

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa November 24th 2010

Arequipa – die weisse Stadt, hat ihren Namen unter anderem von einem vulkanischen Gestein, das als Bausubstanz verwendet wurde. Das sympathische Städtchen wurde vom Tourismus noch nicht so vereinnahmt wie andere Orte in Peru. Im Hostal Flying Dog sahen wir wieder die beiden Polen Michal und Olja, mit denen wir abendessen gingen. An unserem letzten Tag in Cusco werden wir ihnen zufälligerweise wieder über den Weg laufen. Von Arequipa aus starteten wir unseren Ausflug ins Colca-Canyon.... read more
Michal und Olja sollten wir wieder und wieder treffen...
Peruaner lieben Tauben...

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa November 23rd 2010

I just realised how behind my blog is. This is no reflection on how busy I have been however, rather the age old tale of 'if you want something done, give it to someone busy', and I've not been busy so I've been putting it off and off as it seems so long ago. I'll keep it brief nonetheless. I made a speedy return to Peru after I lost my card on my final day in Tarija and realised I needed to get back across the border to access my money in Peru (BCP bank, I hate you). 19 hour bus to La Paz and returned to faithful Loki for Zoe's last night, and another guy, and no-one remembering anything that happened except my toe nail got lost in the process haha. It was a good ... read more
Snow on our journey back!?

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa November 9th 2010

Next we travel a rough, dirt road which goes on for miles to the Colca Canyon—one of the deepest canyons in the world. We spend one night in the town of Chivay, a picturesque village near the canyon, where we enjoy the local hot thermal baths some well deserved relaxation after the Inca Trail. With a re-boost of energy and a belly stuffed full of lama steak, we then take a tour around the canyon, stopping in beautiful villages and at scenic lookouts, where we are lucky to see the flight of Andean Condors flying over the Andes. We then return to Arequipa for to get some food with the group at a local café and then rest up before the night bus to Nazca.... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa November 7th 2010

After a night of celebrating back in Cuzco, we take a morning flight to Arequipa. Peru’s second most important city after Lima, Arequipa is more a traditional colonial style city and more laid back pace in comparison with the capital. Arequipa has its nickname, “the White City.” as was built from a very light coloured volcanic rock. The main plaza is filled with cafés and nearby cathedral is a main feature to this quaint city, we also visit the Convent of Santa Catalina.... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa November 6th 2010

After having to wait 8 days for our Argentinian visas (should have been 3 days!), we were really glad to get out of Santiago and Chile, even if this did mean getting a 33 hour bus back up north. We'd stayed again at Hostel Casa Roja in the capital, the staff really helped us to chase the frustrating Argentine Embassy and we became one of the family. We arrived in dusty Arica after our long and boring journey (extra boring because all the films were dubbed in Spanish). We only stayed one night near the bus station so didn't do this town justice and left early the next morning for Peru!! Took a 'collectivo' taxi with 2 locals over the Chile/Peru boarder and to a town called Tacna. Really easy boarder crossing and very helpful driver. ... read more
Arequipa (2)
Arequipa (3)
Arequipa (4)

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa October 23rd 2010

Day 48-23rd October Well blimey we were shattered! We had a bit of a lay in but had A) become very used to waking up at 05:00 and B) needed to pack and check out by 11:00 so we were up and eating brekkie by 08:00, boy did my shoulders, feet and knees hurt but it felt good to be on solid ground since I had spent the previous two days feeling like a monkey with vertigo, and one thing I can say about the point hostels is that the food is not arf’ bad! I forget the lady’s name who cooks at that hostel but she and her two boys are very nice and she makes a cracking scrambled egg, the only thing its missing is brown sauce. Once we’d scoffed our breakfasts (I had ... read more
Ellory and Tom Jeremy
Un PETA friendly feet
Arequipa Plaza de Armas

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa October 12th 2010

La Ciudad Blanca The city of Arequipa, with a population of around 1 million, is Peru’s second largest. Most of the buildings in the city’s historical centre are made from the white volcanic stone silla, giving the city its nickname “La Ciudad Blanca” (the White City). The Plaza de Armas has the magnificent backdrop of two of Peru’s snow-capped volcanoes behind its Northern aspect which, combined with the Plaza’s almost exclusively white buildings, makes it one of Peru’s most photogenic plazas. We arrived in Arequipa at 6AM on Monday morning. We agreed to the s/6 fare to our hostel (we later discovered it was only s/4) and checked in to La Reyna, two blocks from the Plaza de Armas. A twin ensuite with the best shower I’ve had in South America and fast, reliable internet, the ... read more
La Reyna
The Plaza's North Western aspect
Santa Catalina Monastery

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa October 2nd 2010

Leaving Huaraz on the weekend of chaotic elections, I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get a bus to Arequipa and would have to spend a few more days in Lima, but luckily I was able to get a bus for the same day that I arrived in Lima. The journey to Arequipa from Lima was rather long - 18 hours in fact, as Peru’s second city is in the far south of the country. The city did not feel at all Peruvian; the majority of the city centre is made from sillar (a local white stone), which is why Arequipa is yet another South American city nicknamed “La Ciudad Blanca” or “The White City”. Though it cannot compare to its Bolivian counterpart, Sucre, in terms of beauty. The name of the city comes from ... read more
Arequipa Plaza de Armas
Santa Catalina Convent
Iglesia de la Compania

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