Blogs from Arequipa, Arequipa, Peru, South America - page 15


South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa September 28th 2010

From Ica we took our first overnight bus 12 hours down to Arequipa. The bus companies in Peru don't have the most reliable reputations; Cruz del Sur is supposed to be the most safe, but a bit more expensive than the others. We got the last two tickets on the bus so not only were our seats not next to each other, but they were right near the bathroom! We were booked in the semi-cama class, which basically like a regular bus seat and only partially reclines (cama class reclines almost all the way into a bed). Lesson learned: book tickets early and make sure you are far away from the bathroom. Arequipa is Peru's second largest city. Most people visit to see the Colca Canyon which is the world's second largest canyon (bigger than the ... read more
Colca Canyon

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa September 26th 2010

On a vraiment aimé la ville d'Arequipa. On y a mangé comme des rois, on s'est prélassé dans la plus belle place des armes qu'on ait vu juqu'à présent et on s'est promené pendant des heures des ses petites rues pittoresques. Les édifices étaient colorés et lorsqu'ils avaient une grosse porte en vieux bois, souvent, ça voulait dire qu'il y avait une petite cour intérieure avec soit des fleurs, ou une belle fontaine... Les rues étaient en pierre alors ça donnait un style "vieux Montréal", très cool :) La ville est aussi entourée de 3 montagnes dont le volcan inactif'"le misti" qui s'élève à environ 5800m! Les 2 hôtels où nous sommes restés avaient des terrasses sur leur toit et on pouvait admirer la ville et les montagnes. La place des armes était vraiment impressionnante. Il ... read more
Place des armes le soir
Moi et mon trio de viande
Belle cour intérieure, le soir

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa September 19th 2010

Ola, We arrived in Arequipa, southern Peru, to a beautiful sunrise. After getting off the bus, we booked our transport to our next destination and the cabbed into the city to our hostel called Hostel Sol de Oro. We had some food and then headed into the old town. Once again, the city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site but, unlike Quito, Arequipa deserves its title. Most of the buildings in the old town are at least 300 years old and they are built of sillar, which is a white volcanic rock that glistens in the sunlight. Our first stop in town was the Monasterio de Santa Catalina. It is a huge convent with many beautiful courtyards, buildings and passageways. We were both pleasantly surprised with it and spent almost two and a half hours there! ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa September 19th 2010

Hallo Allemaal, Even een korte update van ons reisverhaal. Dit keer reizen we Peru in en worden we aangenaam verrast door de vriendelijkheid en vrolijkheid van de mensen in Arequipa. Verder dalen we bijna 1500 meter af in Canyon del Colca om daar vier dagen het warme, dorre landschap te verkennen. Arequipa Nadat we Bolivia hadden verlaten zijn we Peru binnen gegaan. Op naar Arequipa, de tweede grootste stad van Peru. Deze stad, met hun zeer trotse bewoners is echt prachtig. Het bijna 500 jaar oude centrum kenmerkt zich door de witte gebouwen, gemaakt van vulkanische gesteente dat ze 'sillar' noemen. Vandaar dus ook de naam ´de witte stad´. Ook de grote, rijkelijk bewerkte kathedraal en het grote klooster zijn van deze stenen gemaakt. Voor ons was het weer de eerste kennismaking met de moderne wereld ... read more
Dansend door de straten
Condor in vlucht

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa September 13th 2010

Arequipa is a very beautiful city, colonial style. And, the weather is good! Our first night we stayed at "The Point", not recommended if you wanna see something of the city, and not just party. It lies quite a distance from the center. We moved out immediately the next morning and found a cosy place called "Hostal Santa Catalina", and paid only 40 soles for a "matrimonial" with bathroom and tv!! Wow, was this heaven after some of the dorms we've slept in.. They even had a rooftop terrace. Anyways, the guys at the reception are also really eager to help you with booking tours. We've had some bad experiences with some of our agencies, so we wanted to do our own research this time. We decided to do the 3 day Colca Canyon trekking with ... read more
And here's one for you mum!
Coutyard of the monastery
Old fashion stove

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa September 11th 2010

Okay , I have been out of Soles for about 3 days and Jenessa has beenmy atm. However this morning I went on an adventure to get some of my own money... THE DAMN MACHINE ATE MY DEBIT CARD BECUASE OF SECURITY REASONS!!!!! So, now I am only trying to use VISA... Do you know how many places take visa in a 3rd world country... YA ONLY CLOTHING STORES... WTF!!!!!! ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa September 9th 2010

Hallo zusammen Ich bin schon seit fast zwei Wochen in Arequipa (Peru). Es gefaelt mir super. Arequipa ist vom Vulkan Misti (5822m), vom Chachani (6075m) und von weiteren Bergen umgeben. Die Bewohner von Arequipa sagen, als der Mond sich von der Erde getrennt hat, hat er vergessen Arequipa mitzunehmen. Arequipa wird auch die weisse Stadt genannt, da die Gebaeude mit den hellen Vulkansteinen gebaut sind :-)) Ich bin momentan ins suesse Studentenleben eingetaucht, das heisst ich lerne spanisch :-)), puhh ganz schoen anstrengend, habe immer von 09.00 - 13.00 Uhr Schule und dann meistens noch ca. 1-2 Stunden Hausaufgaben :-), manchmal schwirren die Spanischwoertli nur so im Kopf rum .... naechste Woche werde ich auch noch die Schulbank druecken und dann werde ich weiterziehen..... ;-) sodeli hier noch ein paar Foeteli von Arequipa.... ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa September 7th 2010

Good day... Well so far I have been traveling for over 17 hours by bus from Lima to Arequipa. It was the most terrifying experience of my life... well almost the most terrifying... it would have to be going on the drop of fear this year and screaming like a little school girl all the way up and then all the way down... The bus was traveling on roads that were clearly to narrow for it and it would solve its problem like a fat bully in school. Just honk and pretty much tell all the rest of the cars to get the hell out of his way. Jenessa and I had GREAT seats right at the front of this double Decker coach so we could see all the action and we knew that if we ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa September 2nd 2010

Arriving after an absolutely freezing bus ride we first went about sorting out a bus for Manuela. This would be the morning that Manuela was parting ways with the group and heading back to Chile. So after sorting out a bus for her to the border town of Tacna we grabbed a cab with our new English mates from the trek and headed for our hostels. We had decided to stay in what they would refer to as a poshtel. Basically a hostel with a bar and wifi. We're not exactly talking hotel standard here but the boys are on a tight budget so went to one of the cheapest places they could find. They got out first as the cabby actually knew where their hostel was. After figuring out that the cabby was bullshitting us ... read more
Pretty epic.
Lone condor.

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa August 16th 2010

Hi friends, I arrived back in Canada on Saturday and am relaxing at my parents' in Cochrane, enjoying the neverending daylight, and working on getting my apartment painted and ready to move into. About a month ago, Nancy Cole, a past colleague joined me in Arequipa for a few days before we headed off to travel. Nancy arrived in Arequipa from the coast and learned firsthand about altitude sickness, a problem she would encounter many more times on her trip. I was happy to have a few extra days in Arequipa while Nancy became acclimatized, as I came down with a sinus cold. We took a VERY well heated night bus to Cusco a few days later, whereupon I put on my pajamas, a toque, scarf, gloves, heavy sweater, jacket and (no word of a lie) ... read more
Machu Picchu

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